SmartGit 2.0.7 (2011-10-06) =========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Pull: internal error for detecting unpushed submodule changes - Push Advanced: did not respect remote tracked branch if it was named differently - refresh: internal error in case of GITLINK-obstruction - Log: - internal errors - regressions since 2.0.4: irrelevant merge commits were reported for sub-directory logs - internal error in case of corrupted .git/ORIG_HEAD or .git/MERGE_HEAD - Rebase: internal error when invoked in merging state - Codebase integration was broken for recent Codebase API changes - file watcher crashed on OS X 10.5 SmartGit 2.0.6 (2011-07-27) =========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - on OS X 10.7 the file watcher was broken - Pull (submodules): internal error if submodule is set to ref which should be forwarded to updated remote ref - fixed handling of line separators (in order of precedence): - use line endings of the file as present on disk - if file has no line endings, or mixed line endings, determine "eol" attribute for .gitattributes - if not found, use value specified by core.eol - if not found, use system line separator This holds true for all editors except of the built-in basic editor which is invoked on Open. This one will use line endings as on disk, or system line endings otherwise. SmartGit 2.0.5 (2011-07-06) =========================== Improvements ------------ - documentation: added section about directory and file states - built-in SSH client: improved support for personal firewalls - set the VM-property smartgit.sshClient.scriptPath to an existing directory path (without spaces on Windows) to define the location where the temporary scripts will be stored - set the VM-property smartgit.sshScript.maxCount to a maximum number of scripts Fixed Bugs ---------- - Pushable Commits: push did use force option and hence might have overwritten remote changes - Log: - performance bottleneck for many stashes - internal error when parsing malformed author-information - merge commits might have not been displayed for subdirectory logs - Refresh: - Linux, Mac: files with executable bit set were always displayed as modified when using Java 1.5 - failed in case of conflicts in .gitmodules - internal error related to submodules - internal error when directory was replaced by symlink - various commands: internal error when working tree was located at file system root - Pull/others: submodules were not properly updated - Push: warning about missing "origin" even if there is just one remote - Push Advanced: - internal error when entering ':' as port of non-default remote branch - "Current branch was selectable even if there was no current branch - Show Changes: error for added files which are modified in the working tree - built-in SSH client: - constantly recurring finger print dialog for upper-case host names - internal error in case of invalid "host key algorithm" wish list - Clone: - internal error when invoking "Select from " - internal error when trying to clone webdav-repository - Clone/Add Submodule: internal error if URL contained duplicate // - Linux: kept selection visible in text fields when losing focus SmartGit 2.0.4 (2011-04-05) =========================== Improvements ------------ - Branch Manager: show tag-ID and message (only for annotated tags) - Linux: use xdg-open to open URLs in the default browser - Setup: git-executable from default settings should be honored - Sync: show warning, if merge/rebase had not been performed because it's switched off Fixed Bugs ---------- - Branch Manager: - possible internal error when trying to delete a remote branch - scroll position was reset on every asynchronous update - Clone: possible internal error when trying to clone SVN repository via svn+ssh:// - Commit: "~" in "commit.template" path not properly processed - Index Editor: saved file with default line separators instead of original separators - Log: - Next/Previous Change did not work if two commits have been selected - if frame is open and minimized, it was not maximized on next Log invocation - possible internal error related to rename-detection - Preferences, Conflict Solver: after showing an error, the input field was hidden - Project: possible internal error when closing project window - Pull: did not work on multiple repositories - Refresh: - possible internal error related to file monitor - symlinks did not show up as modified SmartGit 2.0.3 (2011-02-08) =========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - SSH connection logs may pile up in temp directory - Refresh: - internal error if file/directory gots obstructured - .git/info/excludes was not honored if core.excludesfile exist - Windows: possible internal error when using Cygwin Git - credential dialogs: - if the user enters private key file name, the error message hid the information about the SSH server - if no private key file was known, the passphrase input field was prefocused though the one for the private key file should be - various submodule-related problems - Ignore dialog: internal error when typing invalid regular expression patterns - Log: - internal error clicking on the first commit node - Delete Tag/Branch dialog: internal error clicking Delete without selection - renames were not followed under certain conditions - internal error trying to open a working tree in the root of a drive (e.g. network share) on Windows - Clone (GitHub): - UI asked for API token where password should be provided causing - internal error when listing repositories - Commit: when Push option is selected, not the submodule's repository was pushed, but the parent one - Pull: optional initialization of submodules did not work Further notes ------------- - OS X: Quartz-rendering is now on by default - Windows: the portable bundle now includes a JRE to make it really portable SmartGit 2.0.2 (2011-01-07) =========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: - fixed internal error while content is fetched - internal error when invoking "Compare with Working Tree" - default perspective layouts were identical - launching SmartGit with project as command line parameter: - incorrectly escaped path sent to already running SmartGit instance - if unknown project path was used and the option "reopen last project" was set, the provided project was ignored and the last project opened - Codebase integration: added support for API v4 - refresh (project state): fixed possible internal error - when opening a project with obsolete working tree path, an outdated message was shown - OS X 10.5: internal error when launching with Java 1.5 SmartGit 2.0.1 (2010-12-23) =========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Clone: possible internal error when trying to clone Git repository over https:// - Git executable (Windows) - internal error if Cygwin is used, but is not on the PATH - even if msysgit has been configured, cygpath.exe is sometimes invoked if present in the PATH - http://-protocol: confusing password prompts and authentication failures in case username is not part of URL - Log, Branch Chooser dialog: speed-type is broken - Opening project: internal error when trying to open certain working trees - Project window/Log: thread leak - Refresh: - possible internal errors for the initial scanning phase and the project state refresh - after commands certain files/directories might not be refreshed - Reset: added to context menu of submodule - Stage on a directory suggested to add ignored files Happy Christmas to you all! SmartGit 2 (2010-12-17) ======================= Fixed Bugs ---------- - Cleanup is called too frequently - Refresh: internal error after opening project - Commit: manually entered commit message was overwritten by Git's default merge message - Pull: branch..rebase configuration has not been honored SmartGit 2 rc 3 (2010-12-14) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Refresh: internal error for git-svn repositories - Log: various operations created internal error when invoked on "Merging" node - Resolve: did not work for "deleted by them" and "deleted by us" conflict files - Rebase: - internal error double-clicking on the second page - when switching to the second page, the error "nothing to rebase selected" was shown - Branch Manager: after deleting a branch, always the current branch was selected - Project State and Pushable Commits: showed commits even for local tracked branch - Index Editor was enabled for conflict files though it could not be opened because of missing Index state - Log Graph in Merge or Rebase dialog: hard to see colors (gray on gray) for certain selection states SmartGit 2 rc 2 (2010-12-10) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Commit: fixed regression which did not allow to commit staged changes by selecting a staged file Further notes ------------- - set sun.java2d.d3d to false to prevent often-reported VM bugs SmartGit 2 rc 1 (2010-12-09) ============================ New and Improved Features ------------------------- - Clone: Beanstalk support Fixed Bugs ---------- - ignoring a directory did not refresh correctly - Rebase: for "HEAD to" certain valid commits were not allowed - Commit: - unreasonable preselection of "Staged Changes" instead of "Local Changes" - internal error when committing files from multiple working trees - Log: internal error when switching branches SmartGit 2 beta 2 (2010-12-05) ============================== New and Improved Features ------------------------- - Project Manager: ability to open projects - OS X: default toolbar layout makes use of stretching separators Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: internal error when switching branches - endless loop in case of internet connection problems - internal error when clicking "Send E-Mail" button on Linux - Branch Manager: various operations were enabled for git-svn though not applicable - initial docking layout was screwed up - Project Manager: after drag-and-dropped a project, buttons were not correctly enabled - internal error with diff.renames=copy in the .git/config file SmartGit 2 beta 1 (2010-11-29) ============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - http(s)://-repositories which require password couldn't be accessed - evaluation mode did not work - refresh (Linux/OS X): symlinks always showed up as modified - UI: the phrase "tracking branch" was used incorrectly - Log: - checking out a local branch from a remote branch origin/foo--bar suggested the local branch foo-bar (no double minus) - with mergable coloring selected, the wrong color was used for selected, but unfocused nodes - when a command is executed, it was not possible to open a new project window using the menu item SmartGit 2 alpha 4 (2010-11-20) =============================== New and Improved Features ------------------------- - Branch Manager, Set Tracking Branch: show information what to select if just one branch is selected - File Compare/Text Editors: should honor "eol" attribute from .gitattributes resp. .git/config - Log: allow to cherry-pick multiple commits at once - Push: detect if forced push is needed and ask whether to proceed - Startup: slightly faster - Support for more hosting platforms Fixed Bugs ---------- - Branch Manager: evaluation of diverged commits should be tolerant in case of invalid tracking branches - Checkout: When switching branch and reopening checkout, old branch is still marked as "current" branch - Clone: For SVN repositories, "Map SVN trunk, tags and branches" is not honored - File table: double-click should open added files instead of resulting in error message - Index Editor: when trying to close and confirming to save, it does not close - Log: no commit selected initially - Memory leaks resolved - Merge: coloring not updated properly when opening dialog (only after switching branches) - Opening a project which already is open from command line opened an empty new window - Pull: submodules are not properly updated - Refresh: error related to SVN integration which results in failing Refresh - Refresh: performance improvements in case of large .gitignore files - Refresh: possible internal error in combination with core.autocrlf and working tree files just having LF line separators - Stage: staging of submodules broken SmartGit 2 alpha 3 (2010-11-16) =============================== Improvements ------------ - Log: "Rebase HEAD to" should not offer to rebase only single HEAD commit - Rebase: significantly simplified Fixed Bugs ---------- - Branch chooser: refresh operation should be cancelled when dialog is closed - Log: after scrolling in the graph, file table flickered (displaying various commit contents) - Push Advanced: branch table was enabled even when "Push current branch" was selected - Pull: did not perform merge/rebase if no commits were fetched despite local branch is behind tracking branch - Refresh: after closing project, tree-file-structure remained - Refresh: uninitialized submodules were not properly displayed - Startup: unresponsive UI immediately after opening main window SmartGit 2 alpha 2 (2010-11-11) =============================== Improvements ------------ - Index Editor: toolbar button (configurable using Edit|Customize) - Log: Check Out should not suggest to switch to current branch - Require only Git 1.7.1 instead of Git 1.7.2 - Branch chooser: "expensive" information is refreshed in background - Stage: applicable on ignored files Fixed Bugs ---------- - Open: internal error when invoking an external tool - Refresh (Windows): internal error for submodules with case-changed file names - Refresh: internal error when using "core.autocrlf=input" - Refresh: possible internal error (related to "Pushable Commits") SmartGit 2 alpha 1 (2010-11-10) =============================== New and Improved Features ------------------------- - Cherry-Pick: - can handle merge commits by selecting the parent commit - unified with Merge - Cherry-Pick/Merge, Commit: one now decides when committing whether to create a merge or simple commit - Clean-Up: - not implicitly invoked after commit/pull, but optionally periodically after opening the project - added aggressive option - moved to Local menu - Clone remembers the last 10 URLs - Commit: - Select from Log: allows to copy message or ID - allow to commit all staged changes even if individual files (with staged changes) are selected - support for commit templates (commit.template) - optionally can push directly after commit - Log: - optionally show also commits which are not reachable any more from tags or branches (but recorded in the reflog) - selecting two commits allows to compare them - added commands: - Check Out - Create Tag/Branch - Delete Tag/Branch - Merge - Cherry Pick - Reverse Merge - Rebase (to HEAD, HEAD to) - renamed/moved files are shown - for subdirectories and files changes from all branches are shown - branch and merge coloring - remembers recently shown roots and allows to select multiple roots to be shown - can now be used independent of the project window - visually improved tag and HEAD display - improved file log performance - removed Directories tool window - Pull: - hides the remotes combobox if there is just one remote repository configured - optionally removes obsolete tracking branches - performance improvement for unchanged submodules - Push: - separated into a "Push" (to origin, can work on multiple repositories) and "Push Advanced" (just one repository) - Push Advanced allows to push to custom target - Rebase: supports rebasing empty branches - Reset: improved description - Resolve command to resolve conflicting files (git checkout --ours/--theirs) - Reverse Merge - Stage Lines renamed to Index Editor - Stage/Unstage now available in context menu of submodule roots - Switch: resets submodules - new tool windows: - Pushable Commits - Commit Message (to edit the commit message while reviewing changes) - refresh: - supports .gitattributes - improved performance - support for sparse working trees - add and remove remote repositories - optionally open the last used project when opening - 2 perspectives (Main and Review) with their own tool window layouts - project file table: - added Ext. column for easy sorting by extension - configure shown columns - drag and drop files from SmartGit to external applications, e.g. to open them in a text editor - working-tree settings stored within working-tree (.git/smartgit.config) - support for local tracking branches - file filter allows to filter by multiple patterns, e.g. "*.png, *.gif" - local file state distinguish between modified in content/EOLs only/file mode - toolbar: - customizable - optionally show text below icons - ability to add stretching separators - when closing a project and there are pushable commits, an optional warning is shown - Github integration: uses configured proxy - Compare 2 Files: uses HEAD if no working tree file found Fixed Bugs ---------- - http-repositories: command hang while waiting for password - Pull/Sync: if invoked too quickly after opening a project, the branch was unknown - Changes view in project window: selecting a file with staged and working tree changes had been reset to "Show Index vs. Working Tree" - Index Editor, Conflict Solver: incorrect coloring for changes at end of file Further notes ------------- Contrary to our announcements, the new SVN integration will not be included for version 2, but only for version 2.1.