SmartGit 17.1.6 (2018-03-28) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Log, Tools menu: allow tools that operate on the repository using ${repositoryRootPath} Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Git-Flow: when merging, stop processing if merge aborts due to file permission problems - Refresh: possible internal error for special characters in file name and wrong system charset - Stash Selection: contained redundant "--" when invoking "git stash push" SmartGit 17.1.5 (2018-02-21) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - built-in SSH client: support for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - Compare: - Linux/GTK2: possible internal error painting comments - too large font was used for comments - SVN: changing URL did not work reliable - disabled - Bitbucket: possible 401 authentication failures after redoing OAuth authentication while SmartGit is running SmartGit 17.1.4a (2018-02-15) ============================= Compatibility with GitHub's discontinued support for weak cryptographic standards SmartGit 17.1.4 (2018-01-30) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - External Diff tools: - set system property "" to true to apply filter..smudge -System property "smartgit.executable.home" supports $USERPROFILE on Windows - support for Git 2.16's SSH client detection ("The SSH server '-G' could not be found") Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - after a fresh setup, "Mark as Favorite" notification comes up again every couple of seconds when dismissing with red x - Changes view, Index Editor: staging LF-only files converted it to CRLF in Index - Investigate: Open Log may result in internal error if Blame was not yet initialized - Log: - Branches: toggling single branch in unselected category may add additional 2nd-level branch to selection - Changes: Compact Changes option did not work (regression) - Refresh: internal error related to renamed files - User interface: - Preferences, Text Editor colors: ruler colors were not applied/stored - OS X: possible internal error related to connecting/disconnecting monitors - update check: did remind user to enable update check while it was disabled by system property SmartGit 17.1.3 (2017-12-06) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Log: the count of the loaded commits is now hidden by default (set smartgit.log.commits.showLoadedCount to true to show it) - JIRA integration: option smartgit.jira.fixResolutionId to specify the issue resolution ID that should be used to mark issues as resolved - set smartgit.updateCheck.checkForLatestBuildVisible to false to hide Help | Check for Latest Build - Investigate: don't require DeepGit license for licensed SmartGit users Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Merge, Abort and others: could not be invoked if .gitmodules was in conflicting state - Refresh: - include with relative path like ../.gitconfig did not work in .git/config - wrong display after creating orphan branch - Review comments: not able to add first comment to file SmartGit 17.1.2 (2017-11-14) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Abort: made more clear that aborting will perform 'git reset --hard' discarding all local changes - large company license handling: - added system property "smartgit.license.defaultPath" to change the location of default license file (instead of "/default/license") - if license file is expired, silently update license file from default license file location Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Background fetch: fetched even unregistered or inactive submodules - Commit: in merging state "Commit All Changes" for a modified, renamed file resulted in "pathspec did not match any files" error - Commit/Rebase Continue: did not abort in case of conflicts but committed them - Compare/Changes view: "as-is" files (.gitattributes: -text) were checked out with wrong line-endings - Git-Flow, Integrate: fixed in structions for system Git-Flow - Journal: under certain conditions 3 columns were used where 2 would have been sufficient - Refresh: possible internal error - Compare, Index Editor, ...: - Shift+Del did not cut any more (Windows, Linux) SmartGit 17.1.1 (2017-10-26) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Commit: set VM option smartgit.commit.checkForValidUserNameAndEmail to false to disable the check for a user name and email - Log: shows repository name in title similar to repository window - menu items "Help | Check for New Version" and "Help | Check for Latest Build" are hidden now if smartgit.disableCheckForNewVersion is set to true - menu item "Help | Register" can be hidden by setting smartgit.registerEnabled to false - External Tools: support ${fileName} - more options for user/seat tracking Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Blame: - internal error if empty file content was encountered - refresh: - internal errors if paths contained special unicode characters, e.g. İ (large i with dot) - refresh on window activation did not work if there were file monitor problems - infinite refreshing when opening repository at drive root, e.g. C:\ - submodule related internal error - Compare/Changes: internal error if selecting binary file and was set to true - External Tools: directory tools were shown on closed repositories regardless of configured name pattern - GUI: - maximized state was not restored at correct coordinates/monitor - Windows: for configured zoom factor 250% the 100% zoom factor was be used SmartGit 17.1 (2017-10-12) ========================== Other Changes ------------- - SmartGit can be started with Java 9 if smartgit.startup.allowJava9=true is set Fixed Bugs ---------- - Hg: could not open compare on "merged" files - SWT: IME-related exception, e.g. when clear Chinese text SmartGit 17.1 RC 4 (2017-10-10) =============================== Other Changes ------------- - SmartGit requires the use of Java 1.8 - it will reject to work with Java 1.9 New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Cherry-Pick and other commands: only fetch submodules if necessary (regardless of "Always fetch submodules" option) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Git-Flow (System), Finish Feature: remote operations like fetching develop might not work - Cherry Pick with conflicts: showed "Success" popup - Linux: - internal error opening repository with Java 1.9 - assertion showing the Investigate/DeepGit-register dialog SmartGit 17.1 RC 3 (2017-10-06) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Mercurial: - support for Mercurial 4.3 - GUI: - Default selection background color is customizable Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Refresh (Linux, Mac): possible performance problems due to bad ctime-check - GUI: - Branches, Files view: Pull should not be available in context menu - Open: was opening repository root instead of file - Repositories view: should not offer Ignore in context menu for closed repositories SmartGit 17.1 RC 2 (2017-10-03) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Fetch can be added as toolbar button - Push: popup menu contains Push to Gerrit - Journal: increased default for common commits from 10 to 50 - Conflict Solver: added toolbar button to make showing base file changes more obvious - GUI: - Linux: don't support full-screen option on i3 tiling window manager Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: fixed problems in Files view and Changes view for displaying review comments with HiDPI monitors (4K) - Push and Pull commands were not available in Repositories view context menu for multi-repository selections - Stash: the "Include untracked files" option was not migrated correctly - GUI: - Fixed instructions for GitLab - OS X bundle contained outdated Git version Other Changes ------------- - DeepGit requires the use of Java 1.8 - it will not (yet) work with Java 1.9 SmartGit 17.1 RC 1 (2017-09-25) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Journal, Modify or Split Commit: - Split: optionally use just 1 commit by setting smartgit.rebase.split.use2Commits=false Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Journal: Modify or Split Commit was broken - Linux: - single-item completion popup was to small on some Linux systems - output success popup causes focus loss for saving in Index Editor and for background fetch - using the Mate desktop caused dialogs to not get activated reliably SmartGit 17.1 preview 17 (2017-09-20) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Journal: show more merged, e.g. between BEHIND and AUXILIARY - GUI: - Compare, Index Editor, Conflict Solver: ability to edit even files with mixed (inconsistent) line-endings, because it would take longer to wait for fixes for applications writing such files, e.g. Arduino IDE - Output dialog: - added context menu to message part supporting copy and word-wrap - support more minor warnings to be ignored, e.g. when "CRLF will be replaced by LF in ." - Preferences: added option to restore all confirmation dialogs - Push: don't allow for branches tracking another local branch - Refresh: - refresh on window activation should be more responsive now Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Background fetch: might produce output dialog on failure though it only should show a popup - Commit message: was not cleared sometimes after successful commit - JIRA: failed to resolve after having swapped commits - Journal: clicking to expand commits did not work reliable - Rebase (incl. Pull): auto-stashing changes might not work (regression) - Refresh: - internal error when having sparse checkout with .gitignore files - symlinks on Windows (created with mklink) always showed up as modified - Linux: Linux Mint with Mate desktop did not activate the welcome dialog SmartGit 17.1 preview 16 (2017-09-14) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches, Delete Ref: refined dialogs - Cherry-Pick: show progress, especially for SVN submodule update - Investigate: open log - Journal: - Create and check out branch - improved display of collapsed nodes - expand collapsed commits by clicking the collapsed node - Preferences: option to enable GIT_TRACE logging - Submodules: - added option to repository settings dialog to push submodules on demand - Deactive command to mark inactive/unwanted submodules (relying on new Git "" flag) - Unstage: now also available for intent-to-add files - GUI: - preferences: remembers previously used (and still available) Git and Hg executables for easier switching between alternative installations - system dependent dialog button order can now be overridden by setting smartgit.dialog.buttonsRightAligned to true or false - Company setup - if current license file is expired and a new one is available in the default directory, it will be copied automatically from there - "" is copies from default-directory Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Push: pushing tag did not work (tag was not pushed) - Push/Pull: duplicated error message shown in command failed dialog - Refresh: renamed files in submodule had from source-path configured, e.g. resulting in displaying an empty HEAD content in the Changes view - Sync: JIRA issues were not resolved if first pulling then pushing and incoming changes were present, so a rebase was required - "Use pre-installed (system) Git-Flow" option was lost after setup - Tools: - did not show up any more for closed repositories - GUI: - Linux: on some systems an extreme DPI value was returned causing weird effects, e.g. 200% scaling with very small x on tabs Other Changes ------------- - Windows, OS X: updated Java to version 1.8.0_144 SmartGit 17.1 preview 15 (2017-09-08) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Changes: improved performance - Distributed Review add-on: template for Pull Request Integration configurable - External tools: ${repositoryRootPath} is now also supported for closed repositories - Files view: - context menu: if a submodule is selected, inappropriate menu items are not shown any more - Investigate: made dark-theme-capable - Log: - Details: made gravatar image clickable to see large image in browser - Push To dialog (for refs): removed "Force" option if modifying pushed commits is disabled in preferences - Refresh: - ignores missing or bad refs - show notification about possible performance problems if much refs were detected - the regular expressions to limit the number of loaded tags/remote branches is now configurable in the repository's .git/config (see notificaton) - Refresh (after command execution): more responsive if Branches view is still updating - Stash Selection: support for untracked files - Submodule, Update: "And initialize new submodules" option recurses now by default, unless smartgit.submoduleUpdate.initializeRepository=true - GUI: - own toolbar implementation: - popup buttons will show the popup on mouse-release or long-click, instead of on mouse-down - buttons with additional popup menu will only show the popup on long click if the option smartgit.toolbar.longClickPopupOnly is set true - Windows, OS X bundles: upgraded Git to version 2.14.1 Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: Set Tracked Branch could suggest wrong branch - Changes: changed line-endings were shown for changed submodule - Commit: comparing added file in staged mode showed working tree changes - Log: - Delete was enabled if no branch or tag was selected - Refresh problem after replacing entire repository ("can't find commit") - merge/rebase/cherry-pick failed with serious error for mild errors like conflicts - now with a warning - SVN: - Refresh: internal error when opening SVN clone with submodules - Delete: could not delete dangling link (Linux) - GUI: - Changes: fixed possible internal error switching from compact to normal display - F2 in the Files view triggered rename stash instead of rename file - Preferences: Add/Edit external tool dialog rejected invalid but disabled confirmation message - Windows 10: table header was hardly distinguishable from normal rows SmartGit 17.1 preview 14 (2017-08-31) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Gerrit: - support for drafts and topics - Push To Gerrit: should be available from Repositories view - Journal, Split Commit: apply the commit two times for easier splitting - Push: - should behave more similar when invoked in main window and from Branches view/Log - Push dialog: option to "don't show again" - Stash: - improved stash management - option "Include untracked files" moved to Preferences - quick-stash actions (no message) - "Git executable is not valid."-dialog: make the link to stackoverflow clickable - GUI: - Compare, Apply Selection: allow to operate with selections outside blocks - allow to skip "SmartGit needs to check for updates" dialog at startup Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches view: opening a Log from right-clicking a branch did not reveal it (if View|Include Tracked Remote Branches is selected in Log) - Push: pushing multiple branches (from Branches view) did not correctly evaluate force-flag - Refresh: - after commands: did not update renamed missing files - avoid useless scanning into ignored directories - duplicate submodule was displayed after replacing directory tree by submodule - obstructed conflicts should be reported - Stash: - automatic stash after commands: should honor "Include untracked" option - selection stashing: message was always "Created via 'git stash store'" - GUI: - Changes: applying something caused line separator changes to disappear - Commit, Select Message from Log: did not put focus into message editor anymore SmartGit 17.1 preview 13 (2017-08-21) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Cleanup renamed to "Run Garbage Collector" - Commit: warning "Do you want to commit and push just a subset of all changes" can be hidden - Conflict Solver: added preferences options to swap "ours" and "theirs" in case of rebase conflicts - Ignore: - works on newly removed files, too - works on tracked files, too, by removing them - Log: - drag and drop operations show a popup menu at the drop location instead of a dialog - 2 toolbar buttons for Log Repository and Log Selection, each having the other in the popup menu - Pull: added Fetch and Fetch More commands as popup menu items - Push: toolbar button with Push-To in popup menu - Refresh: - performance improvements (up to 30% faster were reported) - added preferences option to inspect EOLs for modified files (former system property "smartgit.refresh.inspectEOLs") - Stash: ability to rename (only the stash, not the created commits!) - Hg: - 2 toolbar buttons for Log Repository and Log Selection, each having the other in the popup menu - SVN: - smartgit.svn.authorsfile uses UTF-8 encoding now - GUI: - Commit Message input field: prevent entering/pasting 0x00 characters - verbose date: added option in the preferences to disable the "Yesterday" display - own toolbar implemenation: - smaller area to trigger popup (means larger area for triggering the normal command), because the popup also can be activated by click and hold Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: renamed stash did not show new name (stash commit still show the original names because the stash is not recreated but just renamed) - Changes: showed "EOL: Unix" on Windows for HEAD vs. Index comparison - Commit: newly check for set user name and email did not consider .git/config - Log: - Checkout: fixed warning trying to check out origin/foo if foo was *behind* origin/foo - Output: could not be cleared completely manually - Pull: "Fetch merge type no specified" error - Refresh: - possible phantom modifications when having "ident" attribute set - possible duplicate refreshing after executed commands - Startup: "--investigate" opened annotate instead of DeepGit if SmartGit already was running - GUI: - Compare: - Apply Selection was often not predictable - possible invalid inner-line diff - Clone wizard: the remote branch combobox could increase the dialog's with - double-clicking renamed file did not open file compare - Syntax coloring (Windows): file extension case did matter - own toolbar implementation: - different spaces between icon/text and popup arrow Other Changes ------------- - renamed "line separators" to "line-endings" because the latter seems more commonly used - updated SWT to version 4.811 SmartGit 17.1 preview 12 (2017-08-02) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Changes view: option to ignore line separator changes - Commit: if or are not set, a warning is shown - Journal: - added option to show more commits (temporarily until branch or repository is switched) - added system properties "smartgit.log.commitMessage.lineFeedSymbol" and "smartgit.log.commitMessage.shortOnlyTitle" (default: true) - Log Repository: added separate menu item and toolbar button (with popup for log for selection) - Pull (multiple repositories): option to fetch tags - Repository Settings: - completely reworked to edit effective repository values; - options from .git/smartgit.config moved to .git/config ("smartgit" section) - GUI: - date formatting: show weekday for previous week Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Changes view: - empty lines with different line separators did not show line separators - line separator was shown for last line of files that ended with "normal" character (no line separator) even if all line separators were equal - wrong index line separators files configured with text = auto in .gitattributed - Index vs. HEAD showed "EOL: Unix expected Windows" by default on Windows - toggling "Ignore Whitespace" hid line separator changes - Git-LFS: recursive patterns like "image/**" were not properly interpreted - Investigate: fixed a few visual glitches, especially on HiDPI monitor - Output popup: showed success even if cherry pick or external commands failed - Proxy: if .gitconfig contained server-specific proxy, it was overridden by the proxy configured in SmartGit - Repository Settings: can't clear user settings, e.g. for GPG program - GUI: - OS X: selected/toggled state of own toolbar was hard to notice SmartGit 17.1 preview 11 (2017-07-21) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Support for line-based line separators: - Changes view: should show them - Compare only shows the file content - Compare, Index Editor, Conflict Solver: prevent editing when mixed line separators were detected (in that case, please first fix the mixed line separators using a text editor) - Author column: support for "LastName, FirstName" - Git: - Log: - Files: distinguish between "Renamed" and "Renamed-Modified" - separated Save Stash to Stash All and Stash Selection - Stash All: ability to "Just Save" (= stash and re-apply) - Stash Selection: file name completion - Output view: - hidden by default - if hidden, shows just a plain auto-hiding popup or failure dialog with command output - upon user request the failure dialog can be replaced by an failure auto-hiding popup - preferences: removed options to show command and directory - they are always shown now - GUI: - completion popup now completes with and Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: remote branches inside directory-like sections showed section prefix - Investigate/DeepGit was broken - Push: JIRA issue were not resolved - GUI: - Linux: shell bounds are not remembered correctly, work-around for - OS X: table columns in dialogs, e.g. commit, were to narrow by default Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - OS X: updated Git to version 2.13.1 (if updating installation) - Windows: updated Git to version 2.13.3 (if updating installation); default credentials manager is disabled SmartGit 17.1 preview 10 (2017-07-10) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches view: section-nodes are sorted according to user choice (name, date), not always the last one - Changes view: added context menu item to open in Index Editor (at same position) - GUI: - Changes view: optional compact display (option can be found in Changes menu) - Author column shortening: - Foo-Bar Bazz now can be truncated to F.-B. Bazz or FBB - can be disabled by setting smartgit.authorColumn.smartShortening=false Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - possible hang if increasing rectilinearity, combined with preserve parent order - Details: parents may not be displayed if not yet loaded into the graph - Refresh: possible "error-prone admin area configuration" for cascading, unrelated repositories - GUI: - accelerator input field: Ctrl+A selected instead of detecting accelerator - modifying accelerators kept previous accelerators in windows mapping - Ctrl+- and Ctr+Numpad- triggered the same commands Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Git: uses native rebase now instead of own code that worked around the long-time performance problems of "git rebase" on Windows SmartGit 17.1 preview 9 (2017-06-16) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: - improved preserving of colors (requires Git-Flow to be enabled) - option to force preservering parent order (requires system property "smartgit.log.graph.layoutActions" set to true) - Hg: - support version numbers like 4.2+309-f40... - SVN: - Push: support for resolving JIRA issues Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Rebase: - "Continue" button may add unexpected additional commit - Refresh: submodules might not be refreshed anymore after switching back from ignored submodule SmartGit 17.1 preview 8 (2017-05-18) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Distributed Reviews add-on: option to read users from CSV file - Fetch (more): --unshallow option - Ignore: ability to ignore multiple files explicitly - Pull (multiple repositories): honors configured "fetch tags" default from single pull dialog - Rebase, Continue: ask how to handle untracked files instead of rejecting to continue - Refresh: minor performance improvements in case of many refs/tags - Hg: - support for Mercurial 4.2 - no dependency on GLIBC 2.14 any more, so it can run on 64-bit CentOS 6.* - GUI: - the focused Changes view is treated like the Files view would be focused - own toolbar implementation to avoid a couple of toolbar bugs, especially on Linux: Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Branches: sectioned tags showed section name part (branches dodn't) - Distributed Reviews add-on: users may become deleted after editing - Log: - Changes: comments were painted over content on Linux - Branch Delete was allowed on git-svn branch but shouldn't - Refresh (Windows): performance problems when using junctions - Setup wizard: does not require email AND name any more - Windows: periodic CPU usage of ~3% - GUI: - Find and Replace dialog: Find buttons were not enabled when invoked on selected text SmartGit 17.1 preview 7 (2017-04-25) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches view: reverse-digit-sorting is now configurable - Clone: remembers last target paths independent from local source path - Log: can be triggered now from renamed file (using the history from the deleted/missing partner) - support for "reverting state" (Refresh, Abort command) - Windows: updated bundled Git to version 2.12.2 - Hg: - support for version 4.1 - Compare: - Reload: preserves vertical scrolling - Setup wizard: only trigger repository search for new users (== no known repository) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git - Clone: with "Fetch all commits" deselected, but then "Fetch all Heads and Tags" selected again, still only the latest X commits are fetched - Interactive rebase: - failed for submodules - failed if core.commentChar was defined - could show timeout dialog - Log: clustering commits fixes SmartGit 17.1 preview 6 (2017-03-31) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches/Tags: numbers in names are sorted reverse - Changes view: - for renamed file shows HEAD of original file - Compare: - if invoked on a renamed file works like having the added/untracked and removed/missing file selected - if invoked on a submodule "file" shows same information as Changes view - Index Editor: - if Changes view is focused, the Index Editor is opened at the exact same place - for renamed files shows HEAD of original file - dark theme: table header color can be set (especially on Windows) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Commit: error invoking compare (by double-clicking) for added file - Compare: if invoked on a renamed file (pair), the original was not always shown left - Log: - Reveal even asked for Local vs. Tracked branch if both pointed to same commit - Preferences: changing "Detect renames" option did not refresh - Stage: error "pathspec did not match any files" for renamed, modified files - Password store: master password is reset to empty if no (more) passwords are present on exit - OS X: Home key did not move caret to first document position if appropriate option in the preferences was unselected SmartGit 17.1 preview 5 (2017-03-15) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Clone: allow to specify the branch to check out - DeepGit: various improvements and fixes - Repository/Directory popup: rearranged some menu items Fixed Bugs ---------- - GUI: - OS X: disabling the parent window of a dialog caused to lose the focused control after the dialog had been dismissed - Tree controls: internal error if selected node has became unselected by collapsing a parent node SmartGit 17.1 preview 4 (2017-03-09) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Add Tag: removed redundant "Create annotated tag" checkbox - Branches view: - sort branches *and tags* in sections - uses more descriptive "incoming pull requests" instead of showing "(!)" - Log: ability to open file with same path (ignoring any rename) in external tool - Changes view, Compare: Apply Line/Stage Line/Unstage Line: allow in (equal sized) change blocks - Conflict Solver: ability to apply both (Left before Right, Right before Left) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Compare: closing the window could interfere with a previously triggered Save causing internal error - speed-search popup was hard to read with dark theme SmartGit 17.1 preview 3 (2017-02-24) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Add Tag dialog: added Ctrl+Space popup for filtering of existing tags - Journal: - Interactive Rebase: support Move & Squash (as in Journal) as for equally named commits - Modify and Split Commit: added Modify (for stopping after the commit) and Split (for stopping with commit changes in the Index) options - Log: - added Interactive Rebase for modifying the history of the head commit - Compare: - quick precompare distinguishes between binary equal and content equal (except of line separators) - Windows, Open in SmartGit: by defining not a seperate window is opened, but one existing (even with already opened repository) is re-used Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Blame: Age and Author highlighting were not dark-theme-aware - Changes view: fixed EOL display for no-converting case, e.g. core.autocrlf = false - Journal: - Checkout was available even for the HEAD commit - Interactive Rebase: internal error if multiple commits were removed - Stash files: - possible internal error - problems related to added and removed files - GUI: - Compare: markers for hidden inner-line changes hard to see on dark theme - full-screen and maximized/zoomed state were not distinguished - OS X: Enter Full-Screen has been moved from Windows to View menu SmartGit 17.1 preview 2 (2017-02-16) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Stash selected files: - added to Files context menu - if 1 or more untracked files are selected, a warning (i) is shown and allowed to proceed - GitHub/others: more appropriate validation of certificates - GUI: - Compare, Conflict Solver: reworked Find, Find & Replace dialogs, added regular expression search, simplified next/prev handling - Notifications: more notifications with "Remind me later" option - Themes: - might extend using existing themes (extends=) - might switch editor theme (preferredEditorTheme=[light|dark]) - added command line parameter --write-default-theme-file for easier creation of own themes Fixed Bugs ---------- - Blame: internal error - Refresh: - on window activation refreshing failed if file monitoring was broken - after commands: might fail after perfroming tool operation - GUI: - OS X: it was possible to close a parent dialog immediately after the child dialog while the child dialog's close handler wasn't performed SmartGit 17.1 preview 1 (2017-01-30) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Changes view: if mixed line separators prevent staging/unstaging, an info is shown in the context menu - Commit: - if in rebasing-state and no committable change detected, Commit is not offered - if in rebasing-state Continue Rebase also works with unstaged changes - DeepGit: complete integration (no need for external DeepGit installation) - Journal: - batch process multiple changes (Rebase Interactive; ) - command to split commits - Log: - Reveal can work on remote or local branches regardless of display options - removed "Include Tracked Remote Branches" from Branches view context menu because it also influences Commits view - Pull, Fetch: offers to remove invalid fetch refspec from .git/config - Stash: works on selected files () - Sync: updates toolbar button according to configured pull-push order - Quickly locate (matching) gitignore files () Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Git-Flow: Finish Feature might fail if develop had submodule changes