SmartGit 20.1.6 (2021-01-05) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Background fetch: possible internal error - Compare: possible internal error - GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket: fetching conflicting pull requests may result in empty pull request commit instead of declaring failure - startup: possible, random internal error related to re-creation of /hgext - Windows: - inefficient refreshing on subst-ed drive - possible internal error when entering invalid drive letter in file/directory input field SmartGit 20.1.5 (2020-09-29) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Commit view with commit template message does not clean comment line (as Commit dialog does) - Compare: options for ignoring whitespace are not remembered on "Remember as Default" - Git-Flow, Start Feature: fixed wording in case of fast-forward merge is necessary - Log: possible internal error with swapped node cache - Passwords file: possible empty error dialog in case of corrupt passwords file - Update check is disabled after setting up SmartGit as registered user - Workaround for SmartGit 20.1.4 (2020-07-29) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes: is not cleaned up correctly if file is selected and repository is removed outside SmartGit - Compare, Conflict Solver: - internal error applying last (non-empty) line to other side - Conflict Solver: - "compare.applyGitFilters" was not honored - Distributed Reviews: - Integrate Pull Request: squashing fails with Git error "You cannot combine --squash with --commit" - Files, Copy commands: internal error if invoked in bare repository - Format Patch default external tool: was only available for head commit (regression) - GitHub Enterprise/GitLab: client certificates without password couldn't be used - Log - Graph: Checkout offered to track even remote head branch, e.g. origin/HEAD - Refresh: after opening repository, background tasks (like continuing SVN clone) were not scheduled - Refresh: "File system loop encountered" as part of the node cache refreshing - Settings: bugtracker-settings.xml was not read on first start - SVN: - possible problems when trying to resume a clone - Table control: with table.scrollToSelection=false setting a selection did not unselect previously selected files - Working Tree window: title was not showing open repository under certain conditions SmartGit 20.1.3 (2020-06-23) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - File Log, Blame, Investigate: rename detection for searching the file origin was limited to commits with up to 500 additions/removals - Search for Repositories: added low-level property repositorySearch.autoSearchInDialog to disable the automatic search (useful for slow machines with hard drives) Fixed Bugs ---------- - could not be started with + sign in the path - BitBucket/others: Create Pull Request dialog contained duplicate target entries - Distributes Reviews: - Branches view: "Show Closed Pull Requests" had no effect - External Tools: even if 2 refs are required, the tool could be invoked on a single ref - Find Object, open repository: did not always select open repository - File compare: stderr/stdout redirection for external tools did not work - GitHub: - possible "404 not found" error for subsequent refresh after adding a comment - Log: possible out-of-memory error while refreshing comments - Log: - Files: - for file log, the filter pattern from the repository root log was initialized - Graph: - when filtered, checking out a commit may erroneously check out mapped local/remote branch, e.g. different commit - Linux: right-clicking set focus too late and hence showed an outdated context menu - Refresh: - possible endless loop in file system benchmarking code - Working Tree window: opening broken repository (without admin dir) broke subsequent refreshing and file monitoring until repository was closed and reopened - macOS: - table controls: right-clicking the table header to show the column menu did not work if scrolled - Windows: - cloning to path with lower-case drive letter caused core.worktree to be set resulting in a notification of SmartGit - workaround for a Git bug SmartGit 20.1.2 (2020-05-07) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Commit template: set caret at the end of the first (valid) line (instead of the beginning) - Log, Graph view: set low-level property "log.graph.showMergeCommitsGray" to false to not avoid gray merge commits - Rebase Interactive, Investigate: don't stop after title when shortening message - Search/Filter: set low-level property "fileSearchOrFilter.matchInside" to false to match the file name start - Refresh: set low-level property "nodecache.reflogRoots.followSymlinks" to false to prevent possible "java.nio.file.FileSystemLoopException" Fixed Bugs ---------- - Blame: didn't distinguish between trailing line ending or not - Branches view: Del key did not invoke Delete command on focused remote - Commit: committing many files created multiple commits - Compare, Index Editor: did not keep posix file mode on save - Files view: "intent-to-add" files showed up as "modified" - Gravatar images: incorrectly sized when switching between display zoom level 100% <-> 200% on the same machine - JIRA integration (cloud instance): didn't re-ask for password in case of HTTP error 403 - Linux: launcher script suggested to try SWT_GTK3=0 though GTK2 is not supported any more - Log - Changes view: changes for "assume unchanged" files were not displayed (as in Working Tree window) - Commit view: missing primary "parent" link for merge commit when "Follow Only First Parent" is selected - Files view: internal error comparing Index with conflicts against commit - Graph view: signed commit symbol was not supported by macOS system font - window could be closed while a command was running - pressing Ctrl+Shift+3 if all files are staged, did not focus the right table in the Files view - Preferences, Colors tab: no editor colors were shown on macOS - Refresh: - internal error if core.excludesfile points to invalid path - internal error if HEAD points to non-local branch - possible internal error related to core.ignoreCase=true on case-sensitive file system (e.g. Linux) - removed but ignored, physically existing file showed up as untracked - Stage: - possible internal error for file names containing special characters - possible error "..\System Volume Information" - Windows: possible error "the following file has local modifications" - SSH: using "System SSH" Git was not correctly configured for plink passing invalid arguments ("plink: unknown option "-o"") SmartGit 20.1.1 (2020-03-24) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Commit: internal error double-clicking entry in file completion popup - Clone: internal error if clone finishes after the repository had been removed while cloning - several commands: internal errors for "unusual" file names - Log: - Files view (Linux): staging all files loses focus - Refresh: working tree node doesn't show up after switching back to modified repository Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Setup wizard: the Log vs. Working Tree option covers more changed options now - updated Chinese translation SmartGit 20.1.0 (2020-03-19) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - temp dir cleanup did not work reliable on shutdown - Windows installer: did not uninstall "Open in SmartGit" explorer context menus - Windows: tree control uses full row selection as on other platforms, because seems to be fixed now - SVN: - Log, Graph: "SVN revision" column won't immediately show up after opening SVN repository (but only after first refresh once it's already open) SmartGit 20.1 RC 3 (2020-03-13) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Select JIRA Issue dialog: ability to copy key or summary - Add Worktree: tries to prevent putting working trees inside the repository structure Fixed Bugs ---------- - Add Submodule: possible screwed up layout on second page - Blame: - line selection may jump unexpectedly when browsing through commits - may show wrong "merged through" commit if there are different merge-paths from the commit to the main line - Branches: Pull (and Set Depth): possible internal error trying to invoke on remote of bare repository - Changes view: selecting large binary file can cause OOME by calculating hash - Ignore: ignored escaping backslash characters when writing ignore file - Log: - Graph: filtering for a single commit in large repository should not cache all commit data encountered - Open repository: when opening a repository that already is open in a minimized window, this window will be restored - Output: may show unexpected "[K..." prefix with recent Git versions - Refresh: - possible internal error related to untracked-missing rename detection - Removing missing repository might fail if the repository was open in another window - Repository search: repository in drive root had no useful name - Stage: - on repository on symlink root may remove files instead of adding them - Windows: - possible internal error related to case-only-changed files - with ignoreCase=false, missing files from case-change can't be staged - macOS: file completion in file or directory input fields fails on symlinks Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Working tree window: - by default show Commit view and hide Commit toolbar button - by default the Files view shows 2 lists for Working Tree and Index - Commit: by default the commit dialog selects to commit staged files, even if a working tree file without staged changes is selected SmartGit 20.1 RC 2 (2020-03-04) =============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log window: - Branches: - Compare with HEAD: should be disabled for the current branch - Working tree window: - Repositories: ahead/behind information (orange/green arrow) is not properly cached for non-favorite repositories - macOS: default external tool "Open in Terminal" might be created multiple times if the application bundle is renamed or accessed from different file systems - Windows: Stage: possible "System Volume Information" error for repositories located on drive root - SVN: - Clone: logs FileSystemException when detecting symlink support on Windows SmartGit 20.1 RC 1 (2020-02-25) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Log, Graph: denote signed tags - Interactive Rebase: if merge commits were detected in the commits that should be rebased, a warning is shown that they will be flattened (replaced by normal commits) - dark theme (Windows): lowered contrast of table header separators, text field borders and menu bar separator - (gr)avatar-cache: added low-level property avatar.cache to relocate it Fixed Bugs ---------- - Files view, Index table: states were incorrectly named in Working Tree and Log window - Refresh: - internal error if repository is located on drive root - after commands: - inefficient refreshing after performing an operation on a submodule - broken for submodules located on symlinks - Log, Graph: with "Follow Only First Parent" option, stash may not be aligned with its base commit but show up at the top of the graph - Tree control (macOS): depending on configured selection color white foreground on white background color - Conflict Solver: for unselected "Swap ours and theirs" option, left title should be "Rebase target ("ours")" - Changes view: unified scrollbar not always updates correctly when selecting a new file - .gitconfig: JGit-related lines like 'filesystem "Oracle Corporation|11.0.3-Syntevo|-2078966431"' were added to ~/.gitconfig, now to ~/.jgitconfig Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Pull (toolbar) operates on the opened repository ignoring the Branches selection: - added low-level property pull.honorRemoteSelection to enable honoring of remote selection in Branches view SmartGit 20.1 Preview 10 (2020-02-13) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Blame: improved colors for dark theme - Changes view: "Could not find submodule commit 'Index'" messge includes now the commit ID - Commit message view can be made narrower now - Log: - Graph: - hamburger menu: replaced submenus containing two options with checkbox menu items - added hamburger option "Show Graph While Filtering" (replacing low-level property log.graph.graphicalFiltering) - bare repositories: ref-manimulating operations (delete, update ref) are now possible - ref display: made border color themeable (less bright in dark theme) - Files: right-clicking a file in a non-head commit only shows now external tools that operate on that commit - Commit Details view: right-clicking the commit's ID offers to copy full ID - Commit view, Message: support for comment lines (according to core.commentChar if commit.template is configured) - Find Object (Ctrl+P): - opening an already open repository simply selects it, keeping the other open repositories open, too - Git Flow: - stop operations if fetching of remote branches has actually fetched new commits - Integrate: improved wording for features with custom base branch - Submodule, Add: offers "relative URL" for local repositories, too - Repositories view: require confirmation dragging >1 repository/directory - preferences, Gravatar: added option to clear (disk) cache - startup: command line option --blame honors --anchor Fixed Bugs ---------- - Blame: - internal error if blamed file contains empty commit - internal error if blamed file was deleted and readded - Commit view: committing does not reset message and amend if commit succeeded with a warning (e.g. about LF being replaced by CRLF) - external tool Fast-Forward Merge: possible warning "too many arguments" for umbiguous refs - File monitoring - fix for symlinks in .git-admin area (like the Google repo tool) - possible performance problems in case of many external changes - GitLab, Fetch Pull Request: possibly wrong URL composition - Gravatar: disabled access did not reuse cached images - Log: - Graph: - bare repositories: "Push Up To" was enabled though not applicable - resetting filter might not reveal selected commit with "Follow Only First Parent" option selected - Files: - possible error "missing blob" realted to rename detection in combination with added/remvoed submodules (regression since 19.1) - possible foreground change on mouse-over - ignored configured handlers - macOS 10.15: - preferences showed wrong page Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - removed support for sourcetree:// URLs because the problems for SourceTree were larger than SmartGit's benefit from cloning easily from BitBucket - removed Mercurial support SmartGit 20.1 Preview 9 (2020-01-28) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - i18n: Edit | Customize shows menu item names now i18nized Fixed Bugs ---------- - Commit/Stage: fails for modified submodules (regression in 20.1 preview 8) - External tools, e.g. Open Git Shell: leaked handles (NamedPipe) - SVN: - Clone (Windows): symlink support was not properly detected (SmartGit always assumed that file system did not support symlinks) - process shutdown: temp directory was not cleaned up correctly, because it failed to remove read-only files which were created when opening a file compare (internal or external) - interactive rebase: might have failed with "unsupported noop line" error Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - preview version: more often checks for new builds - GUI: - Files tables: less important columns show values in gray (like macOS Finder does) SmartGit 20.1 Preview 8 (2020-01-22) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Log: - Graph: deleting a local branch should ask for deleting the tracked branch (like in the Branches view) - Files: filter is reset immediately when opening repository - Commit, Checkout, Add, Stage: - improved performance by using more efficient API in Git 2.25+ - Commit view: - Commit reports "git add -- ." in Output, too - LFS: - Track: is allowed to be invoked on unchanged files, too (not just untracked ones) - Refresh: - Windows: support for Git admin area located on different disk than repository root - Working Tree window: - Branches: if pull requests are available a link to open the Log is shown - GUI: - Log, Graph: Filter is reset when switching repository - Log, Window | Show Working Tree Window selects current repository Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: - Commits (Details): fixed performance problem for very large amount of refs - Files: - expensive rename-detection should not delay subsequent operations when switching away from offending commit - Save As stored files read-only - could not open local file in Compare if added file in HEAD commit was selected - Graph: - possible performance problem or OOME after resetting filter with selected old commit - performance problem for old commits with many "On Branches" - Changes, Compare and others: - fixed expensive whitespace drawing (especially for very long lines) - File Compare: - could not save non-US-ASCII characters if file did not contain some originally - if saving failed, a partly written file remained - GUI: - macOS: internal error closing a tree node with children - automatic window placement algorithm failed for windows with larger sizes than the visible area (on Windows 10 the sizes are reported a little bit larger than one would expect it) - Low-level property editor for int: the value was reset silently if value was out of allowed bounds - File monitoring (Windows): - fix for repositories located on symlink Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Windows bundles: updated to Git 2.25 - helper processes (SSH, credentials) should consume less memory now - Pull (toolbar) operates on the opened repository ignoring the Branches selection - Setup wizard: changed default for main window style to "Commits (Log History)" SmartGit 20.1 Preview 7 (2020-01-10) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Blame: - reworked code, built upon DeepGit - performance improved - Log: - changed default for "log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels" to "true" - Graph: moved View | Include Tracked Remote Branches into hamburger menu - Journal: for merge commits, keep showing stubs instead of + signs because they can't be expanded - Gravatar: caches images locally in /gravatar-cache Fixed Bugs ---------- - Ignore Directory: - internal error invoking on root directory => is now only possible to invoke on untracked directories - Log: - Branches: quickly clicking the same checkbox should just toggle the checkbox, but not invoke the double-click command - Files: possible internal error trying to compare 2 files against each other from Index vs. Commit diff - possible interface inconsistencies between Repositories and Graph view when opening multiple repositories at once (regression since 19.1) - Refresh: - possible internal error related to missing/untracked files (regression since 19.1) - possible internal error related to unsupported characters in file names - Repository | Remove: possible internal error if repository was still open in a different window - Stash on Demand: problem with untracked files if "Include Untracked" is not configured in the Preferences - Tools: fix buggy "git --defaultsVersion" tool from regression in SmartGit 18.2.3 - macOS: added workaround for (Search text field required double-click to clear) - Windows: - SmartGit instance started after an update of the installation directory did not resolve the environment variables correctly Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - reworked update of installation directory, especially on Windows when requiring admin rights (own executable instead of batch script) - more reliable waiting for the end of the SmartGit process - macOS: - Graph/Journal: removed support for sophisticated keyboard selection using Cmd (as on Windows/Linux) - changed default Push/Pull commands to more common Cmd+PageUp/Down (instead of Ctrl+PageUp/Down) - upgraded SWT to 4.932 SmartGit 20.1 Preview 6 (2019-12-13) ==================================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: - Cherry-picking multiple commits might change order of commits, sometimes causing the operation to fail, sometimes not Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - updates of the SmartGit installation directory also should be allowed on macOS 10.15 SmartGit 20.1 Preview 5 (2019-12-12) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Log: - Graph: - collapsed merge commits and collapsed squash commits now show a tiny + sign to indicate the expandability - for 2 selected commits on different branches, the selection order is remembered, so the Files and Changes view show the diff in the requested order - Files: - add option for viewing files recursively ( - GitHub integration: more helpful tooltip in case of "Not Found" error (404) - GUI - macOS: - keypad-CR (Enter) should trigger the default button - Discard (and other) dialogs: should accept Enter/Return to confirm Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: - Files: - could show commit files while working working tree node is selected - internal error in File Log when selectin last commit - Commit dialog: double-click Compare was always disabled - Flow, Integrate Develop: possibly wrong default selection between Finish Feature and Integrate Develop - Linux: - Refresh: possible internal error when writing ~/.gitconfig - Linux, macOS: possible internal error when opening/working with repository with submodules - GUI: - Preferences, Editors, Colors: selecting dark editor them with light SmartGit theme is reset on next startup -> the option to select light/dark editor theme has been removed Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - release has been renamed to 20.1 - Windows installer: uninstall the previous version before installing the new one SmartGit 19.2 Preview 4 (2019-11-19) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Commit view: warn if trying to commit while no branch is checked out - Copy ID: - by default, copy short ID (to get long, set copyID.copyFull to true) - set copyID.useUppercase to true to copy with uppercase letters - Discard: don't offer abort-rebase confirmation if a non-root directory has been selected - Edit Commit Message: support for file completion of the commit's files - Log: - Commit (Details): ability to change the line separator used for separating different values (log.details.headerValueSeparator) - Graph: - Follow Only First Parent works now on Git data instead of already layouted graph, resolving various problems - Files: if no or more than 2 graph lines are selected, an informational text is shown - Select Parent/Child: works also if focus is outside the Graph view Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes: - color may sometimes switch between modified and added - Compact display: unexpected "skipped" lines in added blocks - Compare: - forgot some options when using "Remember as Default" - Log: - Changes: still showed changes while no file was selected - Commit: - comments used wrong background color with dark theme - quickly clicking Commit button created 2 commits, the second without changes - Files: selection unexpectedly growed after certain operations - Graph: - Filter: - flicking while typing - possible inefficient processing for certain graph-filter-combinations - possible redundant WT refresh - with dark theme multi-ref boxes were drawn with wrong color - Nio: various crashes related to invalid path representations - Splitted Files view: - possible internal error for certain file states - Startup: for --investigate and --blame the optional line number suffix (:) was broken - Linux: - Compare shows dark background until a file is selected when using Yaru theme SmartGit 19.2 Preview 3 (2019-10-25) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Branches: - Copy Message: for tag messages and stash comments - Gerrit: - detection will consider review.remote configuration - denote target remote in dialog - Files: - Filter input field: - Regular Expression also searches inside a string unless ^ or $ are used - Regular Expression matches against full path (instead of name) only if a slash was found in the search pattern (like for non-regex search, too) - Log: - Creating and checking out a new branch from a remote branch (in the Branches view) also scrolls to the new branch in the Graph - Rebase: - for conflicts the (conflicting) message is now not loaded into the Commit view any more (caused only confusion, because the rebase command should proceeded with Continue, not Commit) - Split Working Tree and Index tables: - can be tuned with low-level properties files.split.vertical and files.split.workingTreeBeforeIndex - macOS 10.14: switching the SmartGit theme set the required org.eclipse.swt.useSystemTheme property automatically Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: - Changes: a single staged file did not show changes - Graph: - on macOS and Linux the context menu commands operated on previous selection - Refresh: - possible internal error if the repository contained multiple shallow commits - problems were not reported, just logged - Compare, Index Editor and others: some commands might been enabled (and consequently triggered) even if not applicable causing internal errors - Compare with Each Other: used wrong, configured Diff tool (for different file types) - Investigate: toggling Line History caused broken layout - Cherry-pick/Revert, Abort: uses "git cherry-pick --abort"/"git revert --abort" now instead of "git reset --hard" (it might be necessary to first discard all local changes, because the --abort commands can't cope with them - but it should be more safe now) - Split Working Tree and Index tables: - fixed several bugs, improved selection/focus handling - Upgrade: some files in the "updater" directory might remain after an upgrade Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - In-place Application Update: more reliable way to detect whether application is closed - Save Stash uses always "git stash push" instead of the deprecated "git stash save" - Windows: uses native launcher to open files in registered application (instead of rundll32.exe or cmd.exe which cause different problems) - upgraded SWT library to v4930r5 - fixing tree-related massive flickering on Linux SmartGit 19.2 Preview 2 (2019-10-11) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Log window: - Graph view: - display Working Tree/Index node directly at HEAD commit (use low-level property log.graph.showWtNodesTopmost to get old behavior) - display single instead of separate nodes for Working Tree and Index changes - Files view: - optionally show Index and Working Tree files in 2 tables - removed option Show Staged Changes - these purely staged changes can now easily be found in the Index table - Commit (Details) view: - shows real parent SHAs for File/Subtree logs, not 'visual parents' - Working Tree window: - Files view: replaced "View | Only Index" and "View | Only Working Tree" with option to show Index and Working Tree files in 2 tables - removed option Show Staged Changes - these purely staged changes can now easily be found in the Index table - Journal/Log Graph views: show full author by default Fixed Bugs ---------- - Compare: possible internal error (regression) - Refresh: - may fail (silently) in case of non-UTF-8 encoding used in .git/config (regression) - Ubuntu 19.04: Delete to Trash was considered as non-supported if no files were trashed before (if no ~/.local/share/Trash/files/ directory existed) Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - macOS 10.15: updating the installation directory seems not to work any more (sandboxed read-only file system), so only light-weight updates are possible automatically (like for DEB bundle on Linux) (maybe we'll find a better solution in the future) SmartGit 19.2 Preview 1 (2019-09-30) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Branches view: add option to show sections (groups) first - Dark theme: Log graph shows refs also in dark mode - File filter: support searching by word parts - Filter input fields: removed limit of up to 10 stored filters - Interactive Rebase: preserves empty commits - Log, Graph: - Filtering: - optimized redundant merges - branches and tags only are shown if they point at the found commit - Output view: - for long outputs first lines are discarded unless they are warning - Repositories view: - Move group to another group - Performance/memory: - Compare/Changes view: several performance improvements - reduced memory consumption for loaded repositories (several changes) - Refresh: - added low-level property core.tags.loadDetails to disable possible expensive access to object database - Log, Graph: - faster initial loading - faster refreshing - Squash Commits: added low-level property squash.selectOldestDate to preselect oldest date - Stage/Unstage: optionally stage/unstage all files recursively - UI: - larger buttons: - Commit view: Commit - Graph view: Continue, Abort, ... - Worktree: added 'git worktree remove' Fixed Bugs ---------- - Bisect: did not show command output - Changes view: for missing submodule commit, commit ID could not be displayed - Push: duplicated displayed warnings after command execution - Log: - Graph: filter input field was not considered as belonging to view - Refresh: fake "missing" files should not be reported when using "core.ignoreCase=true" on a case-sensitive file system - macOS: fixed (invisible) internal errors on exit Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - macOS bundle notarized