SmartGit (only on Linux and Windows, 2017-01-18) ======================================================== Java 8-related fix to support upgrading to SmartGit 17 SmartGit 8.0.4 (2017-01-11) =========================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log (file): added system property "smartgit.log.stopAtAdditions" to stop at additions when setting to false Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - memory leak related to hyperlinks created by .gitbugtraq - GitHub, Refresh: "Invalid paths" error - GitHub markdown: links like #254 at the beginning of a line were erroneasly recognized as header - Pull: Submodule update did not preserve branch anymore - Hg: - Refresh: fails if branch, bookmark or tag name contained a tab character - Compare: possible syntax-related internal error - OS X: when performing drag and drop in a table, autoscrolling did not work - Windows: GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR was not set correctly for 64-bit Git installation SmartGit 8.0.3 (2016-10-12) =========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Add Branch/Create Feature: allowed characters < or > and then failed - Journal: possible empty if reflog commits were not present in repository any more ("missing commit" error in log.txt) - Distributed Review add-on: - possible internal error related to closed pull requests - possible "could not fetch remote ref" for Distributed Review databases in submodules - Push: Configure tracking did not work when using push.default=matching - various commands: possible internal error in case of much output - SVN: - Add Tag: did not work for SVN repository - Commit & Push did not work for single-branch layout SVN clones - Upgrade: error "control files ... does not contain entry" trying to upgrade from SmartGit 6.5 to SmartGit 8 - possible internal error closing repository SmartGit 8.0.2 (2016-09-30) =========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Background fetch: property "smartgit.repositories.background.fetch.delay" was not honored - Commit/Stage: possible internal error for invalid file names (with respect to configured LANG) - Commit dialog, Select button: commit messages with tabs caused odd layout - https authentication: no username/password prompt for multi-line "authentication failed for" errors - Journal: - Edit Author failed for commit messages starting with # - might show obsolete branches in the "Show Additional Branch" popup - single commit on master showed up with "tracking" jigsaw part - Log: - Checkout: not always all branches on the commit were offered to check out - Details: parent were sorted in visual order instead of raw commit order - File log: - Files view: current item might not be preselected correctly - missing tree error for inlined submodules - Push: - internal error having remote.push=HEAD configured - GUI: - Compare: unindent (Shift+Tab) did not keep selection - some Ctrl+Alt+ accelerators fail if the focus is in a text control (reason: Ctrl+Alt+ is used with some keyboard layouts to enter special characters) - OS X: tree nodes did not occur immediately (especially in the Output view); added work-around for SmartGit 8.0.1 (2016-09-12) =========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: misleading ahead/behind commit display in case of push.default branch != tracking branch - Commit: - false-positive "diverges remote branch" warning when trying to Commit&Push merge commit - flickering if spell-checker and line-length-guide want to highlight - Log: memory leak if having the Log window open for a long time - Refresh, File Monitor: smartgit.fileMonitor.excludeIgnoredDirectories=false does not work properly - Stash-on-demand: possible internal error related to progress display - SVN: - Journal: tracked/tracking display wrong (no jigsaw connection) - GitHub: - comment timestamp was not shown in current time-zone but GMT - GUI: - Compare: internal error apply selection/lines for inserted block at end of file - Commit: file completion did not show anything if nothing matching was found - general dialogs: navigation with tab-key or default button (on OS X) did not work correctly any more SmartGit 8 (2016-08-31) ======================= - no changes since SmartGit 8 RC 3 SmartGit 8 RC 3 (2016-08-30, just available as light-weight update) =================================================================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: should not fail in case of missing stash commits, but silently ignore them - Journal: fails to drag&drop commit between last incoming/behind and first common commit - GUI: - Startup: possible false-positive "upgrade not supported by license" error - Log: Edit | Copy Name was enabled but did nothing - Welcome dialog: "Show dialog..." checkbox was ignored when clicking Close SmartGit 8 RC 2 (2016-08-23) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Journal: option to toggle display of incoming commits Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Refresh: - internal error when using Cygwin symlink in the .git/-admin area - possible false-positive "The submodule at ... has an error-prone admin area configuration" warning - SVN: - revision -1 could be shown if a remote SVN had been added using git-svn to an existing Git repository - GitHub Enterprise: - OAuth was incorrectly available - GUI: - Compare: Ctrl+Tab did not move focus to other control any more - Windows: work-around for the SWT bug (toolbar loses font) - Windows bundles: under certain conditions Git might complain about missing DLLs SmartGit 8 RC 1 (2016-08-08) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Journal: - detached HEAD commits show up in gray - Refresh: ability to dismiss warning about absolute submodule paths - Hg: - VM property "smartgit.hg.executable.maxVersion" to force SmartGit accept more recent versions - SVN: - VM property "smartgit.svn.enableGitFlow" to enable Git-Flow for SVN repositories - Compare: - added tab indents/shift+tab unindents if text across multiple lines is selected - optional daily ping of customizable URL, e.g. to verify the actual user count, by defining the VM options smartgit.license.serverPing.url and smartgit.license.serverPing.method Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Journal: - possible unnecessary column swap of ahead and behind - curvy layout - commit not considered mergable for some layouts - Show Additional Branch popup menu was unsorted - Refresh: - possible false-positive "The submodule at ... has an error-prone admin area configuration" warning if paths differ only in case - GUI: - Tree control: internal error expanding parent-nodes with single-child nodes that automatically expand - Search Repositories: OK was not enabled after manual search - Conflict Solver configuration: titles patterns were rejected - Table, e.g. in Journal: double-clicks were triggered even for non-left mouse buttons SmartGit 8 preview 14 (2016-07-28) ================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Commit: show file count - Journal: - do not distinguish between ahead and pushable commits to improve performance - performance improvements if commit times are not strictly topologically sorted, e.g. after a rebase - added tooltips - Log: - Branches: added Set Tracking, Stop Tracking, Rebase HEAD to - BitBucket server: support for "Clone in SourceTree" links Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: refresh icon for repository provider did not show up reliable - Journal: - in case of feature branch, the develop-ref only showed up after pushing - possible strange layout without connections between local and remote branch - Log: - file log: internal error if file had been created in last changed commit - Repository Settings: entering user name/email and having "Remember as default" selected, did not work - Author table column: possible internal error if too narrow and name contained multiple spaces - BitBucket (server): refreshing failed in case of inaccessible forks - Startup: new version check could report version 8 preview as incompatible (false-positive) - GUI: - OS X: clicking dock icon while preferences were open, put a blocked window to front SmartGit 8 preview 13 (2016-07-25) ================================== Changes ------- - renamed version from 7.2 to 8 New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branch: - Delete: also cleans up .git/config fetch refspecs - Clone: when cloning without submodules, Repository Pull settings are now configured to not initialize new submodules - Journal: when merging from auxiliary branch, the branch is used for naming instead of the commit - Log: - Branches: added Push to Gerrit - Distributed Reviews: disallowed comments on file changes if it's not exactly a single commit diff - File log: performance improvements - Pull: - option to update changed tags ("pull --tags") - pull.rebase option had been reworked; remembers defaults per repository - Revert (Log, Journal): works on multiple commits - support for github-windows://openRepo/ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Journal: - possible internal error depending on commit structure - prevents showing auxiliary ref if it is equal to the remote branch - Log: drag and drop could schedule multiple comamnds while another command was running - Push/Push To: might fail for tags - Refresh: - possible error "Cannot read ...\.gitconfig" for certain \ at end of lines - background refresh might leave .git/index.lock remaining on shutdown - Submodules: Reset did not work on missing submodule if submodule initialization option was not set in Repository Settings - GUI: - Compare: Apply Lines might add instead of replace lines - when cloning using the URL handler, SmartGit was not brought to front - strange error message if autoupdate failed to connect to SmartGit 7.2 preview 12 (2016-07-12) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Journal: - speed-search (message and ID) - "Revert" is now also applicable for "ahead" commits - GUI: - on Windows tables and trees use colors even if selected Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Changes view: selecting an uninitialized submodules showed error - Cherry Pick: in case of conflict, the commit dialog opens empty instead of using the cherry-pick message by default - Journal: - possible false-positive pushable warning if auxiliary branch is displayed - possible internal error for complicated merge structures - squashing anihilating commits might result in empty commit - Refresh: - possible internal error in case of invalid reflogs - stashes were not showing up for Git worktrees - GUI: - Linux: - completion popup: might show scrollbars making the single item unreadable - link colors on Linux might be hard to read for dark themes - Text editor color configuration: not all syntax colors had been read SmartGit 7.2 preview 11 (2016-06-30) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Compare: support for dark theme - Git-Flow, Finish Feature: commit message template can be configured by setting VM property smartgit.flow.finishFeature.message, e.g. to "Finished feature {0}." - parent-less dialogs, e.g. preferences and about dialog on OS X, show up on the monitor where other windows are shown Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git, Log, Save As: possible internal error saving to windows drive root - internal error launching without configured Git executable, e.g. launching the first time - Compare: changing color options in the preferences did not always redraw immediately SmartGit 7.2 preview 10 (2016-06-27) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches: - Checkout: for a remote branch warns in case the local branch is diverged - Push to Gerrit (depends on .git/hooks/commit-msg and a remote with :29418) - Changes: shows details for File Mode only changes - Journal: considers path (merge commits) from ahead to behind/auxiliary to better reflect the merge structure - Log: - Commits: Checkout on a tracked remote branch offers to check out tracking branch - Create Pull-Request (Bitbucket, GitHub, Stash): remembers target branch - Remote | Properties: edit push URL (if already present in .git/config) - Spellchecker: - always uses "my-words.dic" in settings directory for storing own words (no GUI option any more) - suggests name when adding dictionary file Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: - "obsolete" tracking branch may not have been updated properly - wrong ahead/behind when merging - Changes: possibly outdated EOL-details in title - Distributed Review: always fetch submodule review meta data if initialized - Journal: - merge connector forked to wrong side - Move & Squash: may fail with "empty commit message" if commit message starts with # - unexpected curving - Mark Resolved dialog: branch name start should not be lower-case - Refresh (Windows): global core.excludesfile was not honored if %HOME% differed from %USERPROFILE% - Stash (automatically): fix for submodules - possible authentication problems if credential.helper is configured, but credentials are not yet known - Hg: - Refresh, Log, ...: broken if defaults.log=-f was configured - BitBucket: auto-generated credentials (using OAuth token) didn't work if port was part of remote URL - Compare: phantom differences in lines (curly-brace related) - Compare, Commit message, ... (OS X): crash when selecting certain IME input languages - OS X: dialogs without parent (e.g. preferences, about) could not be closed by ESC or Cmd+W SmartGit 7.2 preview 9 (2016-06-10) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches: shows information for local branch with "broken" tracking - Journal: - ability to checkout develop - Date column with smarter shorting if column is too narrow - Log-like coloring - added option to use different coloring for auxiliary branch - Log: - performance improvements in case of many tags for file logs - Compare: - Apply Lines allows to apply multiple lines for added blocks Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Commit: for amend-Commit & Push it is not offered to replace remote branch - Journal: possible internal error - Push: false-positive warning about non-fast-forward for merge commits - Hg: - Journal: "The command has been aborted because of outdated commits" error - GUI: - tree-control related internal error, e.g. when moving repository to new group - Branches view: misaligned layout of hosting provider icon on OS X - Updater dialog (OS X): bold font causes text to move and be truncated - Log, Commits: the comment border of a selected line looked ugly SmartGit 7.2 preview 8 (2016-06-06) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Journal: - following context commands are supported (especially useful with a selected auxiliary branch): reset, cherry-pick, merge, rebase head to, revert - improved layout, e.g., if auxiliary branch is ahead of HEAD - Log: option to open submodule log (not just submodule pointer) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Journal: - auxiliary branch not showing up after merge anymore - possible intersection of merge commit's stub with connector to previous commit - Repository | Settings: option "Sign all commits" was incorrectly written - bundled new Git version (Windows): renamed /etc/post-install tasks because they usually fail because of file system permission problems - SVN: - Push: possible internal error - GUI: internal error collapsing/expanding tree node SmartGit 7.2 preview 7 (2016-05-31) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Background Fetch: - shows executed command and path - should be enabled by default for the currently open repositories (because the Journal can show incoming commits) - Cherry Pick: Git's cherry-picking state is detected; support for aborting - Log: performance improvements for many refs - Push: forced-push-delay now needs to be enabled by setting smartgit.push.delayOnForceDialog=true - Refresh: symbolic links (junctions) are now also supported on Windows - updated bundled Git to version 2.8.3 (Windows) and 2.8.1 (OS X) - GUI: - Branches view: performance improvements for many refs - Author columns are shortening if too narrow to show full name Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: - invalid displayed ref count if refs were shown in sections - Changes view showed an error for selected uninitialized submodules - Index Editor: failed to write index for UTF-16 encoded files (with misleading error regarding mixed line endings) - Journal: - Move, Move & Squash did not show warning about modifying pushed commits - Push Commits was broken - having set auxiliary branch to , it was reset to default, e.g. develop, after restart - concave jig-saw-puzzle part showed invalid color if row was selected - showed tracking jig-saw-puzzle part for non-tracking branches - possible non-existent parent connections were shown - columns were too narrow when opening the first time - Log: - commits might still not alight properly to left for higher-priority branches - moving annotated tag by drag and drop lost annotation - unexpected curves - Push: no force check when using push.default=matching and having no tracking configuration for current branch - Hg: - directory log was broken for Mercurial 3.8 - SVN: - Branch, Delete: incorrectly offered to delete tracked/remote branch which failed anyway - GitHub: "Could not connect to repository" error - GUI: - (file) completion did not accept keypad-enter - some table columns (e.g. in Commit dialog) were too narrow by default on HiDPI screens - internal error launching SmartGit with Java 1.8 SmartGit 7.2 preview 6 (2016-05-12) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Cherry pick: uses "commit" option because this preserves author/date even in case of conflicts - Changes view: sometimes the changes are not appliable in both directions - External tools: default external tool "Fast-forward merge" without confirmation dialog - Journal: - added Reset as context menu item - optionally shows one additional branch - remembers table column widths - Push: forced-push confirmation dialog now waits a few seconds as reminder - Repository Settings: added GPG configuration options, e.g. to sign commits - Submodule: Changes view shows details about selected commit(s) - Hg: - Mercurial 3.7 - 3.8 are supported now Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Commit: "Bypass commit hook" option did not work for all commit variants - Journal: - Date column was missing - pushed commits could not be modified after preferences option had been toggled - pushable (purely local) commits were falsly rejected as pushable - Log: pending octopus merge was not properly showing up - Push-To-dialog allowed forced push even if not enabled in preferences - Tray: no HiDPI-icons were used SmartGit 7.2 preview 5 (2016-04-29) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Add Tag: option to sign annotated tag (requires installed GPG agent) - Commit: - option to skip hook - if necessary, forced push is detected - http(s) authentication: if a credentials helper already is defined, SmartGit does not use its own credential storage - Outgoing view: - renamed to Journal - shows simplified, compact current branch structure with incoming and pushed commits - Compare/Conflict Solver: Apply Line(s) - GUI: - Files view: added "Relative Path" column as replacement for "Name" and "Relative Directory" - Linux: zoom level should be automatically detected now - replaced several dialogs with "Xxx + Remote" buttons with checkbox - Preferences, Authentication: Del key now deletes selected credentials Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - renaming directory: might fail if only changing the case (Windows) - Log: possible internal error related to priorities - Refresh: '?' in .gitignore did not match line terminators - submodule refs may become reset unexpectedly - fresh installation did not contain any default tools - Compare/Conflict Solver: possible internal errors related to "Apply Selection" SmartGit 7.2 preview 4 (2016-04-18) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Branches view: - ability to delete current branch (which will check out the current branch's commit instead) - options to configure display of refs - Commit: remembers previous messages in commit-notes history - Log: - tries to preserve the selected file, even after switching to a different commit - improved layout algorithm - set VM property smartgit.log.graph.layoutActions=true to provide layout tweak options - Pull/others: "remote error: invalid username or password" is recognized as authentication failure and hence the password needs to be entered again - Refresh: added VM property smartgit.branch.remoteBranchExcludeRegEx to specify remote branches that should be skipped for performance reasons - added View | Show Files From Submodules - Preferences: - Welcome dialog: show only optionally - Tools: ability to recreate default tools - Spell checker: doesn't mark file names or directories as invalid - Windows installer: asks user whether to overwrite sourcetree:// URL handler, if already present Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - GitHub/Git-LFS: "unexpected end of JSON input" when using internal SSH client - Log: - Details (Linux): right-click cleared selection - pushable merge sources might have shown up as pushed - Refresh: "~" as part of clean/smudge filter was not expanded correctly (OS X/Linux) - Hg: - Refresh: internal error if branch had \n in its name - SVN: - Push: pushing branches with slashes is now rejected - File completion: - double-click appended full path - suggestions could contain duplicates when trying to commit same named files from different directories - Spell checker: default dictionary was not found on OS X SmartGit 7.2 preview 3 (2016-03-30) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Add Tag: the Push option now only pushes this tag, not all refs - Branches: - moved options from preferences to options popup menu - optionally hide tracked remote branches for Git-Flow refs - show ahead/behind information even if branch is non-tracking but has a similar named remote branch - Commit: - spell checking - the dialog allows to select between multiple possible commit messages, e.g. default merge message or previous messages - Push: uses --force-with-lease for checked forced push - Reset (hard): allows to stash local changes, not just discard them - Select Issue from JIRA: added speed-search Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: misleading error message when trying to open log for empty repository - Push: remote..push had no precedence over push.default - Refresh: - possible internal error in case of invalid refs - possible internal error in case of invalid stash-reflogs - SVN: - Branches: ahead commits were broken - GUI: - after Setup wizard no main window occurs - Java 1.9 preview: error about invalid parameter -XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=-1 SmartGit 7.2 preview 2 (2016-03-11) =================================== Noteworthy Changes ------------------ - Linux: GTK3 is now the default. Please report all bugs and only switch back to GTK2 (SWT_GTK3=0) if absolutely necessary. - updated SWT to version 4.614 New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches: - better support for multi-level branch hierarchies - ahead commits are not evaluated if push target != merge source - Conflict Solver: if file is considered binary, it though can be forced to be treated as text - Fetch More: support for multiple remote..fetch configurations - JIRA: - Select Issue dialog: option to reset query to default - Log: - File, Directory log: memory consumption reduced significantly for large repositories, e.g. Linux Kernel; added VM option "smartgit.log.onlyHead" - Push (Gerrit-support): support for remote..push configuration - Hg: - Support for Mercurial 3.7 - GUI: - Compare/Conflict Solver: ability to apply multiple lines to other pane - rewrote (file) completion Fixed Bugs ---------- - SVN: - Checkout: line ending correction did not work properly if "eol" attribute was set, but "text" wan't - Linux: - GTK3: - Preferences, Built-In Text Editors: first tab is not drawn - Setup wizard: wrong input field focused by default SmartGit 7.2 preview 1 (2016-02-18) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Add Branch and others: replace invalid characters with customizable valid char: smartgit.branch.replaceInvalidCharsWith=_ - Bitbucket, GitHub: support for URLs like - Push, JIRA Resolve: - ability to configure which branch to (not) check $ git config branch. smartgitJiraResolve false - shows issue description Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes preview: reduced thread-creation when scrolling file table with keyboard - JIRA: failed if bugtraq configuration contained invalid project keys - SSH: values from ~/.ssh/config were not applied correctly - Stash (on demand): don't try to stash submodule changes as this doesn't work