SmartGit/Hg 4.0.5 (2013-04-02) ============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Refresh: - possible internal error in case of invalid admin areas - possible internal error related to non-ASCII characters in file names - switching a submodule from a branch to a commit, directory tree was not refreshed - Log: - possible internal error trying to open working tree - Hg: - http(s) repositories for which passwords were not known to Hg did not work - Log: sub-directory logs did not work - SVN: - Push: possible internal error related to creation of .gitconfig - GUI: - space-toggling of checkboxes in tables was broken - Log, Details: bold text could not be copy/pasted on OS X - possible internal error speed-searching with Chinese IME - Conflict-Solver: possible internal error applying some block SmartGit/Hg 4.0.4 (2013-03-07) ============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: HEAD-ref (in Branches view) was not refreshed on change - Refresh: - directories containing git meta data might be falsly reported as submodules - files within submodules were not refreshed after Commit - internal error in case of obstructed directories - possible internal error related to file names only differing in composed vs. decomposed UTF-8 encoding - possible internal error related to submodules - possible internal error related to updating the Pushable Commits - OS X: core.precomposeunicode=true was not honored - OS X: umlauts did not show up properly with JRE 7 - SVN: - Clone: possible internal error during "joining" phase ("git fetch" fails on Windows because of too long command line if there're too many references in the repository) - Clone/Fetch: possible internal error "Cannot compute branch binding" - GUI: - Log: frame title should not include SHA if it's a HEAD Log - Pull dialog: possible internal error related to expand-control - Push: should output progress - Startup: --blame command line did not work, if SmartGit/Hg was already running - Tables (Linux): table columns sometimes disappear - Toolbar (Ubuntu): adding Apply Stash toolbar button made the toolbar significantly wider SmartGit/Hg 4.0.3 (2013-02-14) ============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Blame - Goto Preceding Commit should be present in context menu - scrolling between commits should preserve caret position - Branches view: allow remote selection for tags - Log: Blame should be based on selected commit, not HEAD Fixed Bugs ---------- - Blame: Goto Preceding Commit did not work properly - Branches view: Push did not honor tracked remote of local branch, but always pushed to 'origin' instead - Clone (SVN): background clone fails with error "Cannot find ... among log entries" - Startup: possible internal error when using --log parameter - Setup wizard: 1st option selected but disabled (e.g. with invalid license) SmartGit/Hg 4.0.2a (2013-02-07) =============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Index Editor: internal error when launching SmartGit/Hg 4.0.2 (2013-02-06) ============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Branches: - tooltip for annotated tags give information on the tag itself - Set Tracked Branch uses "git --set-upstream-to" for Git >= 1.8 - GitHub: added system property "smartgit.github.url" to provide the complete URL of a local GitHub server - Pull: added system properties "smartgit.pull.defaultToRebase" and "smartgit.pull.defaultToRememberDefault" to have the Pull dialog default to "Rebase" and "Remember for current branch" Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: - internal error when invoking purely branch-related operation (like Set Tracking) on a tag - missing context menu for "Other Refs" - Clone: possible internal error if Git reports progress > 100% - Push: tried to set up tracking if remote branch did not exist (e.g. because it did not fit into fetch-refspec) resulting in strange error - http(s) authentication problems with username containing uppercase or @ characters - Hg: - Log, Add Tag: was not enabled for public changesets - Windows: bundled Mercurial had web.cacerts set to wrong path - SVN: - Branches: allowed to delete special svn-attic and remote-tag refs - Fetch: all properties of an empty directory were lost when it became non-empty - Git->SVN translation: file/directory obstruction if Git has special .gitignore record and some file - GUI: - Add Remote dialog: suggested user@server:port as name if these were part of the URL - Changes: Next/Prev always moved focus to left editor - Compare editors: context menu might be empty - Compare: Next/Previous did not work if tool window had been maximized - Index Editor: toggling Ignore White Space for Line Comparison did not work - Notifications: possible internal error - Output: internal error having a child-node selected and Output is cleared (manually or implicitly when closing the project) - OS X: system shutdown caused SmartGit/Hg to hang preventing shutdown - Project Manager: current project is not preselected correctly if it had a collapsed parent node - Select Directory: did not select reliable SmartGit/Hg 4.0.1 (2013-01-25) ============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Pull: added system property "smartgit.pull.defaultToFetchOnly" to have the Pull dialog default to just fetching - Pushable Commits: - added system property "smartgit.pushableCommits.preserveAuthorDate" to preserve author dates - ignore "mirror" remotes, so only-mirrored local commits will be shown Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Push/Pull might not ask for new credentials for http(s) repositories - possible internal error during authentication with http(s) repository - Add Submodule: internal error when trying to add http-submodule - Log: - file log: ref may become assigned to merge source instead of primary parent erroneously - "default" coloring: alternative row coloring not displayed for the graph - Branch Delete: did not work on tags - Mercurial: - Push/Pull (OS X) did not work for ssh repositories - SVN: - Clone (Windows): possible file-system related problems when cloning SVN repositories - Refresh: - certain tasks may be cancelled when having multiple repositories in a project - possible internal error after executing a command - Winodws: possible internal error - merge dialog: pressing Enter executes default button action two times - various commands: possible internal error if repository gets removed immediately before starting the command - text editors: pressing backspace at the beginning of a line might cause an internal error - tree control: internal error pressing Ctrl/Cmd+A if not all nodes were expanded SmartGit/Hg 4 (2013-01-16) ========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - submodule changes prevented interactive rebase commands - SVN: - on every file rename an empty directory has been created in the repository - File Compare: selected text of changed blocks was painted in unchanged style when unfocused SmartGit/Hg 4 release candidate 2 (2013-01-10) ============================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Hg: - Log: - added toolbar - show copy source - Text editors: - added Ctrl+Space word completion - ability to configure whether Home/End operate on line or document - OS X: Ctrl+A/E, ... to move cursor Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Checkout/Merge: possible internal error for bare repositories - Log: possible performance problem for a lot of tags - Hg: - Log (file): - possible problem "Can't find file ..." for copied files - inefficiency related to tags - possible internal error - Customize Toolbar dialog: removing items did not add them to the available ones - Text editors: - options in the preferences did not work fully SmartGit/Hg 4 release candidate 1 (2012-12-21) ============================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: - Details: "On Branches" should only display branches and only optionally include all refs (can be enabled in - denotes "grafted" commits (from shallow clones or initial SVN checkout) - Hg: - Log: - shows history of renamed/moved files - added SWT libraries to support Solaris Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Choose-parent-commit-dialog (e.g. for Cherry-Picking a merge commit) could become too wide - Pull suggested to merge though rebase had been selected - File table: possible incorrect display of Relative Directory when selecting a different directory SmartGit 4 preview 10 (2012-12-14) ================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: denote first commit of shallow clones - File Compare: selection in unfocused component is hidden - minor GUI improvements Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: possible internal error when invoking Push - Clone: - certain bare repositories could not be cloned - possible internal error cloning local repository - Log: visually overlapping stashes - Changes tool window: possible internal error going to previous or next change SmartGit 4 preview 9 (2012-12-06) ================================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branch-, Stash- and Remote-related menu items focus Branches tool window and show a message instead of just being disabled - Clone: - option to clone only one branch - option to clone all submodules - Pull: if possible, fast-forward *merge* is used even if rebase is configured (performance improvement, especially for msysgit) - Hg: - http(s) authentication: asks for username/password on demand - "merge" state is shown - Change Phase: shows an information dialog for hg-version < 2.1 instead of just failing - GUI: - Linux/OS X: file input fields have full support for ~ (home) - added entry for configuring the file manager used for revealing Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Codebase and Beanstalk integrations did not list Hg repositories - Log: - internal error right-clicking a commit with equally named (non-current) branch and tag - Details view might not have been initialized - "all stashes" selection did not work - Push and Push To were available for remote branches - Switch: fast-forward-merge resetted submodule to commit before fast-forward checkout - various commands: possible "refname 'xxx' is ambigous" error - Hg: - Refresh: lock timeouts were too large - SVN: - Initialize Submodule: did not trigger background clone - Submodule Reset: did not work SmartGit 4 preview 8 (2012-11-30) ================================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Commit: if the message template contains comment lines (those starting with #), comment lines from the entered commit message will be removed - various commands: when resetting submodules, new commits should be fetched if necessary - Log: - "Lost Heads" only works for heads which have no ref assigned - Pushable Commits: - displayed commit count is limited; the default of 100 commits can be changed with the smartgit.pushable-commits.limit VM property - Reveal in File Manager (Windows): did not work if file path contained spaces Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - for selected "Stashes" category, stashes were not displayed reliable - for selected "Local Branches" category, tracked remote branches were not automatically selected - Refresh flickered when Lost Heads are shown - internal error if multiple stashes were located on same commit - Create Branch + Switch: did not reset submodules - Hg: - Log: branch selection was lost SmartGit 4 preview 7.2 (2012-11-28) =================================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log in dialogs (e.g. Merge): internal error trying to change the branch selection SmartGit 4 preview 7.1 (2012-11-28) =================================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Windows 32-bit: internal error using the mouse wheel SmartGit 4 preview 7 (2012-11-28) ================================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches: - show Stashes - speed search matches within text, not only at the beginning - Log: - Branches: - show Stashes - option to hide HEAD if other refs are selected - option to show lost heads replacing Query|Load All Commits - Cherry-Pick: remembers whether Commit was invoked before - Stash actions (Save, Apply, Drop) - View|Show Stages Files: will be reset with each project opening to prevent forgetting about staged files - support for shallow cloned repositories - Hg: - if cloning a http(s) repository fails, a more useful information is given how to avoid it - Log: - Add Tag - Compare, Index Editor, Conflict Solver: - indicator for the visible area in the change stripe - Log: - Select Next/Previous Commits: removed Shift from default accelerator Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Blame did not open for file if a log for the file was open - Log: - Reveal Commit: did not work reliable - empty remote node could not be selected - branch selection was lost when opening subdirectory or file log - possible internal error related to stashes - no refresh after having dropped a stash - Log - Branches: could not toggle checkbox with space key - when switching from an old to a very recent branch, intermediate commits might not be loaded resulting in two disjoing graphs - graph arrows showed wait cursor instead hand cursor - SVN: - Refresh: don't issue warning notification for repositories for which EOL-processing had been turned off intentionally - internal error when joining - OS X: - serious performance problem while the Output tool windows was showing, especially when pulling - checkbox tree: the accepted click-rectangle was not identical with the drawn checkbox - several internal errors SmartGit 4 preview 6 (2012-11-19) ================================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Add Remote: - ability to choose repository from hosting provider - suggests name - Pull: suggest to merge local commits instead of rebasing, if there would be a merge commit affected - Hg: - Branches: - added Merge - Cherry-Pick - SVN: - Clone: support for authorsfile (set VM variable smartgit.svn.authorsfile) - Annotate: - shows line number at the right side of the gutter - context menu to copy ID and details - Branches: use green triangle to indicate current branch - Changes: show autohiding popup when previous/next change reached begin/end - Delete: support for system trash - Pushable Commits: ability to copy ID and message - Windows: portable bundle now also contains 64-bit SWT library Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - submodule initialization was broken - Sync: did not ask for merge/rebase configuration when not yet set up - Hg: - commit messages with non-US-ASCII characters where not stored correctly in the repository - Log: - for file logs, many commands were not available - possible internal error invoking in rebasing state - Merging/Rebasing state not displayed (regression) - Strip: aborted with error if mq-extension was not enabled - error "Can't use constants like WORKING_COPY or BAD_REVISION" for file logs, if bookmarks were present - Pull: internal error when invoking for purely local repository - SVN: - internal error opening git-svn repository - showed merge/rebase configuration though only rebase is useful - Branches: all refs where selected sometimes - Out-of-memory problem might show misleading instructions - Pushable Commits: Edit Commit Message dialog was too small and did not remembered size - OS X: right-clicking a different item while a context menu already was showing caused an empty context menu - Linux: a modal dialog did not block access to the parent window's menu SmartGit 4 preview 5 (2012-11-12) ================================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Annotate: added context menu to gutter for copying information - Log, Branches: - instead of Select All Branches, each group (Local Branches, remotes, Tags) have a separate checkbox in front to show always all items, even if new ones occur - Git: - Branches: when invoked on current branch allows to merge from tracked branch - Pushable Commits: - adjusts author dates in a reasonable way - also shows author date if distinct from commit date - Pull: - setup of branch.autosetuprebase - support for branch-specific merge/rebase choice (.git/config options: branch..rebase and branch.autosetuprebase) - Hg: - distinguishes between active and HEAD bookmarks - Branches: push works on selected branch - Revert: does not create .orig files Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Fetch More: fixed authentication problems - Index Editor: did not preserve executable flag for Index - Log: - Cherry Pick/Reverse Merge: command buttons were swapped - Pull dialog: selecting Fetch also performed merge or rebase - Pushable Commits: - modifying commits did not work for detached HEAD - Edit Commit Message, Join: initialized the dialog with the shortened, not the full commit message - internal error trying to open Git repository if not git executable had been configured - error dialog opening an empty Git repository - Hg: - Log: refreshing did not preserve tags - Refresh: internal error if rebase extension was not enabled - SVN: - Cherry-Pick: did not work properly when cherry-picking local commits - selecting non-commercial option starts demo - UI: - OS X: rebuilding a toolbar caused ugly window resizing - notification popup did not resize correctly when new notifications come in - tables: when clearing a filter, the selected row was not visible any more SmartGit 4 preview 4 (2012-11-05) ================================= Fixed Bugs ---------- - internal error starting the first time - possible internal error if the file table contains more than 31 rows and sorting by name (Java 7 only) SmartGit 4 preview 3 (2012-11-03) ================================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches tool window, Log: - ability to remove tag from remote repositories - Log: - ability to rename tag or branch - Commits tool window: readded Delete Tag or Branch - Hg: - Log: - added Delete Tag or Branch - shows rebasing state - automatically detect http proxy - Reveal in File Manager (worked only on OS X, now also on Windows and Linux) - UI: sorting now works "natural" - e.g. "file-10.txt" after "file-9.txt" Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches tool window: incorrect ahead-behind-calculation in some situations - Edit Commit Message dialog: was too small by default - Ignore: did not work for files/directories starting with ! - Log: merging node might not show up on first position - Merge: internal error - Rebase: internal error in case of invalid HEAD - Hg: - Branches tool window: no refresh after adding/removing local tag - Log: possible internal error when repository in merging state - Pushable Commits: did not preserve current bookmark - Check for New version: did not report preview 2 correctly - Refresh: possible infinite or long-running loop - UI: - changing text editor colors in preferences had no immediate effect - fixed some problems for dark schemes - internal error trying to copy using Ctrl+C in some tables - tree-related internal error SmartGit 4 preview 2 (2012-10-26) ================================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Pull: - submodule options have been moved to Project|Repository Settings - more compact, situation specific dialogs - Branches tool window: readded speed-search - Repository Settings: ability to configure repository-specific user name and e-mail - dialog Log: option to show all refs - Hg: - Branches tool window: - added Delete - shows current branch in bold - Log: - different symbols show different phases - show merging nodes - added several commands: - Switch/Update - Rebase HEAD to - change phase - Push: only push current HEAD of a branch - Pushable Commits: - optionally enable MQ extension - re-order - join - edit commit message - Rebase Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Changes tool window: showed internal error for empty repository - Log: merging state was not shown any more - Push To: internal when invoking with focus in Directories tool window - Hg: - Discard: should not switch to TIP - Log: scary error message trying to open the Log on empty repository - Open Repository: internal error initializing new Hg repository - Update: should move current bookmark - SVN: - Repository Settings: merge option was possible to select - Log: - graph/message column was hard clipped, now with periods - Copy Selection: did not work for graph column - freeze when trying to open log with repository containing 1000 branches - Notification popup: gray popup area might remain after clicking a link - Pushable Commits: internal error dragging multiple commits - internal error when exiting while command was running - internal error when closing preferences after Annotate had been opened and closed SmartGit 4 preview 1 (2012-10-15) ================================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Interactive rebase in Pushable Commits tool window - drag and drop for reordering - joining - editing commit message - Annotate/blame - Commit: - warns when trying to commit to detached Head - warns when amend-committing to pushed commit - preferences option to support "Sign-off" - Log: ability to open file log - Unified Push Advanced, Manage Remotes and Branch Manager into "Branches" tool window - compact display of incoming/outgoing commits - double-click to switch branch - Switch: only offer fast-forward if possible - explicitly merge from branch - Push To: to push to non-origin repository - Preferences: option to sort refs by name or commit time - Splitted Merge into Merge, Cherry-Pick and Reverse-Merge: - only offer fast-forward option if possible - Rebase: - split into "Rebase Head to" and "Rebase to Head" similar to Log - resets submodules if they were unchanged before - warning if submodule definition and content do not reference each other, e.g. after having copied the repository to different location - multi-repository setup: ability to configure expand option in preferences - Hg: - Bookmark support - Strip support - Rebase extension support when pulling - support for hgrc's "paths.default-push" - Clone: allow protocol "git+ssh" - improved tag-fetching performance - Commit: amend option does not require mq-extension any more - SVN: - Loss-less merging (support for all SVN properties) - Show warning in case of multiple remotes - Changes tool window: added/removed files are shown, too - Clone, Open Repository: don't ask for VCS if not configured - Conflict Solver: if external tool is used, a dialog is shown to easily mark externally resolved conflict as resolved - File filter: finds unchanged files, too, even if View|Unchanged Files is unselected - Log: use "Branches" tool window to select shown branches - new branches are automatically selected - Head is always shown - tracking and tracked branches are handled as union - ability to delete tag/branch, switch (double-click), select commit - OS X: no-window-menu items will not open a project window any more - several dialogs with multiple action buttons remember choice - refresh performance improved Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Commit: wrong error message trying to amend-commit empty merge - "Repository Needs Cleanup" notification might pop up even after having scheduled cleanuup - Adding Remote did not refresh correctly - Hg: - Refresh: symlinks and executable files were not detected properly - repository with invalid Head but valid branches and revisions erroneously considered as empty - incorrect parsing of URLs containing duplicate slashs, e.g. ssh://user@host://abs/path/to/repos - SVN: - Cherry-Pick: svn:mergeinfo was not set correctly in case of conflict - Refresh: - could be delayed by opened Log window - suddenly stopped working - strange error when no temp space available any more