SmartGit 19.1.8 (2020-03-02) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Windows: upgrade to version 20.1 did not work - "default" directory: preferences.yml was not copied SmartGit 19.1.7 (2020-03-02) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - BitBucket Server: possible internal error when refreshing (related to moved repositories) - GitHub, Create Pull Request: fails if target repository name contains uppercase letters - macOS: - update of installation directory fails to cleanup old installation correctly - Refresh: - Git-LFS lock file information may fail to parse due to new timestamp format - Git-LFS locks processing (for own locks) should be more tolerant in case of missing "owner" - corrupt yml settings files (e.g. containing 0x00 bytes) fail SmartGit to start - Investigate: showed DeepGit version in title SmartGit 19.1.6 (2020-01-14) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git-Flow, Integrate/Finish Feature: may unexpectedly skip commits to rebase - Log: - possible internal error for files obstructured by submodules - Log/Working tree window: - memory leak when closing - Log Graph/Journal: - internal error if a user name contained \r - Journal: changing Auxiliary Ref in submodule did not refresh automatically - opening bare repository may fail due to missing "logs" directory - Ignore: - internal error trying to ignore the root directory; resolved by only allowing directories containing only untracked (or ignored) files - Refresh: - for notification "Repository ... has a locked index" the "Delete" button may not work if .git/index.lock has been removed in the meanwhile - GUI - text input field, e.g. filters: Ctrl+Z triggered accelerator instead of accepting as undo for text field - internal error setting log level to FINE - macOS: - drag and drop of repositories was more or less broken - default tool to open terminal might open wrong directory; requires installation upgrade - 10.15: preferences, menu items were scrolled out of view; workaround for - Linux: - VM crash when notification was closed when fcitx IME was used - checkboxes and radiobuttons hard to read on Fedora 31 with Gnome 3.24.1 and Adwaita SmartGit 19.1.5 (2019-12-05) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - GUI: - table control: added low-level property table.scrollToSelection to prevent scrolling to selection, e.g. after toggling the sort status Fixed Bugs ---------- - Compare: - resizing the window did not redraw the "Long lines" view causing garbage to be shown there - forgots some options when using "Remember as Default" - Log: - opening a freshly cloned shallow repository failed if a commit listed in .git/shallow was not present in the repository - GitHub: query was not tolerant in case of missing parent repositories - Rebasing commands (reordering, changing messages, ...): had problems with spaces in paths - opening a missing repository in 2 windows could result in an internal error when confirming the removal - possible internal error related to bare repositories - Index Editor: did not show a warning if a file could not be saved, e.g. because it was locked by another application - i18n: variable text parts could be replaced by "1", "2", ... - internal error saving passwords - for commercial users with outdated licenses the evaluation did not work - applying changes from default settings (startup.settingsToReplaceFromDefaults) did not work when upgrading from old XML files SmartGit 19.1.4 (2019-10-02) ============================ New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Branches view: ability to copy stash name - Changes view: include commit ID for "Could not find submodule commit" message - Hosting providers: added low-level property smartgit.hostingProvider.skipCheckForConfigurations to prevent, e.g. notifications "Bitbucket Server integration is not yet configured" - added low-level property smartgit.pull.skipCheckForExternalCredentialsHelper to prevent notification "External Credentials Helper detected" Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: - Files: toggling Show Directories did not update the GUI immediately - Working Tree refresh: possible internal error related to core.ignoreCase=true - clicking sourcetree:// URLs in Bitbucket did not open clone wizard any more - SVN: - Submodule initialization was not possible if smartgit.svn.scanSubmodulesForNonSvnParents=true - Refresh: uninitialized submodules don't show up if smartgit.svn.scanSubmodulesForNonSvnParents=true - UI: - Ctrl+Shift+1/2/... did not work if commit message field in Commit/Message view was focused - Graph/Journal view: focus rect not drawn correctly - Linux: - possible internal error showing dialog on top of parent window immediately when showing this window ( - performance problem in tree controls with large amount of items - Windows launchers were monitor-dpi-aware by accident Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - dropped "Merge Directly To" 3rd-party tool due to a couple of problems with changed low-level Git API SmartGit 19.1.3 (2019-09-11) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log, Graph: - Enter did not the same as double-click - focus rect was not drawn any more - Compare or others: possible internal error applying change - Output: for Git >= 2.23, progress output like "Compressing objects:" was not properly recognized anymore - Stash On Demand: failed with "Your local changes have been stashed away, but could not be reapplied." if stashing untracked files is disabled - Windows: if some special environment variables were set, e.g. JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, the launchers did not recognize the bundled JRE and possibly tried to use an outdated one from the system causing an internal error SmartGit 19.1.2 (2019-09-06) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git-Flow: - Finish Release: Tag Message is not set to tag - Finish Feature/Hotfix/Release: should not remeove remote branch if "push" option is deselected - Log: - Commit view: temporary inconsistency might caused assertion - Graph: - could become inconsistend between selected refs and shown commits - when merging a tag (by right-clicking it), commit or other branch name on commit was used instead of the tag - adding/removing tag from local branch did not properly update local/ remote state (orange vs. black nodes) - Rebasing state: "done" labels might be in wrong order - Repository state banner text could get focus with blinking caret, e.g. after having clicked (Rebase) Continue - internal error trying to open bare repository containing .git admin directory - Window | Files tried to focus Directories view, even if hidden - Pull: possible internal error if repository config could not be read - Refresh: - reduced short-term memory usage - Stash on Demand: asked to stash untracked files even if option to stash untracked files was unselected - SVN: - Cherry Picking a not yet pushed commit (= a commit without a revision) fails with "Aborting commit due to empty commit message" - "forgot" https credentials - Linux: - fails with NoSuchMethodError if SWT_GTK3=0 and non-default SmartGit theme is used - application icon is independent of pinned launcher icon - macOS: - Stash All: adds backslashs before " to message - GUI: - possible internal error expanding a tree control SmartGit 19.1.1 (2019-08-12) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Commit, Discard: invoking Compare for renamed file does not show source file, but only empty file - Git-Flow: - Integrate did not honor custom base (if configured) - Start Hotfix fails if an unrelated version-tag is present - Start Release may suggest invalid (already existing) release name - Tools: tools with only ${dirSelect} did not show up in menu - Startup: under certain conditions always asks for confirmation to send bug traces - Linux: - suggested to add jre= line if no JRE was found, but ignored this line - https authentication failed if SmartGit path contained spaces SmartGit 19.1 GA (2019-08-08) ============================= Fixed Bugs ---------- - GitLab: Open-link did not work for repositories in subgroups - SVN: - cloning created 2 smartgit-*.tmp files in repository - duplicate tooltip in the status bar while cloning - GUI: - docking: unmaximizing a view with double click could close another view if its (X) button was positioned at the same location SmartGit 19.1 RC 4 (2019-08-01) =============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: - Files view (Working Tree): obsolete rename information may remain after partial refresh of working tree - Refresh: when opening mutliple repositories at once with "Show working tree node permanently" selected, local modifications didn't show until repository was selected - Repositories: certain commands didn't work on multi-selection of submodules (but worked on multi-selection of normal repositories) - Preferences: internal error exporting external tools - Themes: - some dark theme fixes - Tools: invalid .gitconfig empties after tool invocation - handle leak after invocation of external processes - Mercurial: - Log windows missed Window | Branches menu item - SVN: Push was broken - Windows: - assertion in JGit detecting the file system timestamp resolution - possible infinite hang when trying to open repository from network share Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - GitHub API server fingerprint updated - show info about obsolete system property "smartgit.core.push.recurseSubmodulesCheck" SmartGit 19.1 RC 3 (2019-07-19) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git-Flow: informs users about changed behavior of AVH using a notification - Preferences: option to switch to Simplified Chinese independent of the configured system locale Fixed Bugs ---------- - background fetch could show multiple error dialogs - Commit: - template needs to be read with UTF-8 - merge commit was rejected if there were no files to commit - "Select from Log" and "Select from JIRA" were not sorted the same way for all commit message fields - Edit Author: selected date was incorrectly applied - Hosting providers: obsolete and newly entered passwords were not remembered - Investigate: fixed border of Graph table - Repositories view: a group had 2 rename commands in the context menu - Log window: - Graph: - when Rebasing (or modifying a commit) an amended commit showed up in the "todo" section, too - macOS: autoscrolling while drag and drop did not work - Files: - performance problem for certain scenarios due to changed rename detection limits (compared with v18.2) - sorting by "State" column was not correct for renamed files - Working Tree window: - Files: "Index State" and "Working Tree State" columns didn't denote renames - SVN: - Clone: "incomplete" repository could not be pulled - submodules may not show up if "Show Untracked File" was unselected - Linux: - Deepin Desktop: - new dialogs weren't activated - Move to Trash was disabled until the first file was trashed outside SmartGit - Ubuntu 14.04 with default theme: checkboxes/radiobuttons looked odd - Windows: - updated smartgit*.exe because the previous ones did not detect Java if _JAVA_OPTIONS was configured Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Linux: ignores obsolete 'jre=' lines in the smartgit.vmoptions file - macOS: don't search for repositories inside ~/Pictures because otherwise macOS would show an irritating warning dialog SmartGit 19.1 RC 2 (2019-07-04) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Use Message for Commit: - added to the Journal view of the Working Tree window - allowed for non-root logs - Preferences, User Interface: Chinese users will now be able to switch to a Chinese interface Fixed Bugs ---------- - Commit: if in merging state and no staged file existed, all untracked files were added, even though "Add untracked files" was unselected - Log: - Graph: - Ref Delete/Rename: was possible even for exotic refs like svn/attic - possible internal layouting-related error with low-level property log.graph.preserveConnectorsUntilFor set - Refresh: possible dead-lock - Refresh: - various problems (like "missing object") and possible crashes if repository contains invalid ref (pointing to a valid SHA not referencing a commit) - possible internal error if repository was in rebasing state - Compare and others: word-based cursor movement moved too far SmartGit 19.1 RC 1 (2019-06-26) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Branches view: added low-level property branches.delete.preselectDeleteFromRemote to make it easier to delete remote branches - Compare, Go to next/previous change: tries to scroll full inner-line change block into view - Log, Graph, Use Message for Commit: focuses Commit view - Search for Repositories: remembers unselected repositories - UTF-8 encoded file detection: added low-level properties for disabling (text.detectUtf8WithoutBOM) and configuring the maximum character count to check (text.detectUtf8WithoutBOM.maxChars) - Window | Maximize View: renames to Restore Maximized View in maximized state Fixed Bugs ---------- - LFS, Track dialog: on Windows a file FOO.JPG was rejected for a pattern *.jpg though core.ignorecase was set to true SmartGit 19.1 preview 8 (2019-06-19) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Log: - Checkout: right-clicking a remote branch should honor clicked branch for subsequent Check Out target dialog - Commit view: when filtered, "parents" should denote commit parents instead of matching virtual parent nodes - Fetch: added low-level property fetch.fetchOnlyCurrentRemote (current remote means remote from the tracked branch of the current branch) - Rebase: uses --rebase-merges instead of --preserve-merges for Git 2.21+ - Repositories view: show icon for groups, so the text of the same level is aligned - Memory consumption reduced by ~10% for large working trees Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log window: - Branches view: toggling Git-Flow branches (e.g. feature branches) in remote category did not work - Graph view: - Checkout: - checking out remote branch resulted in detached HEAD (contrary to what is selected in the dialog) - possible internal error invoking Checkout on diverged remote branch - Refresh: possible internal error after submodule vanished, e.g. when switching branches - Working Tree window: - Commit: internal error invoking commit on files from different repositories - Branches view: invoking Fetch on a selected remote should only fetch this remote, not from all - Clone: Fetch Only a specific branch was broken - Passwords (JIRA and hosting provider): might not have been stored - Revert: for Revert & Commit the custom template from low-level property was ignored in case of conflicts - Split Commit: Commit view was cleared after 1st commit - Mercurial: - Journal: HEAD commit should be denoted in bold - Linux: if JAVA_HOME was set to an older JRE, SmartGit did not start with a NoSuchMethodError - macOS: possible internal error for shell-toolbar Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - license agreement: made commercial use details more clear SmartGit 19.1 preview 7 (2019-06-03) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Branches view: - Copy URL for Remotes - Commit view: - now also supports merge, cherry-pick, ... messages, commit.message template - optionally stage all files without confirmation - Git-Flow: - Finish Feature: merge should be non-fast-forward by default - Start Support: allow to specify base commit for support branch - GitHub (and others), Create Pull Request: - reasonable target default - use information from latest commit as default title - works on Graph selection, too (not just branch selection) - Bitbucket Server: low-level property "stash.https.fingerprint" to specify default server fingerprint - Log/Journal: show configured fixup-prefix in light color - Log: - Graph view: - inlined ref sub menu - ref context menu: merge also works on ref - Files view: - Directories tree: offer external directory tools - Rename file: also can rename untracked file - Working Tree window: - Commit view: - added Select from Log Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git-Flow: - Start Support: did not honor selected base branch - Prune Worktree: - show error message in case of error - Commit: - commit.message template not honored anymore - Log: - Graph view: scrollbar had brown background on macOS 10.14 with dark theme - Checkout: - can't create new branch for multiple remote branches on selected commit - Cherry-pick (without commit): subsequent Commit dialog may suggest wrong commit message - possible internal error opening GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab repository for which no hosting provider is configured - Refresh: possible internal error - Dark theme (Win10): Changes view may get visible (dark) scrollbars, e.g. after changing perspectives Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Commit and others, Select Message from Log: replaced "Fixup!"-prefix checkbox with configurable prefix with low-level property log.useCommitMessage.prefix - Rebase Interactive: disabled auto-squash of fixup! commits, because it offers 3 options to do that (to top/newest commit, neighbor commits, to bottom/ oldest commit) - Stash selection: show information that the index always is stashed - Log: renamed views "Commits" -> "Graph", "Details" -> "Commit" - SSH: shows better error message in case of ECDSA keys - upgraded to Java 11.0.3 SmartGit 19.1 preview 6 (2019-05-15) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Clone: - preselect default branch if "Fetch all Heads and Tags" is unselected - the 1st previous URLs are shown in recently used order, the remainding ones are sorted by name for easier reading - Details/Commit Message view: - apply more features of the classic Commit dialog: - if amend is selected, check for modifying pushed commits - checks for configured name/email - ability to select JIRA issue as message - commit single change without confirmation - file name completion: support for renamed files - Log: - Edit Commit Message now also works if Index or Working Tree is selected - Commits/Graph: - context menu: - use submenu to group all commands for the clicked ref - removed general Push, because it did not work on the selected commit - added Fixup command that takes the commit message and selects the working tree - if Index or Working Tree were clicked, show Commit, Stage/Unstage - filtering: performance improvements for subsequent filtering by cached commit data - more compact options ("hamburger") menu - Git-Flow: - toolbar button: Integrate should also be default if we are only behind origin/develop, but not local develop - Modifying or Splitting Commit: Continue button opens Commit dialog for local changes - Log/Journal: Squash Commit did not ignore "!fixup" prefix - Bitbucket/GitHub/GitLab: option to open pull request in browser - File Compare, Conflict Solver: - added _ as word character - External tools: made non-case-sensitive on Windows - Output view: added low-level property "output.view.maxDisplayedLines" - GUI: - macOS 10.14: support for dark system theme; because of bug 540081 ( it requires the use of non-system toolbars - themes: by default switch between light and dark default themes, especially on macOS 10.14 and Linux Fixed Bugs ---------- - Bitbucket/GitHub/GitLab: - integration may not work properly if remote URL contained port number - re-fetching pull request might not work - re-fetching "locally outdated" pull request did not clear "locally outdated" marker - Clone dialog: showed duplicate URLs - Commit: possible OOME for large commits (adds) - Details/Commit Message view: - could not commit into empty repository - could not commit submodule change - only untracked files were not detected as committable ("nothing to commit") - Find Action: wrong priority handling - Git-Flow: Finish should be default if feature is ahead of develop - GitLab: Add Comment (Changes view) may fail because it tries to create comment in wrong repository - Split Commit: false-positive "The splitting of commit ... is still in progress" warning when having only untracked files in the working tree - Log: - Branches view: - Bitbucket Server: misleading tooltip "Hosting provider is not configured for the current repository" for refresh button - Changes view: - did not show expected vs. real EOL - could not show Index content if repository was empty (invalid HEAD) - cloning repository did not show up as open (bold) - Commits: - clicking up-link arrow to Index (on pending merge commit) did not work - "hand" cursor over links did not show up anymore - Working Tree and Index node always should be next to each other - gap/flickering updating the "states" panel - stashes should show up completely, even if "Show Only First Parents" is selected - Repositories: - possible internal error opening multiple repositories in quick series - SVN "incomplete" state not detected (showing "missing" instead) - GitHub: possible empty "Reply" menu when right-clicking comment - file/subdir log did not remember layout - open, missing repository: each window activation caused a new error dialog to pop up - Working Tree window: - hosting providers: incoming pull requests may not be denoted if Distributed Reviews is enabled for the repository, too - GUI: - Feature Integrate/Finish: "Merge" became pre-selected where "Rebase" should be - "Default for dark system" theme was outdated - Linux: - elementary OS: checkboxes/radiobuttons inside tabbed pane looked odd - XML->YML conversion: possible incorrect conversion for null objects Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - memory limitation for helper processes - macOS: changed a few default shortcuts that conflict with default ones on macOS - Windows installer: update registry keys for Windows 7 (thanks to Guillaume Lachance) - Linux: detect display close event, e.g. on shutdown or logout SmartGit 19.1 preview 5 (2019-04-25) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git-Flow: support for AVH edition 1.12.2 - support for custom base branch - smart "Integrate Develop" for sub-features with diverged base branches - default to "Integrate" if feature lags behind parent (develop) - log safe diverged states only as "info" (instead of "warning") to the Output view - Garbage Collector: re-added option for expire-reflogs-now with additional confirmation because it will delete stashes, too - Edit Last Commit Message has been removed, because Edit Commit Message already supports it (even for merge commits) - Log: - Commits: - show banner for current rebasing/merging/cherry-pick/... state with state-specific commands what to do - Abort toolbar button has been removed - Commit toolbar button does not change to "Continue" any more (but still can be used to continue a rebase) - Details: unified Commit Message view into Details view (if index or working tree nodes are selected, the commit message can be entered) - with Amend checkbox and Commit button to commit without the dialog - commit button works on index - if no file was staged, optionally all local files get staged upon request (git add -- .) - Working Tree window: - Commit Message view: with Commit button (see Log/Details above) - Stash Apply: now also works in rebasing state - GUI: - commands that don't influence index or working tree are moved from the Local to the Branch menu (Bisect, Edit Commit Message, Edit Author, Squash Commits - Repositories: added Add Group to context menu of group - external tools (Linux): detect more terminal applications Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: - Commits: - when rebasing only a slice of commits, "rebase plan" may show too many false-positive "done" commits - possible internal error trying to open repository in rebasing state - certain degenerated rebasing states don't show up - F2 did not invoke Edit Message - Details: - Gerrit change IDs were detected as possible commit ID - Split Commit: wrong message is suggested after having entered a different message - Linux: scrolling related hard crash - GUI: - Log: - Commits: for a file log, the context menu contains always disabled commands - toolbar: changing "Show text below icon" did not relayout correctly - Rebase Interactive: if aborted, don't show "succeeded" message SmartGit 19.1 preview 4 (2019-04-16) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Modify or Split Commit: - the is-equals-check only is performed if Split Commit was invoked - Log: - Commits: - by default, roots are sorted by "first merge" instead of "time" - Drag and drop for reordering commits: show confirmation popup (set low-level property log.dragAndDrop.moveCommitNeedsConfirmation to false to prevent) - Push Commits: added low-level property pushCommits.allowAnyCommit to move the tracked branch to any (even diverged) commit (not just in the unpushed linear history of the HEAD) - Rebase: improved visualization of pending commits - Low-level property "log.graph.includeTrackedRemoteBranchForHead" to exclude HEAD's tracked branch from the Commits graph - Files: - Working tree directories with staged changes should show up as "modified" (red) if View Staged option is set - if HEAD is selected, F2 can rename a file - Checkout, Merge and Rebase menu and toolbar commands should work on Branches selection, too (not just the commands in the context menu) - Journal: "pushed" commits are always detected due to improved performance - Log/Journal: show different commit time even if author = committer - Pull: rephrased credential.helper warning to sound less dangerous - Pull/Sync: more detailed message for auto-stash confirmation dialog - Reset: - split into the more common "Reset Hard" and "Reset Advanced" - Reset Advanced: - support for the --keep and --merge options - added "Thoroughly fix line-endings" - Sync: moved configure order options from preferences to toolbar button popup menu - Git config: warn if svn-remote information is stored in user or global config Fixed Bugs ---------- - Branches: - F2 on a remote triggered the Stash Rename (which failed) - Merge: the long ref name was used in the confirmation dialog - Log: - Commits: - macOS: right-clicking an unselected commit operated on previous selection - Modify Commit: "rebase plan" should not contain current commit - Rebase HEAD to: "rebase plan" contained too many commits - possible internal error trying to lay out "far arrows" - SHA text was hard to read in dark theme - Compare with Working Tree: left file title always was " (Before)" even if "Compare After" was selected - Changes: - for a renamed file, the title says "Added" - Journal: - commits are not denoted as ahead (pushable) if commit is checked out (despite "journal.determinePushedCommits" was set) - Modify/Split/Interactive Rebase: possible duplicate "Do you want to modify..." confirmation - Log/Journal: - "pushed" detection should not take into account other branches - author and date hard to see in dark theme for author != committer Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - updated bundled Git to version 2.21.0 - Windows: - revealing a node programmatically does not scroll any more horizontally SmartGit 19.1 preview 3 (2019-03-27) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - DeepGit: - added "Open SmartGit Log" and "Open SmartGit Root Log" to Navigation view - Discard: if > 1 file is discarded, show a second confirmation - JIRA/others: detect HTTP->HTTPS redirects and show a reasonable error - Log: - Branches: - Reveal: always asks for local/tracked branch if tracked branches are not shown - Commits: - optionally show only first parents; expandable on-demand - sorting options for - time, - primary parents first, - merge parents first - for Branch and Mergable coloring text of "non-matching" nodes is shown gray as for merge commits - Commits and Files: saves and restore states when switching between multiple open repositories - Files: - Directories: - Copy Name/Path/Relative Path: now also work for a commit selection - empty untracked directories are only shown if "Show Unchanged" and "Show Untracked" is selected - opening: immediate loading feedback even for huge repositories - closing checks for running command as working tree window does - Log Graph/Journal: shows email addresses in tooltip - Modify or Split Commit work flow improved: - the Continue option only is shown for no local changes (making creating commits more explicit) - no second commit is tried to be applied - warns if the commits are not diff-equal to the original commit (e.g. if something has removed intentionally or forgotten); optionally put remainder to the index - for each commit operation the original commit's message is suggested - Rebase Interactive, Modify or Split: warn if trying to modify pushed history - Refresh: shows warning for repositories with many unpacked refs - GitHub: option to create draft pull requests - Changes view: Edit in Index Editor: is now disabled if inapplicable - Output view and dialog: - highlight links - default settings: if smartgit.startup.settingsToReplaceFromDefaults is configured, default yml files are processed specially: - a leading '-' for the key will delete this key from the settings file - for lists: - list items with the key-value "__merge__: delete" will be deleted from the list - other list items from the default yml file are prepended to the list - only if the list does not yet contain such entries (only the keys from the default list are used for the comparison) - UI: - tables: low-level property ui.table.sortByMultipleColumns to disable sorting by multiple columns - Repositories view: low-level property repositories.sortFavoritesFirst to disable moving favorite repositories before groups - Find Command: full menu item name has higher priority now than "words" Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Blame/Investigate: when invoking "Open Log" with "Existing Window" in file logs, the commit is not properly revealed - Log: - opening missing repository showed duplicate error dialogs - macOS: blurry graph on HiDPI screens - Preferences: - Hosting Providers: possible internal error - Repositories: - possible internal error invoking Copy ... on invalid repository - themes: graph.merge.text was not honored Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Windows bundles: use JRE 11 - repositories-cache.yml has been replaced with a binary file repository-cache (no need to be editable) SmartGit 19.1 preview 2 (2019-03-15) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Add Repository: report details on possible problems instead of just considering repository as invalid (and thus asking whether it should be initialized) - Commit: support for empty commits, e.g. during cherry-pick - only if low- level property commit.allowToCreateEmpty is set to true - Ignore: allow to ignore directory with tracked files (to ignore *new* tracked files) - Log: - slightly larger arrows for thin (unpushed) connector lines - Changes view: - for binary files the file size and hash always is shown; might cause problems with very large files - Tools: - automatically add default tools except if they were deleted by the user - Linux: - experimental support for delete-to-trash (move to "$(XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share)/Trash", "/.Trash" or "/.Trash-") - dark theme improvements: - table headers - Working Tree window, Changes view: HEAD/Working Tree side buttons - Windows 10: - with dark theme scrollbars, menu, title bar are also dark (requires quite latest Windows 10 builds) - if the explorer is configured to be dark, too, even context menus are shown in black Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Add or Create Repository, Clone: "repository is not valid" error - Commit: creating empty commit did nothing for normal state - Interactive Rebase: - Squashing/Edited Commit Message: possible "invalid line" errors - Log: - Commits: possible wrong combination of thin (pushable) and thick (pushed) lines - Refresh: - possible internal error for sparse checkouts - low-level property refresh.scanIntoSubmodules was ignored - title did not update when closing a repository - trying to open branch or Journal commit from Working Tree window in Log sometimes did not revealed the commit properly - Linux: - hardly noticable caret in dark theme - tables in Edit | Customize dialog had bright background - wrong selection color is read from GTK - duplicate window border on Elementary OS - Welcome dialog: possible duplicate entries - startup: always asks for confirmation about crash footprints - Spellchecker: performance problem for large text with unknown words and too long lines SmartGit 19.1 preview 1 (2019-03-06) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Branches: - ahead/behind information includes now merged commits similar to "git status" - Commit: support for empty commits, e.g. during cherry-pick - Delete Branch: check for disallowing deletion of the current branch early (not just in command) - Fetch (background): option to cancel between fetches of different repositories - Git-Flow, Integrate: use Git's default message - GitHub: denote draft pull requests - Log: - Branches: - Reveal Branch: if tracking, optionally allow to always reveal the local branch without asking - Commits: - several performance improvements - Mergable coloring: start with black lines on first mergable commit - Reset Hard now possible on HEAD commit - sorting is slightly more consequent in keeping commit with its primary or merge parent together - Files: - optional directories tree - staging one file will select the next, not the 1st one - Show Unchanged Files works in Index mode, too - open submodules are updated immediately on change (even in non- active repository) - Split Commit: if rebase stops, the Index is selected - Journal: reorder and other commands use interactive rebase now for better performance - Interactive Rebase, Auto-Squash: added "To Last Commit" option - Open Repository: more detailed error in case of corrupt .git/index - Push To: for tags, "--force" is used now instead of "--force-with-lease" - Submodule, Add: reject to add SVN submodules to non-SVN repositories - Compare: - improved for special case - Tools: - support for /usr/bin/mate-terminal - SSH: support for OpenSSHK Key (v1) by using SSHJ - GUI: - Windows: sharper fonts and faster text drawing using GDI instead of GDI+ Fixed Bugs ---------- - BitBucket: Clone dialog showed wrong repository URLs - Git: - Commit: Commit & Push may give "do you want to overwrite unseen remote changes" warning for merge commit - Git process invocation: native handle leak - Hosting providers: fixes to when which pull-request-related operations are available - Log: - Commits: - possible flickering when changing commits with Mergable Coloring - Distributed Reviews: display becomes confused when opening multiple repositories - when opening repository, filter is not applied immediately but only on second reload (which immediately follows first load and hence caused flickering) - File log: merging/rebasing state did not show up anymore - Rebase Interactive: Git >= 2.20 showed warning when cancelling rebase - autoupdate: might fail to launch explorer.exe - GUI: - drag and drop: possible dead-lock - restoring view after maximizing restored old size - Repositories | Create Group: warned about a group with same name in different group level - JRE: - some rarely used encodings were missing Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - rewrote settings framework to save changed settings after a few moments; now uses YML format instead of XML - switched to latest SSHJ library - the default SSH library is now SSHJ; use low-level property ssh.impl to switch between SSHJ, JSch, Trilead