SmartGit 21.1.7 (2022-09-02) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Azure DevOps: integration was not applicable for ssh:// URLs - Changes view: - possible internal error selecting certain images (depending on color model) - possible internal error when applying/reverting selection containing removal of empty line - Git-Flow (external): finish feature/hotfix/release branches containing '/' did not work - Log: - Graph: possible internal error for partial clones when filtering for file name or content - Refresh: - BitBucket Server: possible internal error if pull request has been created from tag - squashed subtrees were not detected - rebooting while running might lose newly entered hosting provider credentials - Refresh (working tree): possible internal error if .git/index has null-checksum Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - added low level property refresh.checkGitAdminOutsideOfModel SmartGit 21.1.6 (2022-05-30) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes view - internal error related "Split leading/trailing lines" option - Copy without selection: copies 1 char too much resulting in crash for last line - for Unified view, Goto Next Change may remain at existing change - error "failed to read file" for missing files if "core.autocrlf=input" is configured - Files (Log and WT): State and Working Tree State columns should denote rename sources as "missing", not "unchanged" - GitLab: error "The authorization server does not support this response type" when trying to generate a new token - Log: possible internal error when filter for modified content - Pull: Git config "pull.rebase=merges" should be honored - Pull/others: submodule..update=none should be honored - Refresh (WT): "filter" may not be applied if listed after "text" or "eol" in .gitattributes Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - GitHub: support OAuth repository authentication for, too - added low-level properties status.gitCompatibleMode submoduleUpdate.failAllIfSingleUpdateFails SmartGit 21.1.5 (2022-01-27) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes view: split-off block may miss background color - Cherry-pick: possible internal error related to subtrees - Conflict Solver: for LFS conflicts, left and right will show wrong contents (of base file) - Graph (macOS): (x refs) box with dark background on dark system with light SmartGit theme - Pull: possible internal error when trying to initialize SVN submodule - Refresh (Windows): internal error when trying to open repository located at special directory, like "C:\Users\account\My Documents" Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - added low-level property "gitlab.additionalRequestHeaders" SmartGit 21.1.4 (2021-12-20) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes View: - Unified display: possible internal error if the last line has been cleared - Working Tree window: hitting Refresh did not reload file content - internal error staging changes in file with CR line endings - Stage/Unstage: possible wrong inserted line endings (for CRLF and CR files) - unexpected "Error reading file, Details: cancelled" for Git-LFS file which exceed the size threshold - Commit and Stash: error "unknown option 'pathspec-from-file='" when using Git 2.25 - Log: - Graph: memory leak of core objects after invoking popup menu - File log: internal error if deleting and re-cloning repository while file log is open - Gravatar: fixed assertion for incorrectly sized images - Refresh: - possible internal error "Unknown chunk ID ..." - internal error trying to open a repository which is actually a file - Tag-grouping: should auto-detect groups only after the last / and skip tag-grouping in case of multiple groups - macOS: completion popup is too small Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Git-LFS: added low-level property status.forceUpdateIndexForLfsRepositories - Pull: added low-level property pull.propagateFetchTagsToSubmodules SmartGit 21.1.3 (2021-10-29) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Azure DevOps: should allow multiple configurations for different server URLs - Changes View: - Apply was available when starting within an inner-line change - possible internal error when reverting a black and changing the file once again while the confirmation dialog is showing - Journal: possible false-positive pushed commits for local, untracked branches - command line tool hang until SmartGit was closed; added a workaround - Linux: possible NoSuchMethodError running on older GTK with older SWT - macOS: Changes view reoccurs on next start after having closed it SmartGit 21.1.2 (2021-10-01) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - Azure DevOps: possible "Could not parse date" error on pull request refresh - Branches view: - refresh may change selection from remote to local tracking branch - tag message did not show up for grouped tags - toggling remote ref might select local ref - Changes view: - if saving fails, error banner hides too quickly - horizontal scrolling did not always update reliably - possible assertion on Apply - staging hunks for untracked-missing renamed file fails with "Failed to write file" error - Working Tree window: did not reliably refresh after failed save - Ignore: showed scary warning about discarding changes for untracked file - Log: - Files (working tree): ignored removed file which is locally existing does not show up unless View Ignored Files is selected - Refresh (Working Tree): automatic refresh did not clean up files after ignoring directory in non-root .gitignore - Refresh: possible internal error for commits with commit times > 2038 Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - UTF8 detection now scans full file instead of just the first 64kB - GitHub: shows reasonable warning in case of organization access restrictions - low-level property "core.tree.filter.backwardCompatibilityWithNonUnicodeGitOnWindows" - Table controls: if low-level property table.scrollToSelection is set to false, ignore the selection's visibility SmartGit 21.1.1 (2021-08-11) ============================ Fixed Bugs ---------- - BitBucket: possible internal error on refresh - Changes pane: - maximum size limit was not applied to images possibly resulting in out-of-memory errors - possible out-of-memory error when selecting large file and having "core.autocrlf=input" configured - Stage did nothing on "Added" conflicts - fixed names on Unstage/Revert Hunk - Working Tree window: Changes pane does not show file if it is made visible while a file already was selected - Conflict Solver: - external conflict solver: temporary files may be corrupted by replacing LF with CRLF - Refresh: - index files format 4 could not be read - fails for repotool files which have been initialized with --worktree option - Windows: might fail if file in repository was inaccessible (regression since 20.2) - Setup: possible internal error with invalid msysgit-installation location - Startup: --log with a file fails with "Cache has not yet been updated/initialized" - Syntax coloring: - Java: binary and hex literals were not detected correctly - PHP: 'strings in quotes' are not detected in script mode - MacOS 11: radio button selection changes invisibly when clicking a dfifferen tab item Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Syntax coloring: - SQL: use standard SQL without backslash escaping in strings SmartGit 21.1 (2021-07-12) ========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes view: possible paint artefacts by resizing window SmartGit 21.1 RC 6 (2021-07-09) =============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes view: - possible internal error - macOS: selecting a different file did not reliable redraw the viewport rectangle inside the changes stripe - Log: - Drag and drop-cherry-picking to Branches view didn't work for multiple commits (as within the Graph) - selecting a different open repository must not wipe the Output view - Refresh: possible internal error related to tag-grouping-detection when opening a repository for the first time - Tag Grouping: configuration auto-detection may give too short (and generic) prefixes Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Chinese translation updated SmartGit 21.1 RC 5 (2021-07-02) =============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Apply Stash: was not possible to invoke in Merging/Rebasing/Cherry-Picking/Reverting state - Background Fetch: - periodical fetching could break if multiple windows were open - for multiple windows with "Open repository when idle", every window should only fetch its own repositories - Changes view: - internal error related to CR line endings, especially with forced text on binary files - Unified view: clicking [x] did not work in all situations - Working tree window: switching between Working Tree and Index table should focus first change if a different file is selected - Gravatar: images with transparency drawed over previous image instead of over background color - Refresh: possible internal error related to invalid path in core.hooksPath - Remove: "Delete Local Files" was disabled for a file selection with existing and missing files - Submodule, Resolve: "Leave submodule pointer as is" did not work (resolving as "theirs") - Syntax: - Java: 1_000_000_000d was not detected as literal - Shell: heredoc end not detected with leading whitespace - Tools: creating a tool using ${git} immediately expands to the current path instead of keeping this variable - UI: - moving maximized windows between different monitors using hotkeys (e.g. Win+Shift+Left/Right on Windows) did not remember new coordinates - preferences dialog was too wide on monitors with 100% zoom level Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - BitBucket: support for non-root repository URLs - Ignore: ignoring a modified file warns before removing and ignoring it SmartGit 21.1 RC 4 (2021-06-17) =============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes View: paint artefacts might occur workaround for - Investigate: if gravatars were disabled, no self-rendered gravatars were shown - Log: - possible internal error in node cache - Refresh: possible internal error refreshing tracking state - Syntax: - SQL: 'string' did not recognize all escapes correctly - Linux: - Preferences: search result highlight remained after clearing filter input field - Gravatars were drawn in wrong size for 200% zoom level workaround for - possible internal error selecting an empty directory Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - added low-level properties "ignoreRemote[Hotfixes|Releases]OnStartOfNew[Hotfix|Release]" SmartGit 21.1 RC 3 (2021-06-10) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Diff tools: support for ${baseFile} in addition to ${leftFile} and ${rightFile} Fixed Bugs ---------- - Azure integration: possible OAuth-related internal error - Changes view: - Apply Selection did not work on a subset of added block (same holds true Revert Selection and removed block, regression since 20.2) - internal error when trying to apply selection of modified block which has no inner-line changes - Take Ours/Theirs and Recreate Conflict may show false-positive warnings about manually modified files - Diff Tools: possible confusion of ${rightEncoding} with ${leftEncoding} - Distributed Reviews: deleted comment not denoted as "deleted" (strike-through) until repository is reopened - Edit User Config: may open the wrong config file or fail to open non-existing file (especially on Windows with HOME, HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH) - Find Objects: possible internal error when selecting a tag to check out - GitLab: fix "local merge request commits differ from server-side commits" for merge request which is merging back and forth with target branch - Investigate (Linux): tooltips without readable text in dark theme workaround for - Log: - Graph: does not update if having only toggled old ref - Partial clone: fetch-on-demand should disallow auto gc - Syntax: - SQL: incorrect detection of comment - Linux: - Preferences, Built-in Text editors: buttons and comboboxes are nearly unreadable with dark theme Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Changes view: can show an error message permanently in a banner - Changes view/File Compare: fine-tuned default colors for dark theme to have better contrast - Discard: low-level property discard.safeDefault=false hides "Discard to Stash" button - Log, - Graph: - when filtered, de-facto inapplicable history-related actions (like Edit Commit Message) should actually be disabled - while filtering the buttons "Reveal", "Reset" and "Rerun Thorougly" have a tooltip with further information - restored manifest of smartgit.exe - added command line option --add-tool for adding diff or merge tools, e.g.: $ smartgit.exe --add-tool type=diff pattern=*.eap "command=C:\Program Files\difftool.exe" "parameters=${leftFile} ${rightFile}" $ smartgit.exe --add-tool type=merge pattern=*.eap "command=C:\Program Files\mergetool.exe" "parameters=${leftFile} ${rightFile} ${baseFile} ${mergedFile}" - Git execution (Windows): if HOMEDRIVE+HOMEPATH is no valid directory, fall back to USERPROFILE SmartGit 21.1 RC 2 (2021-05-19) =============================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Azure DevOps: wrong "Open"-link in Commits view for on-premise instances - Branches view: missing Tag-grouping "group" node if all tags belong to this group - External Conflict Solver: left and right files might have incorrect line-endings - File Log, Blame, Investigate: possible internal error related to shallow repositories - Files view: banner might be not layed out correctly if another tab is on top of it - Log: - Changes view: - left side may not update properly after committing some sorts of file-renames - incorrect rendering of the [>] symbol for hidden change - "Stage" did not work for deleted-both conflicts - Files view: - Cherry-Pick and Revert must not be available for 2-commit diffs - Resolve: Take Ours, Take Theirs was not available for all kinds of conflicts Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Add Tag: - select "GPG sign tag" only if text is provided (to prevent wrong assumption) - Hosting Providers: - set default of "hostingProvider.ignoreSubDomainsForConfigurationDetection" to "true" - removed Assembla, Beanstalk, Codebase, Unfuddle (some implementations were entirely broken, support for others was quite poor compared to the full featured remaining providers) SmartGit 21.1 RC 1 (2021-05-04) =============================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - GitHub: denotes in toolbar icon whether the access token is outdated Fixed Bugs ---------- - Azure DevOps: - fixes for on-premise instances - comments created in SmartGit don't show up properly in the web frontend (missing leading /) - internal error if reply is linked to deleted comment - Changes view: - internal error applying a removed block at the beginning of a file - fixed a couple of memory or ressource leaks Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - increased upper limit for repositories.maxRepositoriesToOpenByDoubleClick SmartGit 21.1 Preview 6 (2021-04-27) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Branches: - ability to copy ref group prefixes - Changes View: - Apply Line: is also allowed now if source and target have same line count - Apply Selection: much more powerful than before - Git-Flow, Finish: merge/rebase default based on "no-ff=true" - Local | Fix Line-Endings: to rewrite text files with a certain line-ending - Log: - Graph: if "log.graph.preserveParentOrder" is "true", layout order of parents should observe parent-order regardless of Git-Flow branch priorities - Show Changes: don't ask for what to compare if it is obvious from the selection set low-level property showChanges.askForIndexAndWtModifiedFiles to true to enforce the previous choice Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes view: - Unified: possible internal error staging/unstaging change - Check Out: - checking out remote branch did not suggest appropriate local branch name anymore - checking out remote branch did nothing when clicking OK - Commit: - possible duplicate confirmation dialog using Commit & Push - shouldn't allow to amend in "merging" state, but allow to amend in "reverting " state (like Commit view) - GitLab: problems creating/assigning merge request comments if target commit is not the base commit - LFS Install: did not trigger refresh so other LFS commands remained disabled until the next refresh - Log: - Graph: - possible unnecessary twisting connectors related to Git-Flow - possible display of stashes though "Stashes" node in Branches view was unselected - opening repository in "rebasing" state may fail - switching repositories quickly should not open new window - Linux: - internal error typing accent characters because of GTK bug: - Syntax: - Shell: heredoc problems Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Check for New Version: don't offer already downloaded updates to install on startup if Check for New Version is disabled - Log: - File log: improved startup time - moved View | Tag-Grouping into Repository | Settings SmartGit 21.1 Preview 5 (2021-04-16) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Azure DevOps integration, see - Changes View: - applying deleted blocks to other side - shows banner with certain commands in case of conflict - better display for comparing submodules - Checkout: unified logic for Branches view, Graph and Working Tree window's Checkout dialog - Files view: for conflicted files denote whether the current working tree state equals "ours" or "theirs" state - Hosting providers: - Review Comments: by default show author names instead of account names - more compact display of repository-name-branch combinations - Log: - Blame, Conflict Solver, Index Editor, Investigate work now on the selected file, even if some other view is focused - Files view: Revert also can work on a file selection now Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes view: - Copy copied 1 char too much, might result in internal error - was not cleared if a file was unselected - Side by Side view: unified scrollbar at wrong position selecting an added file - Conflict Solver: was enabled for selected submodule conflicts though it failed - Log: - Graph (and others): confusion if commit-graph changes while repository is open - Syntax: - Bat/Cmd: incorrect detection of %1 - SQL: problems with 'strings' spanning multiple lines - Working Tree window: - Refresh: possible inefficient processing due to "racily-clean" files Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Log, - File log: ~30% performance improvements for large repositories with many merges - Bitbucket/GitHub/GitLab: "Retract Pull Request" -> "Reject Pull Request" - Rebase Continue: optionally skip confirmation dialog SmartGit 21.1 Preview 4 (2021-03-30) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Changes view: show common images side-by-side - Changes view, Compare: keyboard shortcuts for staging hunks, lines, inner-line changes - Compare, Conflict Solver, ...: optionally replaces tabs with spaces, backspace unindents leading spaces (preferences option) - Log Graph, Journal: - show tiny gravatar by default - if no gravatar is found (or it is disabled in the preferences), own images based on the initials and email are created - JIRA, Git-Flow, Push: optionally set a feature in-progress Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes view: - incorrect Delete Block text, wrong confirmation - Clone: for "svn" and "svn+ssh" protocols, automatically use SVN - Log: - Graph: - switching between "Follow Only First Parents"/all loaded to many commits - possible flickering with "Follow Only First Parents" - possible internal error during refresh for "experimental.nodeCache.useCommitGraph=true" - File Log: Branch/Merge Coloring did not work if no HEAD was shown - Merge Coloring (including Merge and Cherry-Pick dialog): false-positive mergable commits if HEAD is not shown - for Mergable/Branch coloring top-most node may show up in gray, even it's "matched" - Branches: - internal error unselecting all refs - Refresh: possible internal error after a "git repack" - Pull/others: false-positive warning about SVN though pure Git repository - Syntax: - Java: bug in lexing escape characters in Strings - YAML: problem with ' in values - Working Tree window: - Log Chooser dialogs: possible flickering when opening (outdated graph showed up for a short while) Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Changes view: compact display is default now - Ignore: - remembers selected destination - added low-level property ignore.supportTrackedDir to ignore tracked directories - Log - Graph: - switched to Git commit-graphs (instead of own node cache) - switching between "Follow Only First Parents"/all should preserve commit order better now - "Follow Only First Parents": layouts new roots downmost - see log.graph.sortingRootOrder - "Show working tree node permanently" is the default now - see - "Sort Merge Parents First" is default now (because "git log --graph" uses this approach, too) - improved filter performance - double-clicking on a commit while bisecting: default to checkout the commit (not creating a branch) - Files: replaced "Unmodified" with "Unchanged" - Working Tree window: - Merge, Cherry-Pick and others: remembers graph roots independently - updated bundled Git to version 2.30.2 (fixing security leak when cloning LFS repositories) - Windows: use system proxy by default (set to true if it is unset) SmartGit 21.1 Preview 3 (2021-03-10) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Changes view: - Working tree window: keep scroll position when switching between HEAD-Index and Index-Working Tree - Go to Next/Prev Change: if there is no more change, select at least the last one - Commit view, file name completion: suggest staged items before unstaged ones - Discard: remembers the last used option - Git: support for "init.defaultBranch" - Log: - Files: denotes case-changed file name (and possible duplicate) like in the Working Tree window - Open From Working Tree: works on multi-selection - Rename (Windows): allow to rename case-changed file back to original Git name, e.g. Index name - Syntax: - Shell script: support for heredoc Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes view: - did not scroll to single deletion at end of file - Ignore Line Endings was not honored - switching from Unified to Side-by-side view, caret may be off 1 line - Unified view: Goto Next/Previous did not work for change block at end of file - Working Tree window: Changes view not populated after being made visible - File completion (in file/directory path input fields): completion should not replace symlinks by absolute paths - GitLab: pull requests may not show up if they originate from repositories for which the current user is no "member" - Graph: - hiding the empty working tree node was visually noisy - toggling a ref was noisy for selected Follow Only Primary Parent option - Merge coloring was influenced by the Follow Only Primary Parent option - Log: - Files: Submodule Log (History of Updates) may fail with "missing object" error - Graph: for orphan checkouts, Working tree node should always show up - File Log: possible internal error after external commit to repository - Refresh (Linux): possible native crash related to overflow of memory-mapped file handles - Syntax: - ANTLR: range with backslash might be parsed too greedy Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - from now on SVN support is only available in commercial edition - Add Branch: warn if branch starts with / - added low-level property push.modifyPushedCommitsCheck.skipGitFlowFeatures to optionally skip modify-pushed commits check for feature branches - added low-level property commandDialogs.rememberOptions to avoid remembering last used options in command dialogs - Log graph, colorings: don't use red one because red might be considered as something to worry about (e.g. invalid state) - Table controls: if the selection is scrolled outside the visible view, a refresh should not try to scroll it into view SmartGit 21.1 Preview 2 (2021-02-22) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Changes view, Compare, Conflict Solver, ...: - Find dialog improved - shows over appropriate side - hide replace parts for readonly views - Log: - Graph: - Filter banner shows up immediately to allow changing options - Refresh: - for problems, include details in the dialog - Partial clone support - Push, JIRA: optionally set the issue 'in progress' - Subtree support: - Add: optionally create local tracking branch - Branches view: "Subtrees" node - Push: directly split and push changes without requiring local subtree-branches - Various branch-related commands: slightly improved responsiveness Fixed Bugs ---------- - Changes view: - internal error when selecting binary file and switching to Unidiff view - Working tree window: staging a change scrolled back to first change - Refresh: - possible "refresh failed" error when restoring currently open repository from backup - Set Tracked Branch: possible " is ambiguous" error - Subtree: possible redundant inefficient processing - Syntax: - Shell scripts: incorrect escaped characters in strings Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Background fetch of Open Repository: changed default to unselected - Bisect: if the HEAD was reset, reveal it - Changes view: should not show blocks for added/untracked, removed/missing files - Changes view, Compare, Conflict Solver, ...: - try to keep [<<], [X], [>>] buttons visible for partly outside blocks - Clone: - by default, don't show "VCS type" dialog - when selecting to clone just a single branch, "git clone --single-branch" is used - Reset: added low-level property reset.default to configure the type used by the "normal" reset command - Working Tree window: report problems in case of missing repository SmartGit 21.1 Preview 1 (2021-02-09) ==================================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Changes view: - completely rewritten - new "Unified" display option - syntax highlighting even in compact mode - manual expansion in compact mode - apply changes in compact or unified mode, too - Compare: - select from multiple configured, matching file compare tools - improved memory consumption related to syntax coloring - GitHub/other hosting providers: allow to fetch conflicting pull requests and denote as "conflicting" - History-based commands: allow to rewrite merge commits - Log: - Branches view: context menu item to forget about commit entries - Files view: - Split-Off Commit - Cherry Pick selected files only - Graph: - double-clicking a local branch symbol checks it out - File log: for grouped tags denotes whether all tags are signed - Rebase Continue: optionally don't show confirmation dialog again - Modify or Split Commit: allow to stop/edit all commits - Refresh: performance improvements - Working Tree window: - Add Branch: considers Branches view selection Fixed Bugs ---------- - Log: - Revealing a stash did not always ensure that the base commit was loaded - Rebase Continue: might fail if commit message contains leading # - Syntax: - several languages were too restrictive, e.g. for lines starting with # - which was wrong and slow - Refresh: - Linux, macOS: possible false-positive modifications Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - updated Git to version 2.30.0 - Log, Graph: when autoscrolling while drag-and-drop, don't scroll to 'wrong' direction - unified Find Action and Find Object in one popup - wizards: unified [Next >] and [Finish] buttons - Branches view: changed order of context menu items - more specific refresh progress for expensive tasks like rebuilding the Log Cache - File icons: more modern look, easier to distinguish by color-blind people - Compare: enabled smart tab handling by default - low-level-properties: - defaults for executable.addBinDirectoryToPath and credentials.improvedPromptHanding changed to true - renamed gui.* to ui.* - if a file or directory chooser is shown, the display of other dialogs (from other threads) is delayed until the file or directory chooser is closed - make opening multiple repositories easier by setting the low-level property repositories.maxRepositoriesToOpenByDoubleClick - Linux: - uses 'gio open' instead of deprecated 'xdg-open' - uses 'gio trash' to trash files