SmartGit 18.2.9 (2019-06-19) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git-Flow, Finish Hotfix: when using external Git-Flow no "version tag" is created Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - support for new BitBucket API SmartGit 18.2.8 (2019-05-21) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - SSH: support user names wrapped in single-quotes, e.g. ssh://'foo@bar'@server:1234/path Fixed Bugs ---------- - Linux launcher: only enforce GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus if it was set to xim - macOS: an update of the installation bundle caused a directory to remain Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - increased version of bundled Git to 2.21.0 SmartGit 18.2.7 (2019-04-10) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: improved error message for "Inconsistency between (cached) commit data detected" - https: added low-level property connection.https.trustedFingerprints to work around certificate problems with self-signed certificates and proxies - SSH: authentication-related errors are reported now on re-occurring credentials dialog Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - Refresh: false-positive "repository has an error-prone admin area configuration" message for submodules in worktrees - setting smartgit.log.hostingProviderIntegrationEnabled=true should not disable Distributed Review add-on - Repositories: opening a repository opened already in another window (working tree or log) causes internal error if renamed or deleted on disk (missing repository) - Repository Settings on missing repository might cause internal error - Working Tree: - Merge and other commands with embedded log: branch selection dialog should not hide remote, tracked branches - Check for New Version: broken if "Automatically download and install updates" has been selected in the preferences - Docking: maximizing and restoring one view by double clicking its title restores the wrong (too old) size SmartGit 18.2.6 (2019-02-25) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Fetch (background): continues with next submodules if one failed - Git-Flow: added low-level property gitflow.integrate.shortMergeMessage - Journal: added low-level property journal.defaultAuxiliaryRef - Log: - Repositories: disallow to delete submodules Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Commit: error "Cannot read file .../.gitbugtraq" if content is invalid - Log: - Details: unexpected ID detection inside words - Distributed Reviews: trying to reveal comment failed with "Comment ... could not be revealed" - File log: Window | Repositories caused internal error - mergable coloring used hard-to-see color for anchor in dark theme - Refresh: - possible internal error have a large amount of renamed files - low-level property "log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels did not work on nested roots - Working Tree: - Show Changes: Compare with Each Other did not work for files from different repositories - delete on submodule did not work anymore - startup: command line parameter "--investigate" was broken - unmodified SVN submodules in non-SVN parent repositories showed up if "Show Unchanged Files" was unselected - JIRA/Bitbucket Server/GitLab: problems when trying to access servers which only support a limited set of ciphers (elliptic curves); installation upgrade is required! - Windows bundles: fixed outdated readme.txt SmartGit 18.2.5 (2019-01-30) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Gerrit: added low-level property gerrit.checkCommitMsgHookContent to avoid false-positive Gerrit detection - Log: - Branches, Checkout: added low-level property log.checkout.forceSelectionOfBranchAnchor - Linux startup script: - easier switching back to GTK2 Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Commit: Amend-option was disabled for merge - Log: - Commits view: revealing HEAD should always reveal HEAD and not stay at working tree node (e.g. double-clicking from Journal) - Refresh: - log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels broke refresh of commits - breaks in case of invalid Bisect configuration (missing "start" branch) - GUI: - Customize Accelerators dialog: internal error if a filtered-out accelerator is cleared by setting another - Compare/Merge, Apply Selection: possible internal error if all was selected - Linux: - startup script: incorrect definition of -XX:ErrorFile SmartGit 18.2.4 (2019-01-16) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: - Details view: added low-level property log.details.onlyShowActualCommitRefsWhenFiltered - Hg: - support for Mercurial 4.8.* Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - Commits view: - reordering commits did not preserve selection - rebase/cherry-pick by drag & drop was broken - when filtering, "actually on commit"-marker for refs (brighter box) was not properly evaluated - Branches view: - reveal after Checkout did not work for behind branch with "Just Checkout" option - checking out a branch should not reset a manually changed selection - external tools: incorrect parameter "--defaultsVersion" (instead of "--version") for "Show Git Version" tool (regression) - Working Tree Window, Files view context menu: LFS submenu might have been empty (if LFS was not yet installed) - macOS: warning about default osxkeychain credential helper - Hg: - possible performance problems with many draft commits in a repository with many merges - startup: possible internal error when specifying invalid value for low-level property ui.verboseDate.weekdayFormat - GUI: - Changes view: scrolling with mouse-wheel over connector selected next tab (if there were multiple tabs) - Customize accelerators: did not warn about duplicate accelerators if the commands where invisible because of filtering SmartGit 18.2.3 (2018-12-21) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Log - added low-level property log.dragAndDrop.offerAdvancedOperationsForDropsOntoAncestors to allow drag and drop for advanced rebase and cherry-pick operations - Open File Log reuses Branches view selection from repository log - Repositories view - select the current repository only if another repository or group was selected before (but, e.g., no subdirectory) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git - Log - Refresh: obsolete modified working tree overlaps new commit for a short time, then vanishes - Git-Flow Light: for various command dialogs "Fetch" options were disabled - Pull: "Update existing and fetch new tags" did not work for Git >= 2.20 - Working Tree window - changes were not reported gradually anymore - Linux: on some systems opening the commit dialog caused an internal error - Compare, Apply Selection: internal error applying change from an inserted block - GUI - several views: tab order cycled between table and search input field - macOS 10.14: when customizing the toolbar, the 1st item remained duplicated - Find Command, Find Object: shortcuts were swapped SmartGit 18.2.2 (2018-12-17) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Log - Repositories: added low-level property log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels to update the repository state of open, but not currently selected repositories - Pull with rebase, merge commit: added low-level property pull.rebase.mergeCommit.mergeOrRebase to avoid merge-or-rebase dialog Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git - Commit while in rebasing state: Skip Commit occurred for wrong situations - Log - Changes - Index content might not have been displayed if file was case-changed in working tree - staging hunk for case-changed file did not work - Commits - filter broke after changing low-level property log.graph.graphicalFiltering in the preferences - switching branches lost Working Tree/Index selection - File/Subdir log did not remember layout - Repositories: state got lost when opening multiple repositories at once and having "Show Working Tree & Index Permanently" selected - File Compare: forgot about BOM Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Linux: can use org.eclipse.swt*.jar files from SmartGit 18.1 for systems that don't work well with GTK3 - reduced memory consumption of sub-processes (credential helper, SSH client, ...) SmartGit 18.2.1 (2018-12-06) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Log - added low-level property log.graph.workingTreeAutoSelectionForConflicts to disable auto-selection of the working tree node if conflicts were detected - GUI - added low-level property ui.fonts.useDefaultAsInfo to make the info font the same as the default font (instead of a tinier, derived one) - Linux - select text in text fields automatically like on other platforms; set ui.textFields.selectAll to false if this is undesired Fixed Bugs ---------- - BitBucket - Clone listed only own repositories, but should have listed all with read-access ("member" role) - Git - GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket integration: internal error trying to merge on server - Log - Commits: resettings filter should not auto-select Working Tree or Index node - Repositories: could not invoke Pull/Push commands on group - Preferences - proxy port was not remembered after switching off the proxy temporarily - SSH - some special SSH server setups caused an error "ClassNotFound: org.ietf.jgss.GSSException" to be raised => these users should force an installation update from the About dialog using the button right beside the version text field - GUI - Update check: multiple "The upgrade to version x is not covered by your license" notifications showed up SmartGit 18.2.0 (2018-11-30) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git - Log - Branches view: Ctrl+C did not copy ref name - Changes view (Windows): old file content does not show up for case-changed files - Push to Gerrit: should be available in case of multiple Gerrit remotes (if sill unique) SmartGit 18.2 RC 3 (2018-11-26) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - external tools: support remote URL Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git - Log - Changes view: use "Stage Hunk", "Stage Line" action names as in Working Tree window - GUI - Windows: message dialog buttons might move to the right if Windows triggered a relayout, e.g. after showing the lock screen - my-words.dic was not copied from previous version settings directory Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - not just traces of Java crashes are sent, but also traces for native SmartGit crashes (trace = code location where error occured) SmartGit 18.2 RC 2 (2018-11-20) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Log: - Commits view: context menu contained commands to drop or rename a selected stash, but not to apply - notification for switching from Working Tree to Log window as main window - possible errors after changing shallow commits - Log, Journal: added low-level properties and to limit excessively long author names Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git - Commit: switching between "Staged Changes" and "Local Changes" in the dialog did not update the file count label - Company installation, portable bundle: files from the "default" directory were not copied SmartGit 18.2 RC 1 (2018-11-14) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: - for existing users a notification is shown how to configure the Log as main window - added low-level property log.files.includeIndexOnlyFilesForWorkingTreeNode to hide, e.g., renamed files in working tree node - LFS: if low-level property "pull.queryRemoteLfsLocks" is set, locks should always be queried regardless of whether a [lfs] entry exists in .git/config Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Finish Feature/Release: "Tag Message" actually is a "Commit/Tag Message" - Log: - dialog to select refs for external tool: fixed layout problem - setup wizard came up a second time after installing an update at the startup Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - optionally send native-VM-crash-logs to syntevo SmartGit 18.2 preview 11b (2018-11-09) ====================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - SSH: support for protocol 2 Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - downgraded to JRE 10 again, because JRE 11 has a major problem with https servers: (see SmartGit 18.2 preview 11 (2018-11-09) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Bitbucket: newly created tokens will completely use v2, for older - Git - Branches view: more compact pull request node titles - Commit: if low-level property commit.message.keepFile is set to true, temporary commit-message files will not be deleted after the command execution - Edit Last Commit Message: optimized command and made working for empty commits, too Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - hosting provider integrations don't work reliably when having multiple repositories open - Repositories view: internal error trying to close group that was in the progress of getting opened - Repositories view: possible internal error deleting nested groups - SSH: failed if git property: protocol.version=2 was set - Updater: failed if (even ignored) files vanished during the creation of the new directory structure Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - upgraded to JRE 11 (LTS), because JRE 1.8 will be out of support since January 2019 - no support any more for 32-bit systems (because of Java and SWT not supporting it and more) SmartGit 18.2 preview 10 (2018-11-05) ===================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Branches: performance improvements for many local tracking branches - Compare/Changes: added low-level property "compare.applyGitFilters" to also view, e.g. git-crypt file contents - Interactive Rebase: indicate equally named (autosquashable) commits - Log - Commits - added low-level property "log.commits.preserveSelectedCommitsAfterResettingFilter" - temporary "Reveal Working Tree" is now reset immediately once working tree became modified - filtering: performance improvements, especially for IDs - refresh - performance improvements after commit-related commands - performance improvements related to hosting providers - GUI - for too large tooltips, show the first 3 lines by default Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git - Annotate - gutter menu: wrong line was used (depending on window position) - Changes view - if Ignore Line Endings was selected, applying a change block shortly showed line endings as modified - Commit message input field - comments (by default lines starting with #) only should be indicated if a commit message template is configured - line length guides did not consider comment lines - Log - Branches - lose content after trying to reveal invalid commit - creating branch on existing local branch tracked the local branch - Commits - scrolling down for experimental first-parent option might not load new commits - Files - Log, Blame, Investigate: did not work on removed files - double-clicking a commit in the Journal did not reveal the commit in the Log if it already was open - did not reveal stash from working tree window - Investigate - could not open log for renamed file - refresh - did not refresh after deleting .git/info/exclude - good repository might show up as missing directly after clone - possible "Not a ref: ..." error message - Working Tree window - Changes view: some accelerators were not configurable and did not work - startup: when using the --log option, a redundant log window was opened - GUI - Repositories view: F2 did not work to rename a repository/group - tree controls: double clicking somewhere worked on the selection even if the mouse position did not change the selection - macOS 10.14 - Repositories view: internal error dragging group - a couple of different internal errors - removing a repository did not remove entries from projects.xml Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Windows bundles ships with Git 2.19.1 SmartGit 18.2 preview 9 (2018-10-19) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Branches - Delete: disallow deleting the current branch unless the low- level property "branch.delete.allowToDeleteCurrentBranch" is set to true - LFS: offer LFS commands only if Git-LFS is enabled for the repository - Log - Branches - Checkout will reveal the checked out commit (new HEAD) - Pull, Sync: warn about an installed credential helper using a notification - Mercurial/Hg - support for Mercurial 4.7 - show a notification about the end-of-life of Mercurial support inside SmartGit at the end of 2019 - GUI - Changes/Compare: - improved select rows by using the line number column to include the end line as well, so a single click selects the current line - Spell-checker: ability to trigger the suggestion popup with the keyboard Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git - Commit - possible error "Missing blob" trying to commit submodule addition and removal - Investigate (DeepGit) - internal error trying to invoke on file in bare repository - Log - Commits graph: failed to show some commit connection (omitted arrows) - Files - not updated properly quickly switching between commits - initialized SVN submodules showed up with "staged" icon - wrong icon for removed submodule - Refresh might fail when having submodule addition and removal in working tree - Rebase - Continue complained about unresolved conflicts even if all were already solved - Repositories - trying to open Hg repository might fail - Working Tree window - opening log for repository which is actually is a submodule might fail - GUI - Annotate: some accelerators did not work on macOS - Compare - if option "Ignore All Whitespaces" is selected, some blocks were shown as completely modified instead of unchanged - Edit | Customize | Accelerators - if filter was used, filtered out menu items lost their accelerators - Log - Repositories: F2 on closed repository did not allow to rename - macOS - Annotate/Blame: might show empty gutter context menu - light system independent theme: buttons did not show the focused state any more - macOS 10.14 (mojave) - fixed some colors SmartGit 18.2 preview 8 (2018-10-05) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git - Apply Stash - if it fails to restore with Index, it asks whether to try without Index - Commit - comment detection: support for core.commentChar instead of hard-coded # - Compare - added low-level property "compare.innerLineMaxComputationSteps" - Index Editor - in case of mixed line-endings, editing is prevented (it would fail later on saving anyway) - Interactive Rebase - added less aggressive Auto-Squash command - LFS - pull queries lfs locks if lfs.locksverify=true or if no lfs-section is present at all - shows locking state in Name column tooltip - Log window - Add Branch/Tag: works on HEAD if Working Tree or Index node is selected - Show Changes - allow to invoke even for unchanged files - if HEAD commit is selected and the file contains no local changes, the previous commit is compared against the working tree, so it's possible to edit the latter - Working Tree window - Show Changes: did not work for untracked files - View menu: don't assign F8-F10 by default - confused users who pressed these keys unintentionally - New Log Window, New Working Tree Window: unified to New Window - GUI - Edit | Customize | Accelerators - uses filter input field instead of speed-search - Prefer Log or Working Tree window: optionally remembers last used window if is set to true - Repositories - ability to deactivate automatic adding to best matching group by setting repository.suggestMostAppropriateGroup to false - theme improvements - darker buttons (in dark theme) - visible borders - another docktabFolder.drawStyle - Windows - workaround for rare Windows bug (hard crash in MSCTF.dll): - Linux - bundle .svg file Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git - Commit - macOS: internal error closing commit dialog if lines were marked with commit style - Ignore - did not refresh correctly after ignoring by pattern - Index Editor - if saving failed, the error dialog was shown on top of Working Tree or Log window instead of Index Editor - if saving failed on close, close was not prevented - Log window - file log could not be closed on macOS using Cmd+W - Files view - if 2 commits were selected, Log, Blame and Investigate were disabled - Commits view: hovering over [x refs] area did not show tooltip - Refresh - possible internal error opening SVN repository with uninitialized submodules - GUI - File Compare - internal error deleting/replacing all text - Repositories view - internal error trying to open "other" Git/Hg repository - F2 did not work to rename closed repositories Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - macOS bundle ships with Git 2.19.0 SmartGit 18.2 preview 7 (2018-09-26) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Commit: - comment lines (starting with #) are shown in gray - message history popup: hide comments lines if possible - disambigued no-name-or-email message - Journal & Log: - unified "is already pushed" detection - remove parenthesis from the displayed author - LFS: experimental display of locks state (requires pull.queryRemoteLfsLocks to be set to true and lfs..locksverify=true in the .git/config) - see also - Log: - Branches view: - context actions needed shortcuts - enforce the HEAD is selected after performing the initial commit - Commits view: - added low-level property log.graph.preserveConnectorsUntilFork which (if set) might cause some repositories to look better - low-level properties affecting the graph don't require restart any more - Git-Flow: disallow modification of non-branch commits (as in Journal) - several commands should work on multiple selected repositories (as in Working Tree window) - Rebase: - Continue should invoke "git rebase --skip" if necessary - in rebasing state, the Rebase toolbar button visually clashed with the Abort toolbar button - Refresh: "renamed modified" state (as in Log) - Submodules (Clone, Pull, ...): if selected to initialize new submodules, this is done recursively unless the low-level property submoduleUpdate.initializeRepository is set to false - GUI: - Add Repository: now tries to add to the most suitable group (the one which contains other repositories of this directory) - Changes view: changed "Force Text" to "Force Compare" and allowed to trigger compare of file considered as too large - Changes/Compare: - select rows by using the line number column - Repository Settings: shows warning for missing/wrong name/email - moved "Show Working Tree Window"/"Show Log Window" and "New Log Window"/"New Working Tree Window" to Window menu Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Clone: possible interference with Branches refreshing - GitLab integration: possible "Could not parse date" error - Investigate: possible internal error caused by adding/removing tabs - Log: - Branches view: - for a new (empty) remote the preceding checkbox was shown semi- selected suggesting that there was something selected inside - Changes view: - didn't refresh for currently selected Working Tree or Index file - scrolled to top after any change - Checkout: suggested to track an already tracked remote branch - Commits view: - merging/rebasing state did not show up if Working Tree and Index were clean - possible internal error right-clicking - Details view: showed user name as link even if no email was stored - Files view: - Show Changes, Save As and Compare with Working Tree did not work if 2 commits were selected - Save As might hang for Git-LFS files where blobs were not present yet in local repository - Compare with Working Tree: showed wrong button texts - View Unchanged option was not enabled for commit selection - Find Object: did not work in bare repository - Refresh: if repository became temporarily invalid, Branches state and thus graph became lost - Repositories: - opening missing repository did not properly detected missing state - opening a repository which already was open in a Working Tree window did not work - Squashing commits rewinded 1 commit too far - possible internal error related to shallow clones - possible internal errors related to partly unshallowed repositories - Refresh: - after renaming a file a second time, untracked artifact remained until performing a clean refresh - macOS: failed to pick up directory renames - Show Changes: could not be opened for a removed file - GUI: - Compare: - internal error replacing text under certain conditions - line number gutter size did not change if more lines were added - Commit file name completion: performance problem for large number of files - Find Command/Object: added workaround for anti-aliasing bug - Index Editor/Conflict Solver: inline changes did not correctly show up for left-middle blocks - Linux: could not override JRE (using ~/.smartgit/smartgit.vmoptions file) because of bundled JRE Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Windows bundles ship with Git 2.19.0 SmartGit 18.2 preview 6 (2018-09-05) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Clone: if there is an URL in the clipboard, pre-select entire existing text in URL text field - Files table/view: support path-separator for the Filter - Log: - Commit vs. Index compare by selecting Index node and a commit node - Refresh: - faster refreshing of pending changes when switching between repositories - submodule refresh should update parent repository state, too - working tree state refresh performance improvements - Repositories: Open Repository in New Window should be applicable to multiple repositories - Statusbar layout unified with main window - Low-level property "log.graph.forceShowAuthorIfNotEqualCommitter" - Repository, Settings: better understandable submodule Push options - Setup: ask which kind of view (working tree view vs. Log view) user prefers - Submodule, Deinit: should be available on "modified" submodules, too Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - Commits view: - crash when invoking Reveal Working Tree without having a repository selected in Repositories view - revealing previous commit should not start heavy-weight query if commit is already present in the graph - Files view: Log on submodule with New Window option selected failed to properly select submodule node in Repositories view - Refresh: - may have failed to detect merge/cherry-pick/revert/rebase/bisecting state - possible hang after trying to open broken repository - possibly outdated working tree state, caused by concurrent refreshes - Repositories view: - internal error when trying to remove missing repository - outgoing commits marker on submodules should show up, regardless of which node is currently selected in the tree - when "Allow to open multiple Log windows for the same repository" is selected in Preferences, it should be possible to open an already opened repository from the Repositories view context menu - Squash: false-positive warning about pushed commits for repositories which don't have remotes - SVN: background clone did not start - Repository|Settings should not be enabled for closed repositories - GUI: - Tree (macOS): right-clicking while a popup menu already is showing was showing empty popup menu SmartGit 18.2 preview 5 (2018-08-29) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches view: show tracked branches in remote only optionally - Log Graph/Journal: uses verbose date options - Log: - Changes view: more details in title about what is compared; if it still is not clear, set log.changes.defaultDescription to "Before vs. After" - Details view: if low-level property log.details.useNewLineAsRefSeparator is set to true, the refs are listed comma-separated, but on new lines - Files view: - low-level property log.files.includeUnchanged can be set to false to not include unchanged files and improve performance - performance improvement for many files - show selected file count in status bar - subdirectory-log: preserves file-selection - Rebasing state: show message of currently rebasing commit in Index node - Repositories view: right-clicking a submodule should offer directory tools - Working tree refresh performance improvements - indicates Log or Working Tree refreshing - Resolve: for "deleted by them" or "deleted by us" conflicts, "git add" still should be called - GUI: - Preferences, Low-level properties as well as JIRA select issue dialog: replaced speed search with filter input field - Repositories view: allow groups inside groups ( - Linux: - some support for XDG_(CONFIG|DATA)_HOME environment variables => the default settings directory now is ~/.config/smartgit ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/smartgit) and update files are stored below ~/.local/share/smartgit ($XDG_DATA_HOME/smartgit) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Files view: removed file for which local file still exists was not shown as index change - Log: - Branches view: selected refs were not remembered after closing repository - Changes view: renamed, modified file showed wrong content - Compare with Working Tree: when having 2 commits selected, it always compared to the "latter" commit's parent instead of with the selected commit - Hosting Provider commands: some commands were broken - refresh: - performing commit- or index-related options didn't update working tree window (and vice-versa) - problems caused by concurrent refresh of log and working tree - outdated submodule repo information hided up-to-date submodule state - redundant refresh after command execution - refreshing outdated repository might fail after switching back from submodule - Tools menu: contained tools that never got enabled - Reveal reset the repository's tree temporarily - Refresh: - after external change (Windows): when renaming a directory tree, the automatic refresh did not pick up all renames - tracked but ignored file might have vanish during partial refresh - GUI: - Linux: maximized state was not remembered - Filter input field: did not got chance to handle Ctrl+Backspace; instead it was used as accelerator for clearing the Output view - Updater failed if tar command was not located in /usr/bin SmartGit 18.2 preview 4 (2018-08-10) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: - added "Commit Message" view - removed option "Show Index and Working Tree only in Files view" - was too unpredictable when to switch and when not - "Reveal Working Tree": selected commit can be restored using "Reveal Previous Commit" - low-level property "log.detectRenames" can be changed without restart - File Log: - also show merge-commits in gray (like for a root log) - GUI: - Find Action: - renamed to Find Command - finds now commands from the hamburger menus Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - Changes: - did not refresh reliable - tracking differences in renamed files across multiple commits failed - File Log: some commands stayed always disabled - Files view: performance problems when populating commit files - opening multiple repositories did not work always - internal error opening bare repository (regression) - multiple commands were enabled for bare repositories though not useful - opening >1 previously opened repositories failed on restart - possible refresh problems in case of external changes for worktrees and bare repositories - redundant full refresh for reusing existing log window - redundant working tree refreshes - Repositories view: - fixed flickering of submodules during refresh - F2 did not rename selected repository/group - Welcome dialog did not allow multi-selection - dialog-based log: did not refresh on opening - Show Changes did not show anything for a missing file - GUI: - Log: - double-clicking the window's title to maximize selected the commit at the cursor position after maximizing - Ctrl+S in Files view: prefer Save As over Stash All - Repositories view: double-click on group did not expand/collapse it - macOS: certain NPEs related to no connected display - preferences: internal error trying configure GitLab provider in non-commercial edition SmartGit 18.2 preview 3 (2018-08-01) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: - allow to open multiple repositories/submodules - modified submodules are denoted in parent repository - Add Tag/Branch: depending on focused view, either the selected commit or HEAD will be used - LFS: - performance improvements - prune command - GUI: - Find Command: finds external tools, too - Repositories view: most recently used repositories in hamburger menu Fixed Bugs ---------- - immediate crash with fresh settings - Git: - Log: - fetching open repository in the background asked for the master password - possible hang after opening invalid repository - permanently scrolled HEAD/Index/Working Tree into view - Clone resulted in immediate error - BitBucket Server: possible "Could nto convert URL" error for file names containing spaces - Review commands: were enabled even for non-configured repositories - SVN: - Remote Properties could not be changed - GitLab: - possible internal error - GUI: - Changes view: - accelerators for menu items moved to the hamburger menu did not work - performance problem for large files SmartGit 18.2 preview 2 (2018-07-23) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: - added Find Object - Branches: if "Include Tracked Remote Branches", HEAD is selected, HEAD is pointing at a tracking branch, its tracked branch also is shown - Commit: preselects Staged files (as working tree window does) - Files: - "Related Path" column as optional alternative for "Name" and "Relative Directory" columns - switches automatically to Working Tree/Index in case of detected local changes - Ctrl+F jumps to the Commits or Files filter depending on the focused control - Repositories: remembers submodule-expanded state - Refresh: performance improvements in case of merging state and many refs - SVN: - Background fetch: support for config option svn-remote..smartgitBackgroundFetch=false - Bitbucket: - support left/right Changes view comments - low-level property to configure per-page limit - GitLab: enhanced integration (merge requests and comments, OAuth) - GUI: - most options of the Changes menu have been moved to the 3-stripe menu of the Changes view - Journal: if graph column is too narrow to show all, a tooltip shows the message - some low-level properties now can be applies without the need to restart Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Commit: if in cherry-pick mode, amend was enabled though not supported - internal error if having Log as default window and multiple repositories were open on previous exit - Log - Background fetch of open repository did not work - Changes view: continued to show file even if non has been selected any more - Coloring: the last coloring was not remembered - Drag and drop: possible internal error - internal error opening repositories with "/." in their path - possible performance problem - drag and drop: reordering commits brought window to front - Refresh: working tree did not refresh after external merge - Repositories: Open Repository command were enabled for multiple repositories or groups - Welcome dialog allowed to open multiple repositories - GUI: - new dock tabs: resize problems if Comments and Files were tabs in the same tab folder - CentOS 6: SWT crash because of forced GTK3 Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - shortcuts Ctrl+Up/Down had to be replaced by Alt+Up/Down because it conflicted with default table/tree selection - some view-specific shortcuts are configurable in Edit | Customize but can't be found in the main menu - Linux: the bundled Git has been removed again - caused too much problems SmartGit 18.2 preview 1 (2018-07-05) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Log: - support for working tree and index operations - working tree and index can be show as virtual nodes attached to the HEAD commit or indepdent in the Files view - allows to switch repositories, submodules - can be used as main window (preferences option) - Journal-like commands to rewrite commits (change order by drag and drop, squash, change commit message) - Files view: filtering similar to working tree window - Push now pushes the current branch (HEAD) independent of the commit selection - similar to working tree window - improved memory consumption for filtering - Reveal a commit resets filter, if necessary - Compare 2 Files: smarter detection of what to compare, e.g. if one extracted a method to a new class - Journal/Log Graph: - option for showing author in each line, even if equal - more system property options for background coloring - Move & Squash by drag and drop supports "fixup! " prefix - different column configuration for Log and Journal - Git-LFS: added Install, Track, Lock and Unlock commands - Rebase Interactive: auto-squash to move and squash equally named commits - set repository depth, e.g. to reduce the disk space on seldom changed submodules - Branches view: indicate refs pointing to same commit as HEAD - JIRA, Resolve: added system property jira.workInProgressMarkers - Find Object: - finds repository groups - finds repositories in most recently used order - Copy Relative Path: added system property copyRelativePath.useBackslash to configure whether / or \ should be used - Push to Gerrit: added system property ui.showPushToGerritInMenu that defines whether Push to Gerrit will be shown in menu and can be added to toolbar - Commit: if it fails because of missing user name or email, the Repository Settings are opened - Compare and others: - improved Apply Selection - inner-line change detection improved when splitting adding/trailing additions/removals - Proxy settings are remembered, even if disabled - GUI: - large tooltips, e.g. in Branches view, became less annyoing - they show up small by default and need a F1 press to fully show up - Linux: improved detection of zoom factor Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Log: - stash nodes showed the original commit message, not the stash comment - Rebase Interactive: - Git had problems on Windows if both, the SmartGit installation directory and the repository, contained spaces in the path - failed for worktree repository for changed messages - Branches view: F2 on a remote triggered the Rename Stash command - Clean Working Tree was enabled for closed repositories - Stage/Commit: possible error "pathspec '...' is beyond a symbolic link" - Stash Selection: was enabled for submodules though not working - Clone and other commands: duplicate error message in case of failure - http(s) authentication: possible problems with non-ASCII characters in user name or passwords - SSH: - using JSCH could cause endless hang - possible out-of-memory errors - authentication errors - GitHub/BitBucket: confusion when having multiple remotes - GUI: - macOS: configuring accelerators if they already were used in the window-less menu bar - perspectives: resized controls were not remembered/restored correctly under certain conditions Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Linux package ships with bundled Git - changed default SSH implementation from SSHJ to JSCH - some default shortcuts in View and Window menus have been changed to become similar in working tree window and log window - changed default shortcuts for Push/Pull and Find Action/Find Object so the latter can use the more common Ctrl+P - no tray icon by default (confused to much users)