What's New in SmartGit 23.1

Standard Window improvements

Add further branches to the My History view, or hide them again.

My History Improvements

The My History view is the main view of your repository's log.

By default, it only shows local branches, the main branch (e.g. develop), and pull requests.

Using the new "favorite" branches feature, you can add additional remote branches that are relevant to you:

  • either if you merge from them regularly or
  • if there is other important work going on in these branches
  • ...

It's up to you, as they're your favorites.

If a local branch has diverged from its remote branch, the remote branch appears below the local branch in the My History view. This makes selecting the remote branch more intuitive.

A diverged tracked branch occurs below the local branch.
Reorder tabs with drag and drop.

Reorder Tabs

Use drag and drop to reorder repository tabs.

Smart Amend Logic

To re-use a previous commit message (maybe slightly modified), you can click on the previous commit in the Mini-Log. If you have clicked on the unpushed HEAD commit, the Amend checkbox will be set automatically. However, when starting to change the message, it was unset automatically.

Now, if you have set the Amend checkbox manually, it will not be unset when editing the commit message.

Smart amend logic.
Intuitive compare of 2 refs.

Intuitive Branch/Tag Compare

Comparing two repository states defined by their branches (or tags) is as easy as selecting both of them in the All Branches+Tags list.

Checking Out a Commit

Checking out a commit usually leaves the user in a state where further (new) commits can easily be lost. To avoid that, when checking out a commit in the Standard window, a (temporary) branch is created.

Checking out a commit will create a branch.
Files can be grouped by state.

Group Files by State

If you prefer to see all files instead of just the changed files, you can now select "Group by State" to view the modified states at the top of the file list.

Support for Multiple Main-Branches

The Feature workflow now supports multiple main branches, in addition to the main development branch (e.g. develop). For example, you can now configure release-... branches as additional main branches, to easily start Bugfix features for such branches.

For this purpose, if multiple main branches have been configured, the Start Feature dialog contains an additional Start From selector.

Configure the main branch from which feature branches are forked off. For multiple configured main branches, when starting a feature branch you can configure the used main branch.
Fetch from certain or all remotes.

Better Multi-Remote Support

For multi-remote repositories, it is now easier to fetch from all or specific remotes, or to pull from all.

Path Support in Filter

On the Repositories tab, you can filter repositories by path, add existing ones, or initialize new repositories.

Repositories easily can be filtered by path. Repositories easily can be initialized.
Customize the toolbar in the standard window.

Add more Commands to the Toolbar

Different views of the Standard window show different toolbars. It is now possible to add further commands to these toolbars using the context menu.

General improvements

Commit What You See

If nothing is staged, committing all files from the Commit view has become more intuitive and safe. Now, it allows committing all visible files, even if the displayed files are limited to a subdirectory or filtered by name or type.

If nothing is staged, you can commit those file that you are seeing.
If comment lines are detected in the commit message, SmartGit can ask what to do with them. In the preferences can be configured how comment lines in commit messages are treated.

Comment Lines in Commit Messages

If the commit message contains comment lines, by default SmartGit asks how to handle them. In the preferences, you can configure to always keep or remove comment lines.

Split Off Files

The Split Off Files feature allows you to move certain changed files of a commit to a second commit. Now, you can specify whether the new commit will be created before or after the other one.

The feature to split off files from a commit has been improved.
Connecting with GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket does not needs copying of passwords.

GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket accounts

The setup of GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket accounts has now become easier with OAuth 2.0 - there is no longer a need to copy a password.

File Compare, Changes view: Display of Whitespaces

If the option Trailing, in selection and changed blocks is selected, it becomes easier to quickly find out whether tabs or spaces were used - just select the text.

Optionally show whitespace inside selections.
Staging lines has been extended.

Changes View: Apply Line

For changed blocks, applying lines at the beginning or end of the block is supported.

Use GitHub No-reply Emails

When committing to GitHub repositories, SmartGit will ask you to confirm the email address used to avoid publicly exposing your standard email address. Your no-reply email address will be remembered, so you won't have to type it in for each of your repositories.

Commit with GitHub no-reply email address.
GitHub avatars are displayed for noreply-github email addresses.

Support for GitHub-Avatars

When committing to GitHub repositories using <account>@users.noreply.github.com email addresses, the account avatar is used.

Improved Clean Working Tree

The options for the Clean Working Tree command are now easier to understand.

The options for the Clean Working Tree command are now easier to understand.
Easier font and color configuration, export and import.

Reworked Font and Colors Configuration

The preferences page for configuring fonts and colors has been reworked. Especially, configuring syntax colors benefits from the preview feature. Exporting and importing color configurations simplifies sharing them.

New Syntax Colorings

Syntax colorings for following languages have been added:

  • Markdown
  • TOML
  • Verilog
  • X86 Assembler
  • Lua/Nelua
  • Odin
  • Forth
New syntax colorings have been added, e.g. for Markdown
A license server simplifies the deployment in a large company.

On-Premise License Server

With an on-premise license server distribution of the SmartGit license becomes easier. Instead of sharing a license file with every employee, it is now sufficient to share the URL of the (company internal) license server.

Note: we offer on-premise license servers only to our Enterprise customers.

File Log: Branch and Tag Display

The File Log contains only a subset of all repository commits and refs are mapped to these commits. The display for each ref now distinguishes whether the ref is exactly pointing to that very commit or whether it has just been mapped to that commit (˜).

The file log distinguishes between exact refs and the-same-state.
Bisect also highlights good or bad commits in feature branches.

Bisect: Improved Display of Good/Bad Commits

The display of good and bad commits now also honors commits from merged branches as well.

GitHub and others: Creating Pull Request redirects to the web browser

The built-in Create Pull Request dialogs for GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps have been replaced by redirecting the user directly to the web browser.

Redirecting has the main advantage that all available options and checks for the specific platform are present, without SmartGit lacking in functionality.

Additionally, SmartGit generates appropriate URLs to pre-fill the pull request forms. This leads to workflows that are nearly as seamless as with the old dialogs.

What's New in SmartGit 22.1

New Standard Window

The Standard Window is a new window of SmartGit that focuses on keeping things simple, but still powerful.


Git is very powerful and offers plenty of commands. SmartGit's Log and Working Tree windows both offer access to this full command set. This is what our power users appreciate about SmartGit.

However, in combination with the many possibly repository states, this makes it hard to understand which operation will be the most appropriate in which situation.


In the Standard Window, we clearly distinguish between Local state (working tree) and History (Log) and adjust the GUI, according to the current repository state. Furthermore, we limit the Git features to those which are most appropriate for this state.

Thus, the options for the user are more limited and this makes Git easier to learn.

For more information, refer to the dedicated Standard Window page.

The new Standard window showing local changes. The new Standard window showing the history (commit graph).
The Graph with improved display.

Log Graph Improvements

The branch colors are now determined by their name, so the same branch will get the same color on each machine. Local and remote branches will use the same color, too.

Pushable commits are shown as filled dots, the first-parent history is shown bolder than merged branches, the branch labels now use the same color as their commit lines.

New Git implementation

Git's database design is robust and simple which makes it easy and safe to read. Hence, we have now switched from JGit (a general purposes Git library for read and write access), to our own, read-only Git implementation which has been optimized for SmartGit's needs.

The new implementation comes with improved performance, greater flexibility (with respect to on-going and future Git changes) and it resolves a couple of long-standing problems:

  • git config: support for includeif
  • .mailmap support
  • git replace support
After a conflict while cherry-picking you can continue.

Cherry-Pick and Revert Can Continue After Conflict

If during a Cherry-Pick of multiple commits a conflict occurs, it now is possible to continue the Cherry-Pick after resolving the conflict. The same is true for Revert.

Graph: Improved Rebasing Display

During any kind of Rebase the number of already rebased and total number of commits is shown.

For the Modify and Split Commit commands, the display of the "current" commit has now a more explicit label: either "editing" or "splitting".

For other kinds of Rebases, the "current" commit is labeled using "in-progress", if appropriate.

The rebasing state in the Log Graph.
Various LFS states in the Log Files view.

Git-LFS Improvements

A separate table column has been added to the Files views which shows the LFS state (also for untracked files that would be LFS tracked when staging). The Track, Lock and Unlock commands are now only available for those file states where they are useful.

Branches: Improved Ahead/Behind Display

In the Branches view the ahead (outgoing) and behind (incoming) commit numbers are now shown at the right side, making them easier to spot.

The ahead or behind commits are now easier to spot in the Branches view.
Compare different repository states shows both selected commit information.

Log: Multi-Selection Details

If you compare two repository states by selecting the two commits, details for both commits are now shown in the Commit view. For more than two selected commits the selected commit count is displayed.

Improved First Commit

Even if you've created a new repository outside of SmartGit, committing the first time will automatically insert an initial empty commit. This will make other commands, like Rebase, applicable even to your first commit.

Performing the first commit will create an additional initial empty commit, too.

Japanese Translation

SmartGit 22.1 has been translated to the Japanese language by the SmartGit community. A big thanks to ktyubeshi!

Changes view with image compare.
The Git user config in the preferences.

Git User Options in Preferences

The Git User Options now can be edited directly in the Preferences.

Fast-forward a local branch in the Log Graph.

Fast-Forward Became Built-in Command

Fast-Forward Merge became built-in functionality and it is now applicable only if a fast-forward merge is actually possible.

Previously, it was only a default external tool.

What's New in SmartGit 21.2

Support for Apple Silicon (M1)

The most important new change in version 21.2 is the support for the Apple Silicon M1 processor on MacOS 11 and 12.

What's New in SmartGit 21.1

Rebuilt Changes View

The new Changes view supports a Unified diff which can show longer lines as the side-by-side diff.

In the compact mode (where equal lines are hidden) it easily is possible to reveal equal lines selectively.

All modes support syntax coloring and staging or unstaging of changes.

Changes view with Unified diff. Changes view with compact side-by-side diff.
Changes view with image compare.

Changes View with Image compare

With the new Changes view you can compare images visually side-by-side.

Changes View to Solve Conflicts

In case of a conflict the Changes view offers easy commands to solve the conflict. Of course, if the conflict is too complex, you still can open the Conflict Solver window.

Changes view with special conflict options.
Azure DevOps integration

Azure DevOps integration

SmartGit streamlines the Git workflows for Azure DevOps (similar to GitHub): clone the Git repository from Azure DevOps, create pull requests, review and add comments.

Avatars in Graph

By default the Graph shows avatars (e.g. from gravatar.com) for the author. This saves horizontal space and is easier to spot than plain text.

If the access to gravatar.com is disabled, colorful gravatars are rendered from the author's initials.

Avatars are used in graph.
JIRA integration: optionally start progress.

Push: Set JIRA issue in-progress

The integration for Atlassian JIRA not only allows to mark issues as resolved, but also to be in-progress.

Cherry-Pick Certain Files

From the Log's Files view you can cherry-pick certain files of a commit.

This also can be used to apply only selected files of stashes.

Cherry-pick not just full commits, but also just some files.
Move selected files of a commit into a sibling commit using Split-Off Files.

Split-Off Files

Another way of splitting commits is to select the files of a commit, use Split-Off Files and enter the commit message of the new commit.

Modify-All Commits (Step/Continue)

The Interactive Rebase has been enhanced in that way, that you now can stop at every commit, e.g. to verify whether it builds. You either can step each commit or continue rebasing all remaining commits - something like a Commit Debugger.

Rebase Interactive: optionally stop at each commit. You can single-step each commit or continue - just like in a commit debugger.
Support for partial clone.

Partial Clone Support

Partially cloned repositories (starting with Git 2.29) are now supported: missing objects will be fetched on demand. For the Clone, you can limit the maximum file size to fetch.

What's New in SmartGit 20.2

Support for macOS 11 Big Sur.

Support for macOS 11 Big Sur

SmartGit 20.2 is the first SmartGit version that supports macOS 11 Big Sur.

Drag and Drop of Refs between Branches and Graph view

Dragging commits and refs in the Graph view works since ages. Now you also can drag commits or refs between the Branches view and Graph view for merging, rebasing or updating refs.

Drag refs between Branches or Graph view.
Improved syntax coloring for many languages.

Improved Syntax Coloring

For many languages the syntax coloring in the File Compare has been improved. Syntax support for ANTLR, Dart, Innosetup scripts, Nim, Shell scripts, Swift, ... has been added.

Subtree Support

SmartGit already supported working with (existing) subtrees. Now, subtrees will be denoted in the Branches view and the Log Graph. Also, subtree operations, like Add, Merge and Split have been added.

Adding Subtrees is supported.
More obvious options for filtering the graph.

Enhanced Graph Filtering

When filtering the Graph view, the filter options and actions now are better accessible. Filtering for an SHA works instantly now.

Graph: Faster Navigation

Using a single click or Alt+Home gets you to the HEAD. Another single click or Alt+Home reveals the Working Tree node. Alt+Left (similar to browsers) gets you back to the previously selected commit.

If unchanged, the Working Tree node will hide automatically if HEAD changes, e.g. after switching to another branch or committing.

Quick way to get to HEAD or working tree.
The Commit view offers now a full replacement for the Commit dialog supporting all options.

Enhanced Commit view

The Commit view now supports all options of the old Commit dialog.

It also shows the gravatar image of the committing user. A single click allows to open the Repository Settings to change it.

The file compare supports now UTF-32 characters.

Support for UTF-32

Feel free to use emojis or other UTF-32 characters in your code.

Preferences: Search

SmartGit is highly customizable and comes with a lot of preferences options.

The new search field makes it much easier to find the right one.

Easier find an option in the preferences by searching for it.
Quickly select all local branches for which the tracked remote branches had been deleted.

Select Obsolete Branches

Sometimes you may want to delete local branches which have been merged. You can now select local branches for which the tracked remote branch has been deleted, review and finally delete them.

Compare Refs: Swapping

When comparing branches where neither is in the history of the other, it is not obvious which one should be shown before the other. If SmartGit's suggestion doesn't fit, you can now simply swap sides.

When comparing different branches it became easier to swap both sides.
Visible regular expression option.

Visible RegEx Option

All filter controls support regular expressions. To make this more obvious, now each filter control has a toggle button right beside it to enable regular expressions.

Tag Grouping

SmartGit detects large amounts of similar tags (like build- or version-tags) and groups them in the File Log.

The underlying Tag-Grouping configuration can be manually refined and is also used to display "closest tags" in the Commits view and group the Tags-category of the Branches view.

Tag-grouping will give cleaner File Log and additional information in the Commits and Branches view.

What's New in SmartGit 20.1

Unified Index-Working-Tree node in the Log Graph.

Log Graph with unified Working Tree/Index Node

In the Log Graph, Working Tree and Index nodes have been unified to one node to be more compact. The node now always sticks to HEAD which is less distracting, especially if an older commit is checked out.

Files view: separate Working Tree and Index

A lot of new users are used to having separate lists for Working Tree and Index changes. Now you have the option to see all changes in one list or have them separated into 2 lists.

If no or all files are staged, the second empty list will automatically be hidden.

Optionally the files can be shown in separate lists for Working Tree and Index changes.

Remove Worktree

It is now possible to remove worktrees directly without workarounds.

New remove worktree command.
Stashes also get collapsed with the option 'Follow Only First Parent' selected.

First-Parent History Improved

First-parent history is now built from core Git data and works well with huge repositories.

When showing only the current's branch history ('Follow Only First Parents' option is selected), stashes are now shown in compact form, too. They can be expanded by mouse-click.

Filtering Improved

Filtering now matches inside the name or path, except for regular expression filtering when ^ or $ are used.

Filter now finds matches inside the name, not just the whole file name.
The gravatar cache can be used to work indepdendent of gravatar.com.

Offline Gravatar Cache

If you don't want gravatar.com being accessed, you may prepopulate the gravatar-cache directory with images in the form [email protected] or email-md5-hash.jpg to actually see the images, even if the gravatar.com access is disabled.

What's New in SmartGit 19.1

Dark theme on Windows 10.

Improved dark theme

On Windows 10 the dark theme now also supports dark title bar, menu bar, scrollbars. If the Windows 10's default app mode is configured to be dark, the context menus are also dark.

On macOS 10.14 and on Linux SmartGit will also launch in light/dark theme depending on the current system theme.

Also, for Linux the dark theme has been fine-tuned (table headers, selection colors, carets).

This topic was requested at smartgit.userecho.com.

Improved Commits view

If your repository is in a special state (rebasing, merging, cherry-picking, bisecting, ...), a banner indicates it clearly and offers context-dependent commands.

For rebases you can now see the successfully processed and the yet to be processed commits at one glance.

Rebasing state clearly noticable.
The combined commit details and message view.

Combined Details/Commit Message view

The Details and Commit Message view of the Log window have been unified now to save screen space. Simple commits can be done right from this view.

In the Commit Message view of the Working Tree window you can also commit directly now without using the (still available, more feature rich) dialog.

Directory support in the Log

The Log's Files view now optionally shows a directory tree. This allows to invoke directory-based commands (which were just available in the Working Tree window until now).

The Log now supports basically all working tree functionality of the Working Tree window (see smartgit.userecho.com).

The Files view of the Log has now an optional Directories tree.
Git-Flow feature: if behind the develop branch, the default is to integrate. Git-Flow feature: after integrating develop, finish becomes the default.

Git-Flow Improved

The Git-Flow integration now supports AVH edition 1.12.2, which e.g. allows to specify a base branch for a feature (or hotfix, ...). This gives you more flexibility in arranging your features or even work on features which are built upon other features.

For diverged Feature branches the default command now changed to Integrate Develop.

More Advanced Reset Options

The common Reset Hard became a separate command while the new Reset Advanced command supports more options with some descriptions.

Reset supports more advanced options.
The Discard command became an additional confirmation.

Safer Discard

The SmartGit commands are very selection-based. To not discard too many files by accident we've added an additional confirmation if just a single file is selected in the Files view, but Discard would discard multiple files because your focus is in the Graph view.

Intuitive Split Commit

For splitting a commit, we simplified the workflow: you create your new commits and when you are ready, invoke Continue.

If the new commits will differ from the old commit, you'll be warned. With a simple click SmartGit will show you the differences and you can commit possibly missing changes.

Split commit warns if new commits differ from old one.
The Log graph optionally can show only first-parent changes.

Flat Log

For complicated log graphs with multiple merges it can be helpful to just see the new first-parent history. Merge commits will just show a stub; clicking it will toggle the visibility of the merged branch.

What's New in SmartGit 18.2

Log with Index and Working Tree

The Log window is now a first-class main window which shows working tree and index, and offers virtually all commands from the still available "working tree" window (smartgit.userecho.com). Users of other Git clients will find this single-view approach more familiar.

The working tree and index are shown on-demand or permanently as nodes attached to the HEAD commit (smartgit.userecho.com).

To make the Log better usable, we had to change the behavior of some commands. E.g., the Push command now pushes the current branch (instead of the ref at the selected commit), similar to the one of the working tree window.

In the Preferences, section User Interface, you can configure whether to use the Log window or the classic working tree window by default.

Log: optionally shows nodes for the working tree and/or index.
Git-Lab integration with Merge Requests and Comments

Advanced Git-Lab Integration

GitLab is becoming more popular each day, especially on the own servers. For GitLab-hosted repositories, SmartGit can be used to create, apply or reject merge-requests and add, edit or view comments (smartgit.userecho.com).

Git-LFS Commands

SmartGit already could handle Git-LFS managed repositories. Now it supports the major Git-LFS commands like installing, configuring the tracked files, locking and unlocking (smartgit.userecho.com).

Git-LFS commands
Rebase interactive supports auto-squashing similar named commits

Rebase Interactive: Easier Amending

The interactive rebase makes amending previous commits easier by

  • highlighting commits with equal commit messages, and
  • offers commands to automatically squash those commits.

Commit Message Templates

For commit message templates (commit.template is configured), SmartGit shows the comment lines (starting with commit.commentChar) differently, so it becomes obvious which lines will become part of the final commit message and which ones will be ignored.

Commit template: understanding of comment lines
Branches view: mark refs pointing to HEAD

Branches view: Indicate HEAD refs

In the Branches view, refs which are also pointing to the HEAD commit are marked with a light triangle.

What's New in SmartGit 18.1

Reworked Log and Journal

The Log and Journal have been rewritten to improve the performance, especially for large logs.

The default log coloring now uses a dedicated color for each selected refs (unless there are too much). This was one of the high-priority topics from smartgit.userecho.com.

Improved log: a dedicated color for each branch.
Compare of branches easier to find.

Log: Easier to Find Compare

We made the Compare between a branch and HEAD easier to find for new users now.

Reworked Compare

The compare algorithm has been improved to detect in-line changes over the entire block (not just line-wise as in earlier versions). This works faster and gives better results, e.g., for reformatted code blocks.

Smarter compare results for clearer understanding what has been changed.
Use bisect to search the commit that introduced a bug.


SmartGit now makes searching a commit that introduced a bug more easier by supporting the bisect command. This also is a often requested feature at smartgit.userecho.com.

Selectable Ignore File

For the Ignore command you now can choose where to add the ignore pattern. This was often requested at smartgit.userecho.com.

Select where to store the ignore pattern.
Directly edit ignore files.

Edit Ignore

For ignored files it is easy to find out which ignore file contains a matching pattern. Now you can edit the ignore files directly in SmartGit.

Index and Working Tree Files

Those who missed a dedicated list for Index and Working Tree files now quickly can switch between both using View | Only Index and View | Only Working Tree. This was requested at smartgit.userecho.com.

Use View | Mixed to switch back to the default display showing all files.

Optionally show Index and Working Tree files separately.
Worktree commands have been added.

Worktree Commands

SmartGit can now create worktrees for existing local branches and prune obsolete worktrees.

Find Action, Find Object

These commands are perfect for keyboard-savvy users to quickly find menu items or learn its shortcuts, open repositories, switch branches or show the log for commits.

This was requested at smartgit.userecho.com.

Quickly find menu items.
External tools now can easily by exported and imported.

Tools Export and Import

SmartGit supports external tools. They can be exported and imported easily now, e.g. to quickly share in your team.

Low-level Customization

SmartGit always was always very good customizable using low-level properties. Now it's possible to edit most of them in the preferences.

This was one of the high-priority topics from smartgit.userecho.com.

Low-level properties can be edited directly in the preferences.

What's New in SmartGit 17.1

Dark theme

Dark Theme

SmartGit supports a dark theme with operating system independent colors, which was our #1 requested feature on smartgit.userecho.com.

Changes view: Optional Compact Display

For the Changes views an option allows to hide unchanged lines, which was requested on smartgit.userecho.com. Currently, this mode causes that no syntax coloring nor editing is possible.

Optionally hide unchanged lines in Changes view.
The Changes view optionally can show line-ending changes.

Improved Line-Endings Support

The Changes view can optionally show line-ending changes (requested at smartgit.userecho.com).

SmartGit makes accidentally overwriting text files with mixed (inconsistent) line-endings harder by showing a warning dialog for the built-in File Compare, Index Editor and Conflict Solver (which only show the file content without line-endings).

Opening a file compare, index editor or conflict solver warns about mixed line-endings.
The interactive rebase allows batch processing of multiple changes.

Interactive Rebase

Former SmartGit versions already allowed to reorder or squash commits in the Journal view immediately. But if you had to do multiple changes at once, this was not perfectly handy.

Now SmartGit allows to batch process such interactive rebase operations which also has the advantage of being able to resolve conflicts (requested at smartgit.userecho.com).

The interactive rebase option to edit a commit has been made available as a dedicated Modify or Split Commit command.

Stash Improvements

The stash command has been improved:

  • support for stashing just the selected files (requested at smartgit.userecho.com),
  • optionally keep the index or the whole working copy (making the stash just a backup of the modified files),
  • the toolbar buttons has popup options for supporting a quick stash without dialog,
  • stashes can be renamed.

The option to include untracked files has been moved to the preferences.

Stashing now also allows to just save - stash and re-applying it.
Conflict Solver with easier commands for taking both changes.

Conflict Solver: Take Both

The Conflict Solver now offers commands to take changes from both sides (requested at smartgit.userecho.com).

Refresh performance improvements

The refresh performance (especially for large repositories) has been improved by roughly 50%, making SmartGit more responsive when initially scanning a repository and when invoking fast Git operations, like Stage (requested at smartgit.userecho.com).

SmartGit has DeepGit integrated, a powerful blame-log tool.

DeepGit Integration

DeepGit is a combined Blame/Log tool which helps to investigate the history of source code. It's now bundled with SmartGit and can be invoked using Query|Investigate.

Locate Gitignore Files

If you want to know why a certain ignored file is ignored or what gitignore files have influence to the selected file or repository, you now can reveal the corresponding gitignore files easily.

Easyly reveal matching gitignore files.
Reworked Find & Replace dialog

Improved Find, Find & Replace

The Find and Find & Replace dialogs have been unified being the Find dialog a part of the Find & Replace dialog. The Find feature part now allows to use regular expression and the Find Previous and Find Next operations have been made more intuitive to use.

Ignore Tracked Files

The Ignore command has been extended to also support tracked files by first removing and then ignoring them.

The Ignore command can also ignore tracked files.
File renamed in the working tree can be detected.

Rename Detection

Files renamed in the working tree (either missing and untracked, or removed and added) can be detected. The Changes view shows the file names and the file content from the correct file (Index and HEAD).

Repository Settings

The dialog has been reworked for easier display and editing of the effective Git config values. A new option for what to do when pushing submodules has been added.

The reworked repository settings dialog.
If a command fails, a dialog is shown. A tiny popup notifies about a succeeded command.

Output Popup

To not waste more screen space than necessary, you now have the option of hiding the Output view and still being notified about the command success or failure.

If a command fails or produces some warning messages, you will see the exact invoked commands and their output in a dialog, easily disposable with ESC.

In case the command succeeded or you have opted for not seeing certain warning messages you may see instead an automatically-hiding notification. Certain commands, e.g. Stage, will not show any dialog at all. To see the full output again, use Window | Output.

More Ref-Sorting Options

Usually, tags or branch names with a higher number are more important than those with a lower number. Hence, a new sorting mode has been added to take account of that.

Branches and tags can be sorted by name, numbers reversed.
The Add Tag dialog also supports searching for existing tags.

Easier Tagging

Creating a tag is easier by taking the name of an existing tag and changing it slightly, but searching in long tag lists is not necessary and more because of the Ctrl+Space completion popup.

Journal: Show More Commits

There are now 2 ways to show more commits.

Temporarily show more commits in Journal.
Click the collapsed commits.
Some toolbar buttons got popup menus (click and hold) for alternatives.

Quicker Access to Commands

A few toolbar buttons got (click and hold) popup menus for quicker access to certain commands, e.g. a quick way to fetch commits without a confirmation dialog.

The new combined Log toolbar button opens the repository log, and has a popup to show the log for the selected item. The old Log (Selection) toolbar button always working on the selection also is still available.

The combined Log toolbar button for opening the repository's or selection's log.
In the Log it is possible to start external tools on working tree files.

Log: File Tools

In the Log you now can start external tools that operate on the working tree files.

Log: Improved Drag and Drop

When dragging commits or refs in the log window, the occurring dialog has been replaced by a popup menu so you have quicker access to the options.

Dragging commits or refs in the log now shows a popup menu instead of a dialog.

Other Features

Conflict Solver

The Conflict Solver is a built-in 3-way-merge tool that helps you to resolve conflicts.

For better understanding the independent changes in complex conflicts you can show the base-file-changes, too.

Conflict Solver Base File
The Journal is a log-like view with the focus on the current and one auxiliary branch.

Journal - Distraction-free Log

The "Journal" view shows the commits of the current branch, its tracked branch and one optional auxiliary branch.

It helps focussing on the work with the current branch without being distracted by unrelated commits or less important commit connections. Most branch-related commands, like Merge, Cherry-Pick and Reset, work for the Journal.

For a broader view of the repository's history, the full-featured Log still is available.


SmartGit supports an issue tracker ID to URL conversion configurable similar to SVN's bugtraq:* properties. More information you can find at github.com/mstrap/bugtraq.

SmartGit supports issue-tracker link conversion.
Select JIRA issues to use their subject as commit message, and mark issues as resolved on push.

JIRA Integration

When committing files, you may select open issues from Atlassian's JIRA and use it as commit message.

When pushing commits, SmartGit will determine affected commits and offer to resolve them for a certain version in JIRA.

Spell Checker for Commit Messages

SmartGit ships with an US-English dictionary, but you can configure different dictionaries to be used. SmartGit supports the same dictionary file format as OpenOffice or LibreOffice. If multiple dictionaries are configured, the best matching one will be used automatically.

The spell-checker can use dictionary files that, e.g., are used by OpenOffice or LibreOffice.
For Git repositories with Gerrit remote, it became easier to push a branch to Gerrit.

Push to Gerrit

Push To Gerrit provides a quick way to push your current branch <branch> to refs/for/<branch> on your Gerrit server. This operation will only be available if SmartGit has detected that one of your remotes is actually connected to Gerrit.

BitBucket and Atlassian Stash

BitBucket and Atlassian Stash are now supported with pull requests and comments, similar to GitHub.

GitLab - another hosting provider.

GitLab Hosting Provider

Easily clone your GitLab repositories. You may use your gitlab.com account or your private GitLab installation.

Support for Git-LFS

The status of GIT-LFS-managed files is showing up.

Processing of GIT-LFS-managed files
External tools can also work on refs or commits.

External Tools

External Tools can be configured to work on commits. Such tools will be available, both in the Branches view and in the Log Graph. There are new variables available to ask for a file or directory name and a customizable confirmation dialog can be optionally displayed before invoking a tool.

Stash on Demand

If pulling or checking out a branch fails because of local modifications, the changes can be stashed away easily and applied again after the successful command execution.

Stash on demand help performing commands with local changes.