SmartGit 17.0.6 (2017-10-30) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - System property "smartgit.contactSupportEnabled" to being able to hide Help | Contact Support (by setting to false) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches, Delete Ref: deletes from remote though not deleting the remote branch (after having toggled the options) - Refresh: - GIT-LFS: possible internal error for modifying files containing "${" in their name - .gitignore pattern did not trim trailing whitespaces - possible error "missing unknown 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" - Windows: Git super config file is not honored - Hg: - Changes view might hang up SmartGit when selecting a certain file - GUI: - Repositories view: drag and drop might fail silently if trying to drag obsolete repository - Search for Repositories dialog: Path-column was too narrow SmartGit 17.0.5 (2017-07-28) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - improvements for installations in large companies Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Conflict Solver/Resolve: "ours" and "theirs" IDs were flipped - Commit: when resolving ~ for commit template path, the Git executable HOME was not used - Log, Bitbucket integration: - "Could not find parent comment" error if parent comment had been deleted - "Inline comment #... has neither from- nor to-position set" error for file comments - Pull: for untracked branches "Fetch tags" option was not configured to default value - Push: could not continue if configured JIRA server was not accessible - preferences, tools: - editing tools with executables without specified path, but within the system PATH were rejected - Refreshing on window activation: did not refresh if file monitor was disabled - Linux: windows did not always remembered their position or size SmartGit 17.0.4 (2017-05-18) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Checkout: added system property "smartgit.checkout.fixEols" to disable EOL correction (by setting to false) - added system property "smartgit.http.resetPasswordOnBackgroundOperationAuthenticationFailures" Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - Linux: comments were painted over content - Details: children enumeration did not include "incoming" connectors - possible internal error revealing a commit - Pull: possible bad command name ("no commit") - Hg: - Commit: possible internal error depending on commit message - Repository Search: Windows junctions were not resolved correctly - GUI: - error dialog used & to escape mnemonic - Bitbucket (Stash) config dialog: selecting the SSL client certificate checkbox did not make the input field visible - Setup wizard, hosting providers: unhelpful messages like "host" might be reported in case of unknown host - completion popup: possible internal error accepting a proposal - Review, Edit/Assign: user name/alias completion problems SmartGit 17.0.3 (2017-03-21) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Cleanup: removed option "And reset ('expire') reflogs now" because stashes might be deleted - Refresh: - for "Modified (EOLs only)" it now is distinguished between stageable and non-stageable - rename detection performance improvements for large .gitattributes and many untracked files - JIRA: VM property "smartgit.jira.closedStates" now supports states containing spaces in the name - error dialogs: set VM property "smartgit.ui.errorDialog.markdownSupport" to "false" to disable markdown formatting Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - hangs on certain Linux systems (resolution and scaling factor dependend) - Save As: internal error if entering path "C:foo.txt" - Rebase: failed in case of commits without commit message - Refresh: - added/removed/untracked/missing files might not be reported if refresh was interrupted (and resumed) by another operation - Refresh (Windows): possible error for read-locked files ("another process has locked a portion of the file") - Hg: - Conflict Solver: did not show the proper information for renamed files - Refresh: - "Copied From" path wrong (pointing to file itself instead of copy source) - moved, conflicting file showed up as moved instead of conflicting - Distributed Review add-on: possible performance problems for large review repositories (due to many refs) - GUI: - Clone: did not remember recently used URLs - Linux: tree/table tooltips hard to read - Windows installer bundle: missed dictionaries directory SmartGit 17.0.2 (2017-02-09) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Refresh: untracked/missing rename detection honors "core.jgit.similarityFileSizeLimit" to avoid out-of-memory errors Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - GitHub: possible endless refreshing - GitHub: updated default fingerprint - GitHub, other hosting providers: do not warn for changed fingerprint if it's a known, new fingerprint - undone "automatically set (if not set) to improve auto-detection of proxies" because it causes to always use the system proxy, even if "no proxy" was configured in SmartGit - GUI (Windows): sort column was too dark in default bright theme SmartGit 17.0.1 (2017-01-27) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - automatically set (if not set) to improve auto-detection of proxies Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Commit, Stage, others: fails on renamed files in submodules with 'pathspec ... did not match any files' error - Log, Refresh: did not refresh if .git/-admin root was not located below working tree root (like for submodules) - SVN: - possible "URL mismatch" error - OS X: - possible UI hangs related to file monitoring - file table: clearing selection removed alternating row coloring - preferences, Edit Diff dialog: wrong radio button preselected - http(s) authentication: proxy passwords containing special characters like # did not work - default external tools were not recreated after removing tools.xml and restarting SmartGit SmartGit 17.0.0 (2017-01-17) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - different input fields: Ctrl+Alt+Z performed undone; preventing entering Alt Gr+Z characters on some keyboards SmartGit 17 RC 3 (2017-01-12) ============================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Refresh and Log: added system property "smartgit.renameDetection.similarityThreshold" determining how similar files must be to be detected as renamed (0..100) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Index Editor: when closing while Save is in process, another Save-Discard dialog popped up - Refresh (OS X): phantom modifications may remain until next full refresh - OS X: - maximized (== fullscreen) state was not preserved - spellchecker popup occurred 2 times (work-around for - OS X 10.12: opening a non-fullscreen window from a fullscreen window did not switch to a new desktop (work-around for - tree controls: incorrect painting of selection (work-around for SmartGit 17 RC 2 (2017-01-03) ============================= New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - main toolbar: the Abort button is added automatically Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Refresh: - after renaming/removing added (or rename-detected) file, refresh did not update this file - false-positive modifications (which only vanished after invoking "git status") - possible dead-lock for background refresh - Changes view: - "No more changes" popup was hard to read on Ubuntu - Current Line display: possible internal error while painting - some proxies did not work because of the unproxied DNS query SmartGit 17 RC 1 (2016-12-21) ============================= Noteworthy Changes ------------------ - the version has been renamed to 17 (for the first expected release in 2017) New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Journal: - for local-only Git-Flow features, only commits from feature branch are highlighted as "ahead" (orange) - for Git-Flow features latest develop commit is denoted if develop isn't the auxiliary branch - option to hide common commits - Log: - Cherry Pick: show (hidable) dialog if conflict occurred - when applying filter, the list is sorted by Commit Time, then Author Time - Pull: "remember as default" resets branch.rebase config options - Rebase: set system property "smartgit.rebase.disablePreserveMerge" to "true" to disable "--preserve-merges" - Refresh, rename detection: - notification in case of long running rename detection - performance improvement in case of no missing files - option to disable detection or disable for missing and untracked files - Hg: support for version 4.0 - Conflict Solver: allow to skip warning dialog notifying about not having resolved all conflicts Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - DeepGit integration: shows error if failed to start DeepGit - Delete Tag: failed if one remote repository was read-only (e.g. upstream) - Log: - Branches: "Show Content" on stash created entries in "Commit" sections - Mark as Favorite: possible dead-lock SmartGit 8.1 preview 5 (2016-12-07) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Abort command/toolbar button to abort Rebase or Merge - Add Tag, Create Remote: replaces invalid characters with valid ones - DeepGit integration honors selected line from Changes view - Log: - added preferences option to allow opening multiple log windows for the same repository - Show Changes: - works on multi-commit selection in Commits view - in case of 2 selected files, ask whether to compare against each other or separately - separate text color for messages of merge commits (that usually are not that important) - Push to Gerrit: honor tracked branch - Refresh: shows renamed files; not just added-removed, but also new-missing ones - GUI: theming support; the default dark-theme can be selected in the preferences Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches, Push To: always preselected Custom Ref if it was used one time in the past - Log: - for a renamed file, when selecting 2 commits, the wrong file was selected in the Files view - Comments view: delayed "could not be revealed" error if Changes view was not visible - Check for Update at startup: possible internal error - Compare, Changes view, Current long lines: - often showed the wrong inner-line - did not repaint immediately when changing the editor theme changes - SSH: incorrect usage of user name from ~/.ssh/config - settings: - it could be possible that settings files were written with 00-byte content - incorrectly named settings file SmartGit 8.1 preview 4 (2016-11-18) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - BitBucket server: for inaccessible pull requests, internal /refs/pull-requests/-refs are used to still work with them - BitBucket/GitHub: when fetching pull requests, trees are tried to merge for the virtual pull request commit - Branches: - ability to copy ref name or tag message (as part of the ref name) - more detailed rendering for push.default != tracking branch - Checkout remote branch: - suggest - as name if there are multiple remotes and is already existing - "tracking" checkbox is not cleared when editing the branch name, but only if a local branch tracking this remote already exists - Cleanup: added VM property smartgit.cleanup.maxAllowedLooseObjects to configure the limit when SmartGit shows a needs-cleanup-notification - Journal/Log, Author column: "." is used as separator, too - Log: Copy actions are now available if command is running - Autoupdate: no "Started downloading version x.y" anymore - Compare, Changes view: optionally show left and right current line one above the other - Confirmation dialogs: some confirmation dialogs, e.g. to switch branches, can be skipped by clicking "Don't show again" checkbox - Docking: when closing a view, a message is displayed how to show the view again - Log: customizable branch coloring, also for dark themes - Out-of-memory-instructions improved - Preferences: ability to show stored passwords Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - F2 while a file was selected did not open the rename file command - Log: - refresh after commands was broken - BitBucket, GitHub: pull requests for branches with / in their name could not be fetched and used - Repositories: dragging repositories to other groups was broken SmartGit 8.1 preview 3 (2016-10-25) =================================== Noteworthy Changes ------------------ - Java 1.8 is now required to launch SmartGit New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Conflict Solver: ability to show Base file in separate left-base-right window - DeepGit integration: an installed DeepGit is detected and an appropriate menu item added - Git: - Branches: speed-search finds branches also in collapsed sections - Initialize: option to create initial empty commit for better flexibility - Log: - Copy Messages and Copy ID work on multiple selected commits now - Push To: remembers custom ref radio button state - when in rebasing or merging state (after a conflict), the toolbar items for Commit and Discard should change () - GUI: - Changes, Compare, Conflict Solver: - ability to select syntax highlighting language - current-line highlight in gutter only when focused - Repository: - "Open Repository in New Window" works for multiple repositories and groups - speed-search finds repositories also in collapsed groups - Open and Clone create new repository in same group as currently opened repository Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: refreshing comments from GitHub blocked other views like Files or Changes - Bootloader did not work with Java 1.9 - GUI: - Commit dialog: file name completion was broken - dragging files to other applications did not work for the Relative Path column - Linux: could not expand/collapse tree nodes using cursor keys - Setup wizard: fixed too large space on Executables page SmartGit 8.1 preview 2 (2016-10-05) =================================== Noteworthy Changes ------------------ - updated SWT to version 4.712 New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Journal, Copy actions: work on multiple selected lines - Hg: - Support for version 3.9.* - GUI: - Compare: shows current-line color in gutter Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches, Merge: was not correctly disabled for current branch - Refresh: possible internal error related to invalid paths on VM share - File monitor: on window activation a short time is waited before starting the refresh because other applications might store the files on window deactivation - GUI: - Setup wizard: the user/email page might get disabled - spellchecker did not support contractions (doesn't, ain't, hasn't) - possible internal error in case of commands producing very much output - work-around for (Ctrl+Alt+ may be used to enter characters; such accelerators did not work if a text control was focused) - Linux: - work-around for (radio menu items may not change change the selection state) - work-around for (defaultSelection event also was triggered by pressing space) - reactivated full-screen option (after updating SWT) - OS X: - work-around for (first output node does not show up immediately) SmartGit 8.1 preview 1 (2016-09-09) =================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches: - Delete Tag: made harder to delete from remote by mistake - optionally hide remote-only branches in Git-Flow sections - Commit: allow to commit while in rebasing state without continuing rebase - Journal: - Edit Command Message: allows to edit HEAD commit message under same conditions as Edit Last Commit Message (e.g. merge commit) - optionally switch to any auxiliary ref by double-click - Push: forced push checks whether head ever was on remote branch (If a forced push failed because of incoming changes, just fetching the changes and trying to perform the forced push again was possible) - register URL handler for git:// and github-mac:// - Compare: improved inner-line change detection with emphasize on content (whitespace is less important for detecting similar blocks) - Compare, Index Editor, Conflict Solver: Next/Prev Change moves caret in all panes, not just the focused one - GUI: - Branches, Journal: if focused, accelerators invoke context-specific command - File completion input field: if upper-case character has been entered, an upper-case match is preselected - right-clicking issue links (e.g. in Journal, Log), shows URL-specific context menu - Output view: the command output should not be removed by too many output - Refresh: - more responsive, happens earlier - background refresh does not refresh up to 5 repositories not marked as favorite any more Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Files view, "State" column: - incorrect sort order for submodule items - for unchanged submodules "As Index" is shown instead of "Unchanged" - Conflict Solver: did not properly 'switch' left and right for 'apply'- refase (invoked from outside SmartGit) - Refresh (Linux): rapid .gitignore modifications could cause high CPU usage for a longer time - Compare, Index Editor, Conflict Solver: undoing changes out of view did not scroll the undone change into view