Purchase SmartGit

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SmartGit licenses
Order Total (excl. VAT)
Perpetual license, single payment
SmartGit licenses
Subscription (excl. VAT)
1. Upload your license file
Your license file is being uploaded … Your license file has been uploaded. Reset Something went wrong. Try again
Drop your license here
The purchase options will be updated based on your license after the upload.
2. Refine your license configuration
SmartGit licenses
Renewal Discount
Order Total (excl. VAT)
Perpetual license, single payment

Frequently Asked Questions

Subscription vs. Perpetual license

For a comparison between subscription and perpetual licenses, please look at the documentation.

Additional Licenses

Ordering additional non-subscription licenses means to update your existing licenses as well. Please upload your SmartGit license file and change the number of licenses to the overall required license count.

To add more users to your subscription license, please contact our sales team with the email address used for your subscription and the increased overall license count.

Cancel Subscription License

To cancel your subscription, you can either use the cancel-links in the delivery emails from Cleverbridge or use this form.

Company Licenses

Licenses ordered and licensed to companies can be (re)assigned once in a month to employees, temporary workers and freelancers working for this company. At no time may the user count exceed the number of ordered licenses. A company license may only be used on company computers or computers on which work for the company is performed (including private computers in the home office).


Non-subscription licenses are valid for an unlimited time (perpetual licenses).

Depending on which options you purchase, you can use any new version which we release within 1 year, 2 or 3 years after purchase, including all their bug-fix releases, on the operating systems supported by these versions. To use newer versions or to use SmartGit on newer operating systems you may need to purchase renewal licenses for a reduced price.


The end-user license agreement you also can find in each download bundle.

Multiple Users

SmartGit is licensed per user (person). No matter how many licenses you are ordering, you will get only one license file to be shared with the users.

Multiple Machines

Each user can use their license on up to five machines. This can be different physical or virtual machines.

Non-Commercial Licenses

SmartGit can be used free of charge by open-source developers, employees and students of public academic institutions and employees of public charitables organizations primarily targeting philanthropy, health research, education or social well-being. You can apply for a non-commercial license here.

Order Overview

To get an overview of all your Cleverbridge orders, please provide your email address at this Cleverbridge form.

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders are only supported for orders with 50+ licenses. We are not accepting customer terms of sale and don't fill out customer forms. Our invoices have to be paid by bank-transfer. Cheques are not accepted. Please send the purchase order as PDF to sales.


To request a quote, please fill out the above options and finally click the Request Quote link.


If you want to order from a reseller, feel free to contact the reseller of your choice. Most likely ordering online (above) might be cheaper for you.

Resellers should take a look at our reseller conditions.

Perpetual License

If you purchase a perpetual license with one, two or three years of updates, you can use any SmartGit version which we release up to one, two or three years after the purchase as long as you like on the operating systems supported by these versions. For newer operating systems it might be necessary to purchase renewal licenses.

Site License

We are not offering site licenses.

Subscription License

The subscription license is valid for the purchased period (1 month or 1 year) and automatically extends monthly/yearly until you cancel the subscription or the monthly/yearly payment can't be processed.

  • For the paid subscription period you have support and are entitled to use the latest version.
  • You need to ensure that SmartGit can access the internet, so it automatically can download the next period's license file.

To add more licenses to your subscription, please contact sales.

Switching the period or adding/removing options means to cancel the current subscription and order a new one with the options you like.


If you've ordered a perpetual license, you are entitled to get 90 days, 1, 2 or 3 years email support (depending on what you've purchased). With a subscription license, you are entitled to get support for the paid subscription period. We are not offering phone support.

For support requests, please contact us at [email protected]. Be sure to provide as much details as possible, so we know about what you are writing or how to reproduce the problem. Our support team usually is available on workdays from 9 AM to 5 PM CET/CEST.

Renewals (Upgrades)

To order renewal (update) licenses, please upload your SmartGit license file and change the options according to your needs.

Tax-Exempt Order

If you want to order without sales tax for a tax-exempt US organization, please have a look at this Cleverbridge FAQ.