4.3.2 (2022-12-19) ================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - File Compare and others: - shortcut problem on macOS - File Manager: - possible internal error clicking in the path selector above the left/right displays - Windows: internal error pasting a path from inside a zip archive copied from Windows explorer 4.3.1 (2022-06-13) ================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - possible warning about temp dir not able to wipe - possible internal error if proxy environment variables are configured empty - Directory Compare: - Changes view: in Unified display the change stripes might be out of sync - File Manager: - Finder: Enter did not reveal-and-close on macOS Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - File Manager: - Copy (unpack) from inside 7z archive: performance improvements - tar.gz archive: show file attributes as octal by default (see fileManager.fileMode.showUnixPermissionsAsRwx) - Alt+F1/F2 work on macOS; only on Linux Alt+1/2 are used instead 4.3.0 (2022-04-07) ================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - sorting, e.g. file names: possible internal error 4.3 RC 2 (2022-03-31) ===================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Directory Compare: Changes view: in Unified display mode, the change stripes at the left and right might be out of sync with the visible area - Syntax coloring: Basic: support for ' line comments Cmd/Bat: a simple "rem" line was not considered as line comment Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - File Manager: - Built-in Text Editor: if invoked multiple time on the same file, the same window is shown - updated SWT: Bug 456602 - [Cocoa] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Table._getItem Bug 579335 - Fix crash on long styled lines on Windows 4.3 RC 1 (2022-03-11) ===================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - Windows: editor or tool configured for, e.g., *.jpg was not used for FOO.JPG - macOS: broken app icon after an installation update Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - File Compare, File Merge: made text in headers selectable - macOS: Home/End, Page Up/Down now also changes the selection in tables - updated SWT: Bug 578929 - Add new API for setFocus/forceFocus without activating the shell Bug 578171 - [macOS 12] JVM crash when showing Shell during menu bar browsing Bug 577129 - [Win11] Button with Arrow style does not display arrows (UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT) 4.3 preview 7 (2022-02-17) ========================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - File editor, Compare, Merge: - Shift+Enter creates new line below the current one, independent of the caret position inside the current line - Bash syntax: - improved for $( ... ) - File editor: View | Remember as Default - File Manager: - if 2 files or directories are selected, the context menu shows Compare Files/Compare Directories - a .git file is treated as a symlink when pressing Enter/Cursor Right Fixed Bugs ---------- - File editor, Compare, Merge: - Find & Replace, Replace All: - did not replace occurrences before caret - could not be undone in one step - Bash syntax: fixed several bugs - Directory Compare: - Changes view: - copy without selection: copies 1 char too much resulting in crash for last line - warning about too long line shows line number 0-based - split-off block may miss background color - File Manager: - packing a directory with symlinks failed with invalid size - unpacking a .zip file with invalid file names (e.g. ? inside the name) caused internal error - Find Command/Recent Directory popup: scrolling with mouse caused tabs to switch - column resizing failed on Linux Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - updated SSHJ - Windows: better looking buttons with dark theme 4.3 preview 6 (2022-01-06) ========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - File Manager: - Copy 2+ files from archive: internal error if other side is SFTP - SFTP: delete must not dive into directory symlinks, but just delete them as files - Text Editor: pressing entered spaces though the line started with - Text Viewer: - after finding text, weird looking line numbers were shown - Windows: - Recent Paths popup was too narrow with 125% zoom - File icons look unsymmetric with 125% zoom Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - File Compare and others: - syntax: - added .kts as Kotlin extension - File Manager: - Create Link: preselect file name similar to Move file - Linux/macOS: show file permissions octal by default (set fileManager.fileMode.showUnixPermissionsAsRwx to true to see it as rwx) - added low-level property accelerators.ignoreIfMouseButtonDown - upgraded JRE to 11.0.13 - update SWT: - Bug 577042 - fix button problems on Windows 10/11 in dark theme - Bug 577875 - [GTK3] MouseWheel event sent with event.count == 0 (accumulate small amounts of scrolling) - Bug 575259 - [MacOS11] Table with header is incorrectly scrolled - Bug 577767 - [cocoa] Table/Tree sometimes have wrong scroll range - updated license 4.3 preview 5 (2021-12-10) ========================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - File manager: - File | Permissions: uses native dialog on Windows - Find file/directory: ability to copy name or path - Syntax: support for Groovy/Gradle Fixed Bugs ---------- - Directory Compare: - Unified view: possible internal error related to last line handling - Syntax: - JavaScript/TypeScript: problem with `strings` - PHP: quote in plain text incorrectly detected as string - macOS bundles: fix minimum system version Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - File manager: - Editors: add built-in file editor configuration automatically - SFTP: show server fingerprint as Base64 encoded SHA-256 - Syntax: - XML: add default extension *.plist - SWT: update to v4950r3 4.3 preview 4 (2021-11-18) ========================== Fixed Bugs ---------- - File Manager: - Find file: - find with text pattern: invoking the file viewer did not reliably showed the found location - Text editor: editing a file did not refresh the file system showing the file - Text viewer: selecting text near the border of the view caused immediate scrolling - GUI: initially, table columns did not resize correctly - Windows: - Unpacking tar files with symlink: aborting UAC prompt hangs - macOS: - alternative row coloring was missing - (file) completion popup might be too small - table header shows white right beside last column Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Preferences, Extensions for Syntax Coloring: - show modified, ability to reset - added '*.svg' for XML - File editor: - show encoding in status bar - GUI: - improved layout performance - larger font used for titles in dialogs - macOS: - support for macOS 12 - changed the icon to match others on macOS 11/12 - update SWT: - Bug 576613 - [win32][DarkTheme] Support Windows 11 - fix for Bug 574932 - [mac aarch64] Table has larger items and border on aarch64 than x86_64 - fix for Bug 573983 - [GTK3] Native memory leak reported for GTK3.gtk_menu_new() - workaround for Bug 576843 - [macOS] An invisible control might get the default focus 4.3 preview 3 (2021-10-18) ========================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - File manager: - Find: - normal window instead of modal dialog - optionally keeps open after revealing - can view, edit, delete, delete to trash Fixed Bugs ---------- - File manager: - Find: search on Directory tab did not work similar to the File tab - Find, Text viewer: the whole-word option did not found if the whole line was matching - Directory Compare: - Preview: horizontal scrolling did not update reliably Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - File manager: - built-in editor: show caret in status bar - hex viewer: show address in 4 digit groups - autoupdate: switch from http to https 4.3 preview 2 (2021-09-24) ========================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - File Manager: - Built-in Text Editor: - new "Edit | Replace Tabs with Spaces" - Save: for new files, does not ask for line endings anymore, but use the one visible in status bar (defaults to system) - Directory filter: selects exact match or first match ignoring case Example: if you type "a" it will select directory "a", even if "0a" would be closer to the selection - Find becomes a standalone window instead of a modal dialog - Reveal will reveal the selected file/dir in the last used pane - macOS: default tool to "Execute in Terminal" - Linux: basic support for aarch64 Fixed Bugs ---------- - File Manager: - Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-V asked whether the file should be copied or moved - deselect previously copied/cut files if a clipboard change is detected - MacOS 11: filter input field was shown outside table control - Text viewer: - under certain conditions scrolling to last line was not possible (it only showed partly) - under certain conditions the scrollbar showed more lines available though there weren't - selecting text on Linux behaved sometimes odd, on Ubuntu 21.04 with Wayland not possible at all - table column widths were not initialized correctly - File Compare: - Syntax coloring: - SQL: backslash in strings might confuse the lexer (MySQL syntax is not SQL standard conform) Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Welcome dialog: way to open file manager - Linux: disabled force of x11 because of https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=574182 4.3 preview 1 (2021-08-04) ========================== New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - File Manager: - filtering also finds in-file-name even if starts-with is found (removed optimization) - built-in Text Editor with syntax coloring - built-in Text Viewer: - show line number for files up to 100.000 lines - Copy: preselect full path for easier copy to same dir - Edit Symlink - Recent Path finds directory names containing the typed text Fixed Bugs ---------- - moving maximized window to different monitor per hotkey did not remember coordinates - Directory Compare: - Preview: - possible paint artefacts (remaining [>] boxes) - did not paint change stripe's viewport correctly after selecting a different file - Syntax: - Java: binary and hex literals were not detected correctly - PHP: strings in quotes were not detected in script mode - MacOS: - table controls had bad performance when scrolling, e.g. in File Manager holding the cursor up/down key in /usr/bin - default text editor did not work - MacOS 11: radio button selection changes magically when selecting a different tab Other Noteworthy Changes ------------------------ - Editor, File Compare/Merge: more fine granular word boundaries - File Compare/Merge: - change dark theme - MacOS 11: special bundle for ARM (Apple Silicon M1)